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Doctor's In

Posted on Mon Sep 11th, 2023 @ 3:35am by Lieutenant JG Gulati & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

1,478 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord

Lieutenant Roan Gaeta was half-asleep when the shuttle was cleared for docking, the communication between the pilot and the CONN officer somewhat muted. He didn't mind that at all, he decided, as he kept his eyes closed. Not everything was for his ears and frankly, he had felt the need to get some rest after the night before. One good thing about leaving somewhere was that there was always some sort of party thrown, an excuse for people to let loose. He had drunk too much at that time, but as a doctor he happened to know the best way of getting rid of a handover. So, despite the exploits, and because of modern technology, he was sober and clean.

The sound of the shuttle, the feel of the bulkhead when he shifted his head to rest against it, it all felt somewhat comforting. Familiar, the way that it felt when you returned once more to shores you'd left. Even so, he allowed himself to yawn and moved a hand to rub his eyes as the sounds shifted a little bit. Over the years, he had gotten used to transports. Shuttles and ships, the same difference. A protective cage keeping everyone in, so that what was outside wouldn't rip them to shreds. He could respect that.

When the shuttle landed he reached for the bottle of water that was tied to the large bag he had and opened it, drinking it slowly before he put it back. He shook the last of sleep from himself as he picked the bag up, waiting for the doors to open before stepping out of the shuttle. His feet landed heavily on the deck with the weight of his bag and he looked around, taking in what was happening around him with quick eyes before he saw a Benzite female, an officer, who didn't look out of place as much as too clean to be the deck Chief or an Engineer come to mutter threats. Roan smiled to her, a warm and wide smile...the sort of smile he did a lot when meeting new people because no one expected friendliness so quickly. "Hello...?"

"Pleasant salutations to you as well, Doctor," the Benzite woman said welcoming the man with a breath of the vapor. She had been waiting for the shuttle to arrive, but the physicians appearance was a bit different than what she had anticipated. "I'm Lieutenant Gulati, mission specialist assigned to the Concord."

She was pleased to know more of the department heads were arriving. "Doctor, your Sickbay has been fully stocked. I am optimistic that it will be to your approval, but if you need anything, please let me know" added Gulati. She was not a logistics officer or supply chief, but she had been successful at making strong connections.

Your Sickbay had to be the finest words that Roan had heard in years. He met her eyes and gave a quick nod, taking a slow but deep breath. "I am sure you've made sure it is all as it should be," he said, but his mind was suddenly over to something else. Mission specialist. Now that was something, because he had been told precious little about what was going on except it had risks and...well, that was sort of it. Risks. "Mission that is interesting, I find myself in need of more knowledge."

The Benzite nodded "I have ensure that is is all as it should be, Doctor, but I understand physicians are much like engineers and scientist in that should and could are not synchronous" explained Lieutenant Gulati. "I imagine you have more of a vision of what your Sickbay will be, and I am happy to help facilitate that in any way that I can. What knowledge is it that you need more of?"

"In general, the people here," he said as he watched her, putting the bag over his shoulder. Truth was, he had a vague idea of what it was about. Deep space. Sure, he could have paid more attention and figured out what this mission was about but they had him at and you can be CMO. So he hadn't asked questions. Just said yes. "As for the sickbay, I'm not...much of a man of vision. What we got we got, what we need we figure out."

Nodding, Lieutenant Gulati made a mental note of that. "I haven't met a lot of the Senior Staff yet. I have met the Captain, and he seems very confident and experienced. Given our voyage is to ideally take us into the Delta Quadrant, that confidence is necessary. I would recommend being ready to figure things out beforehand" noted the Benzite.

It was safe to say that the lieutenant was a bit of a planner. "I hope for the best and plan for the worse" stated Gulati. "Granted the worse case is why I have a recording planned to send to my family should I not see them again."

"Hm..." he nodded as he watched her, taking a deeper breath. "I don't have that problem. No family to not see again," he admitted before he smiled to her. "As much as I'd like to see sickbay, could you take me to my quarters so I can dump this?"

"Yes," replied the Benzite with a brief smile. "I'll just have to consult the computer for a moment. I'm not exactly the Quartermaster, but seeing as how I have been the glue keeping this place together until the rest of you have arrived, let's get you settled into your quarters."

"I appreciate it," Roan said, meaning it as he watched her. "And I appreciate the welcome as well. I didn't expect it, but it's nice to be made to feel welcome somewhere. Usually, doctors are smuggled in, just in case officers break down in tears at the idea of being told they can't play Klingons on the holodeck..."

Lieutenant Gulati shook her head. "No necessary to smuggle you in, Doctor. You are not someone the crew should avoid. Without a physician, we would have more fatalities." The Benzite held a PaDD close to her chest. "Right. Now, off to get you settled in."

"You say that now," he said, dramatically, as he followed her. "But just you wait until I start requesting everyone for a medical. Then as if by magic, everyone will become forgetful or so busy they have no time for it. I once had to corner a Commander in a turbolift...I refused to let him out until I had at least scanned him."

The lieutenant listened to the Doctor as she proceeded to lead him into the corridor and towards the turbolift. "Doctor, if you are looking for a willing patient, I would be happy to subject myself to an examination. I don't imagine you see too many Benzites as patients."

"You're not wrong, Benzites willing to sit down with me are few and far between," he said, a smile of excitement coming to him. "Your adaptability through technology is remarkable. I wouldn't have chosen to set my mark in a non-breathable atmosphere...but your people are part of the backbone of Starfleet. I personally think the two opposable thumbs on one hand would be brilliant."

"I suppose one could day it all comes in handy," teased the Benzite. "Being able to breath in some environments that Humans cannot at least could make me useful going into some inhospitable situations like certain breaches."

"It's a big plus," he said, meaning it as he walked with her. "Means the chances of someone surviving goes up, if we all have our different evolutionary pluses." It was how he felt anyway. And it was all about increasing the chances of someone surviving.

Gulati smiled. "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations as the Vulcans would say" stated the Benzite. As the turbo lift journeyed and came to a stop, the Benzite proceeded to lead the Doctor to his quarters. "I like improving survivability."

He nodded as he looked at her, for a moment, with appreciation. "Looks like we are on the same page, Lieutenant Gulati," he said, meaning it. And it was a relief. "I appreciate the welcome, and your honesty."

Lieutenant Gulati gestured towards a door. "Your quarters, Doctor. I will leave you to get acquainted with them and of course customize them to your unique tastes" the Benzite added. "If you need anything, I'm just a comm tap away."

"Thank you," Roan said, meaning it before he nodded. "And I will see you in sickbay soon. For your check up, nothing more, promise." Because he didn't want her to think he wished ill upon her.

Gulati nodded. "I'll see you in Sickbay, Doctor." The Benzite then left the physician to get better acquainted with their quarters.


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