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Wed May 8th, 2024 @ 11:22pm

Crewman Avery Hawthorne

Name Avery Hawthorne

Position Yeoman

Rank Crewman

Character Information

Gender Agendered/Non-Binary
Species Human
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 130 Ibs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description AH2.jpg


Father James Hawthorne
Mother Amelia Hawthorne
Brother(s) Frederick Hawthorne, 3 years younger

Personality & Traits

General Overview Avery is a warm person with a generous and considerate spirit. They have a dry sense of humour and enjoys spending time with close friends. They still have a passion for music and spends a lot of their downtime either playing or listening. Avery can feel awkward and out of place at times, tending to become quiet and introverted when it happens. This can make Avery seem nervous or shy sometimes, but they are quietly capable and intelligent. As an Agendered person, their style and demeanour often leans more towards androgyny, and being pansexual makes them less focussed on gender when considering other people too.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths – organisational skills, attention to detail, photographic memory, empathetic, languages and literature

Weaknesses – finds large groups of people overwhelming, sensory aversions, finds change to routine harder to adapt to, can overwork themself
Hobbies & Interests Music; plays the piano and cello to professional standard, reading literature, sailing, swimming, learning new languages; can speak fluent standard, Italian, Japanese, Vulcan & Cardassian, understands some and speaks broken Romulan and Klingon.

Personal History Avery (they/them/their) was born, and grew up, on the southern coast of England, Earth. Their father, James, was from ‘old money’ and thrived on his work in politics. Their mother, Amelia, was a Starfleet officer, so was often absent in Avery’s young life.

Avery seemed to be a content child and adored being by the sea, but it became apparent that they were also special. By the time Avery was 7, they were found to be a child with autism, although they did not have as many affected behaviours as many others did. Avery was found to be very bright, with near perfect recall, and a passion and talent for music and languages, but struggled with sensory aversion, needing order and routine and intense interests.

Having a younger brother actually helped Avery with the things they struggled with though, and they grew into a good all rounder at school, excelling in music, literature and languages. As Avery became a teenager, they found relationships and friendships overwhelming at times, but enjoyed sharing life and their interests with the people they loved. It was during this time that Avery’s mother transferred to work as an instructor at the Academy to be able to live at home with the family, and it bonded the family ties further.

Avery went to college to pursue music, and after a year their skilled performances allowed them to attend a conservatory a year earlier than usual to take a degree in music. The plan was to pursue music professionally, but as Avery graduated, the Dominion War was raging on the other side of the galaxy.

Avery had never given Starfleet any serious consideration, but with their father embroiled in the political ramifications of the war, and their mother called back to active service on a ship out on the frontlines, they felt morally obligated to join Starfleet to help the fight against tyranny. With officer training being so competitive, even in wartime, Avery enlisted, wanting to be out as soon as possible. With meticulous attention to detail, photographic memory and high organisational skills, Avery was selected to become a Yeoman, but by the time they completed their training, the war had ended.

Avery decided to continue in the fleet to be part of the post-war rebuilding and recovery efforts and their first assignment was to the USS Concord as Yeoman to the Captain.
Service Record 2374-2375 – Starfleet Academy, Enlisted Training
2375 – USS Concord, Yeoman