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I found something

Posted on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 2:25pm by Crewman Vakra Kor & Lieutenant T'Schuun Schoor

902 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Brig

Vakra came back to check the brig and to his surprise, a small child laying on his dog. "Computer. Please identify the child on Ga'thor." There was a padd next to the child. Obviously, she had been reading.

The Computer answered, "Ariadne Schoor. Daughter of Lieutenant T'schuun Schoor."

Vakra tapped his comm, "Vakra to T'schuun. Please come to the Brig. I believe I have something that belongs to you."

T'Schuun let out a sigh, clearly audible over the channel. "Crewman, is this a red alert type situation? I have to make sure engines and helm controls are operational, and I'm about to have a runabout go out and scout where we are... Can this wait at all?"

Vakra answered, "I'm a Corrections Specialist, so I can babysit. I just found a Vulcanoid child asleep in my Brig. She is safe. I promise"

"Oh for T'Pau's sake... I'll be right there... Ensign Vos, get Stevens or someone else to prep that runabout... You're `taking..." She closed the channel, though not before running feet could be heard.

Vakra grinned. When she got there, he held his finger to his lips. He walked her over to the cell and pointed. The child was asleep on a Jackal Mastiff. "I came down from the Armory and found her. It looks like she fell asleep reading."

T'Schuun looked down at the child with fondness. "She must have gone looking for me... Do you have a holocam handy?"

Vakra nodded, "Cells are always recording. We can take a still or a segment easily." He used the control panel and took stills. He recorded both Current and back when she was reading to the Dog. Then he sent them to her T'schuun. "Should be on your terminal."

T'Schuun gave her daughter a soft smile. "Thank you, Crewman... You're right--this was important... I'll get her." She went over to the small girl and leant down. "Sweetie, its Mommy. Were you looking for me?"

The child sleepily looked up. "Mommy, a Klington."

"Klingon, sweetie... He's a very nice person... What have you been reading?" She took the PADD. "Oh, Charlotte's Web--Mama read that to me when she was pregnant with you... How'd you get it on this, though?" She picked her daughter up. "Come on, I'll get you back to our quarters, but I'll be there as soon as I possibly can."

Gr'thor got up and circled T'schuun, he wasn't aggressive just making sure the baby was safe. Vakra spoke, "Gr'thor to me. The tiny Vulcanoid is fine. That's her mother. I promise you, she is safe." The Jackal Mastiff came and sat down next to Vakra. "Did you make a friend, Gr'thor?" The dog made a happy noise. "She has to sleep in her room. You have to do patrols with me." The dog made a groan noise. "Big tough, Security Dog." He looked at the child, "Hello, Tiny Vulcanoid. I am Vakra of House Kor. This over protective Jackal Mastiff is Gr'thor. I read an excerpt about Some Pig in my Intro to Terran Studies Course before I went to bootcamp." Vakra wasn't an Officer, so he went to bootcamp instead of the Academy. He was referencing what Charlotte wrote in her web. His skin was white and he was bald. He wore the Klingon Warrior Sash over his Uniform.

The child looked at him quizically. "I'm Ari... Why don't you have hair? And Mommy?" She looked up at her mother's face, so similar to her own, "Why is his skin all like snow? I thought Klingtons were dark?"

T'Schuun smiled at her. "He's just lost hair, sweetie. Happens. Sometimes skin is like that, but he's fine..." She turned to Kor, then said something. "My thanks, Son of House Kor. Are we friends in the Terran sense?" She switched back to Standard. "My Klingon's a bit rusty--I hope I got it right."

Gr'thor waz being protective of Ari and T'schuun. "Gr'thor has decided we will become friends. Your pronunciation was a mix between dialects, but I understood. Better than most Vulcans think they are. Your humility in asking makes me believe you are honorable and strong enough to be my friend." Then he looked at Ari, "I was born like this and I shave my head. A long time ago, we had several skin colors. White was still rare. Brown or bronze was most common. Black and Purple were other colors too."

The child simply looked back at him with wide eyes. T'Schuun smiled at him. "I always knew Klingons had a softer side... Thank you for finding her. I'd best get out of your way--goodness knows when Security will be called upon to stop something invading the ship." She looked out a small viewport at the nebula they were hiding in. "We're in the depths of space, but I am sure we are up to the challenge."

"Klingons are very protective over the young. We show it differently than others. We tend to show our protective nature by preparing them for excessively harsh reality. Good night, young Oid, sleep well." Gr'Thor followed them all the way back to their quarters and then came back. Vakra had to use a padd to tell the turbo lift to come to his deck. He wondered aloud, "I wonder if I could write a sub routine that would tell the turbo lift to automatically come to whatever deck I'm on."


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