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Wed May 8th, 2024 @ 11:22pm

Lieutenant JG Rhee Xiviu

Name Rhee Xiviu

Position Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 115lbs
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Rhee is a slender woman of average height, with dark hair and black eyes. She is athletic, which comes from her interest of mountain climbing. She usually braids her hair back, which is fairly long. She has a tattoo on her neck from when she was a student, the emblem of the climbing club, but often disguises it either with makeup or her hair.


Father Laured Xiviu
Mother Xeia Xiviu
Brother(s) Lieutenant Commander Octavi Xividu (older brother, Counselor, USS Narvik)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rhee’s an introvert born into the world of extraverts, surrounded by people who could see her thoughts and feel her emotions. As a result she is very private about how she feels and what is going on in her head. She’s socially awkward, her Betazoid tendency of being blunt often battling against her lack of wanting to get involved. Some people can find her rude or cold. She can get very impatient if someone questions her expertise, because she knows she has many weaknesses, but she knows how ships work.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Ship system knowledge, programming, physical fit, hard-working, inventive and solution driven.
Weaknesses: Impatient, uncomfortable around new people and can come across as cold.
Ambitions Rhee wants to programme new starships, but is aware that it is a rare position that may not happen to her.
Hobbies & Interests Rhee is an avid mountain climber and often practices on the holodeck. She also has a programming interest, often found coding some new environment.

Personal History Rhee was born as the second child of Laured and Xeia, two teachers on Betazed. She had a brother that was a couple of years older and found herself even from a young age being compared to the older and calmer child. Even from a young age Rhee liked programming, preferring it over art and music, both things her brother excelled in. Her mother became increasingly frustrated about her daughter not wanting to do dancing, something Xeia loved, and instead spend time with technology.

At school, Rhee would get in trouble for taking being a team player and for upsetting the other students by her obvious disinterest in them. She was taken for evaluation, but it was found that she just didn’t want to be friends with the other children and instead focus on what interested her. She also liked the quiet around her rather than other people’s emotions and thoughts around her. Her bluntness, a classic Betazoid trait, became somewhat of a hinderance even if people would have known within seconds she was lying if she said she wanted to spend time with them. But with nothing wrong with her, she ended up finally being left alone. Her mother didn’t hide her disappointment in her at every opportunity she had but Rhee truthfully didn’t care. Her father, a bit more reluctant to write his daughter off, decided to indulge in her passion and signed her up for extra lessons in programming.

Rhee went to Earth to study when she was 16, at her own request. There she was able to be a bit more alone, with no telepaths and empaths to bother her. It was also easier to shield herself against humans, or more that what she picked up from them were just surface emotions. She much preferred it and even made a few friends now that society wasn’t pressurising her to act a certain way anymore. She never volunteered what she was unless someone asked her, enjoying being mistaken for a human more often than not. It was on Earth she discovered mountain climbing, finding it a great physical outlet for energy, as well as a focus for her mind.

When she was 18 and finished school, Rhee decided that she didn’t want to go back to Betazed. Her mother insisted though, so rather than going home Rhee applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted. She excelled on programming, showing a knack for software development and the natural route to go was Operations. Most of her instructors were surprised when the Betazoid didn’t do well on the tests aimed towards Counsellors. While she had empathy, knowing what people felt, half the time she shielded herself against it and the other half of the time she admitted she didn’t care about people’s problems, only about the work and getting done what she wanted to do. She did care about the friends she made and their emotions and thoughts, but she never saw herself as someone who could fix other people’s emotional and psychological problems just because she was Betazoid. In fact, people’s emotional traumas made her nervous and anxious.

She graduated the Academy and spent the ensuing war on the USS Karakum, a Miranda class. Rhee qualified as a bridge officer during this time, more because she had to rather than any desire to. During one battle, the main computer had to be reset and the restart got corrupted. Rhee and the other Operations officers reprogrammed it using an old backup, to get the weapons back on, and she clocked the best time she had ever done for a reprogramming and overriding of a system in her career.

After the war ended, she was approached about Project Concord and accepted the position, the idea of travelling so far away oddly appealing to her.
Service Record 2365-2369 Starfleet Academy, Operations
2369-2375 USS Karakum, Operations
2375-Present USS Concord, Operations