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He found something

Posted on Sun Feb 25th, 2024 @ 9:31pm by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant JG Freya Walker & Crewman Vakra Kor & Gr'Thor

575 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 1 | Bridge | USS Concord

Things had gone all wrong, but that didn’t let Tullos stop him from doing his duty. Like most of the crew he had been pulling double shifts at the very least for about four days already. Everyone was in a mad dash to get as ms h repairs done as quickly as possible. There were a few of them working the the same area and Tullos was pretty hard to miss, he was the only blue skinned, Bolian in this section of the ship.

Vakra was rebuilding a security forcefield emitter. His official post was the brig, but he was pulling double duty securing this floor and rebuilding the emitter.

Gr'Thor was sniffing around Tullos and used his head to nudge his tool kit closer to him. Then he sat down. Then he got up sniffing the floor again. He followed his nose to a collapsed section of the corridor. He smelled someone alive and started barking. It was a loud echoing bark.

“What’s?” Tullos looked over at Gr’Thor and back at a few of the other officers who were coming to see what the noise was. Barking wasn’t something that was a common noise in this day and age.

Gr'Thor pawed at collapsed section.

Vakra got up from his installation. "Tullos, give me a hand. He is signalling that he found a person alive." He started pulling stuff from the pile.

It didn’t take long for Tullos to be up and helping move debris. “Someone is underneath this stuff?”

Vakra nodded, "Something alive down there." He moved more stuff. "He is an overtrained dog. I got a foot." Tapping his comm, "Sickbay prepare for emergency beam out." He lifted another piece. There was a face and shoulder. The person's commbadge was damaged.

“Well that over trained dog” he smiled at Gr’Thor “hopefully just saved the life, so I’m glad he’s here” the Ensign said proudly.

Gr'Thor wagged his tail so hard it shook his entire butt.

Vakra put his commbadge on the person. "Bridge Beam the person on my comm badge to Sickbay." The person was beamed to Sickbay. In a moment, the comm badge was beamed back, as soon as Sickbay removed it from him. He put it back on. "Good Boy, Gr'Thor. Sit.". As soon as the dog sat, Vakra gave him a treat.

“That was rather impressive” Tullos said with a smile to him this was a win and he hoped the officer they found is alright.

Vakra nodded, "We have a lot of work to finish down here."

“I agree” Tullos gave a nod “but still very impressive.” The Bolian man said as he started back toward what he had been working on before.

Vakra mounted a projector, "Overtrained is an important aspect. I am trained in every Security Department. I'm just a Crewman. My father and the leader of my house would not write an academy recommendation letter. Overtrained gives me the opportunity for my Department heads to know my name. One day, I'm going to earn my status as an officer. I will walk into my father's house as an officer."

“I have faith in you Vakra” was how Tullos showed his support.

Vakra grinned, "The Captain and Commander like my dog more than me. He will get promoted before me."

“I doubt that” Tullos smiled and looked back at his fellow crew mate.

Vakra let out a Klingon Laugh.


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