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Make. It. Work.

Posted on Thu Oct 5th, 2023 @ 12:01pm by Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant JG Kahlin

1,613 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Pre-Launch


The Engineer frowned as she walked, scanning the wall all the way to the security office. Really, Operations should be looking into this, but she had started out of boredom so here she was. An errant replicator biogel pack. Nothing special, just one of those brand new and exciting things that got implemented on ships. The Concord was no different, despite the mission ahead. Sighing, Kahlin entered, knowing there would be people there. Someone was always in security, same as sick bay or engineering. Or bridge. She looked at the human female, studying her. "You've got a malfunctioning biogel pack in your replicator. I'm here to fix it," she said, because she was used to being that direct about her job.

"You're in the nick of time, we were about to get a riot down here without coffee," Nixie Wilde pushed herself up, motioning to the replicator as she strolled over. "It started spitting out all sorts of monstrosities earlier. Now it won't give us anything at all."

Kahlin gave a gruff laugh at that, raising an eyebrow before she walked over to it. "I heard. It's why you have me, not some sorry-looking ensign from Operations. You're important."

"Of course I am, I'm the one who's going to control the contraband..." Nixie jerked her head to the replicator, sighing as she pushed her hands into her pockets. "Anything you can do?"

"I can do most things," Kahlin said before she opened the panel of the replicator terminal. She stared at it before she looked over at Nixie. "What was it making for you before it went dead? Food, or other materials?" Because if it was food, it could be an issue with the voice processor, but if it was other things it might be the replicator distribution net.

"Just coffee..." Nix shrugged irritably before leaning close to the replicator, raising her voice and talking deliberately slowly into the vacant space where caffeine should be appearing, as if the replicator could hear and understand her. "Flat white with one sugar, hot...!" she tutted when nothing appeared.

Kahlin grunted before she took out her tools. "I'll run a diagnostic. My guess, because it was working but wrong and then stopped working, it'll be the interface. I hope so anyway, because I don't want to go down to figure out where the replication distribution net has fallen down. You're the first to report an issue."

Nixie blinked with surprise as she stepped back to give her space to work, folding her arms tightly. "Guess I'm the only caffeine addict around then," she chuckled lightly.

"Or efficient. Or you didn't shout loud enough at this...thing..." Kahlin said and sat back, scratching her neck for a moment. She suddenly swore, in Klingon, and hit the tricorder. "Computer, re-run diagnosis. Now." She sighed and looked up at the other woman. "It tells me nothing is wrong. There is something wrong."

"Well, I told you that," Nixie replied, but there was a small, teasing smile threatening at the corner of her lips. "Was that Klingon? Do you think it only speaks Klingon?"

"If it did, I'd be fine," Kahlin said before she moved to feel inside. She reached and pulled, hard, pulling out a part. "And yes, it was's my native tongue." She looked up at Nixie, almost a challenge for her to laugh or say something about that. She had heard plenty of snarky remarks about a human speaking Klingon.

"Native?" Nixie showed more surprise than anything else, leaning her shoulder up against the bulkhead to watch what she was doing, a hand in her pocket and her ankles crossed.

"Was raised on Qo'nos," Kahlin said and shifted, pressing close to the replicator as she reached in, working. If she was right, this would make it replicate what she wanted. If she was wrong, it would replicate something inedible. Like underwear.

Nixie lifted her chin, watching her with admiration as she shifted against the wall. "Did you learn to fight like them?" she asked with open curiosity.

"What they could teach me, yes," Kahlin said with a small nod, grimacing as she pulled firmly on it, the sharp edge cutting into her hand but she ignored it. And smiled when it clicked into place.

"I'm not sure you're...meant" Nixie slowed down as she spoke, clearing her throat as she motioned to her hand. "Hang on..." she moved to grab the medkit, opening it up on the desk.

Kahlin put her hand to her mouth, sucking on the cut as she looked at her before she smiled as she pulled her hand back. "Difficult to reach in there and I couldn't be bothered to open it up more. I'm fine, it's not deep." But even as she said it she got up and walked to the desk.

"Come here," Nixie tutted, taking a hold of her hand to take a look. She carefully cleaned it up, glancing to look at her with a small smile. "Is that the Klingon way?" there was just a touch of teasing to her tone, just a touch.

"No, the Klingon way would involve a bat'leth and possibly an airlock," Kahlin said as she looked at her, with a small chuckle. "But I am not Klingon, despite the upbringing. Also, if I report this as a malfunctioning replicator, I'll get told I am wrong as it is all new. They just don't say that we have so many damaged ships being stripped, all the non-essential things has been cannibalised from other ships."

"Ah..." Nixie nodded with understanding as she reached for the regenerator. That made sense, she should have realised it. "Well, hopefully you can make it work, or I'm swapping it in the middle of the night with one from Engineering..."

"I'll reboot it and we'll see. If it doesn't work, I'll get it replaced. We need everything working," Kahlin said before she studied her face, taking in her features. "Before we go."

"Hm," Nixie mused softly at the implication of her words. Before they quite literally headed out into the unknown. "You're right, of course," she nodded, finishing with her hand as she nodded, jest gone, clearly meaning it.

Kahlin met her eyes before she smiled, flexing the hand. "You do good work," she said, before her dark eyes met Nixie's. "For a human," she added, purposefully deepening her voice before she winked and pulled back, moving to the replicator and rebooting it. "Computer, Bahgol, warm," she watched as the bowl materialised. "Well, it looks right..."

Nixie leant in to take a look for herself, her nose wrinkling slightly at the aroma that came from it. "Well I'll take your word on that one..."

Kahlin smiled and took the bowl, bringing it to her mouth and tasting it. She nodded and put the bowl to be processed back. "Just like mother makes it..." she said playfully. "Key is not to breathe in as you take the first mouthful. Like...Durian." She referenced the Earth fruit because Nixie looked human to her.

" could just drink something that tastes good?" Nix suggested, but there was a gleam of humour in her eyes and her lips pulled at the corner, showing no mean spirit.

Kahlin laughed, her eyes suddenly shining with a warmth that seemed at odds with her usual grumpier demeanour. "Now what is the fun in that? Besides, to me, it's cocoa. Childhood memories."

"Hm, I think I'll stick to taking your word for it," Nix gave a playfully doubtful grimace, motioning to the replicator with a casual hand. "Is it safe to get my coffee now? I might start biting people's heads off if I don't get my fix."

"Try it," Kahlin encouraged, starting to pack up the tools. "And let me know if you're happy with it. If not, I'll just kick it."

"Good to see that's a universal solution..." Nix chuckled softly as she turned to the replicator. For a moment, she just looked at it, hands resting on her hips, as if she were regarding it with suspicion. "Coffee, black, hot." She waited for the swirl to come to an end before picking up the glass cup, sniffing cautiously before sipping carefully. "Well...I'm not dead..."

"Most poisons take longer. Give it five minutes," Kahlin said, with a serious face, before she suddenly laughed, unable to stop it. "You will live, Wilde. Might get indigestion, but you will live."

"Indigestion? A fate worse than death..." Nixie teased, shaking her head as she moved to sit back against the edge of a desk. "You're a hero, Kahlin, don't let anyone tell you any different."

Kahlin laughed at that, raising an eyebrow in response. "I am sure they will sing tales of how I defeated the non-working replicator..." she said playfully, but with an easy smile. "I am surprised you were this patient. At home, I am sure by now at least one warrior would be unconscious."

"I mean, it's still first impressions time, I don't want to immediately lose my job. Once we're out there, they don't have a choice," Nixie winked to her with a small smile, shaking her head as she wrapped her hands around the hot cup with appreciation.

"Hm," Kahlin considered it before she smiled, relaxing. "I look forward to seeing more of the real you then, once we are out there."

"Just hope the coffee doesn't run out..." Nixie chuckled, shaking her head as she caught a hold of her padd to get back to work.


Lt. JG Kahlin

Lt. Nixie Wilde
Chief of Security & Tactical


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