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Walking in your old boots

Posted on Thu Mar 28th, 2024 @ 11:16am by Captain Tyler Driskill

642 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: USS Concord

Captain Driskill had been in the jefferies tube for the last three hours and he had to admit it wasn’t something he had done in a while. They were working trying to get just a little more range to the sensors while in the nebula. So far it wasn’t looking good but Driskill would continue to try if there was a chance.

After crawling through dozens of jefferies tubes Captain Driskill was headed for the exit and back to the bridge. Tyler would probably never admit it but his knees were rather sore and he wasn’t sure how well he was going to stand up. He exited to the rear of the bridge and when he slid out and attempted to stand the Captain did pretty well. Well he enough he thought no one noticed his knees almost buckle.

The Captain went over to one of the science consoles that was flickering and not properly relating the sensor data fast enough or at least as quickly as they should. The Captain pressed a few buttons on the console and it flickered again. Tyler tried another trick he knew and the co some at least lit up and had co to you’d power. “Computer run a level three self diagnostic on this console.

The computer made the typical chirp and gave the reply “diagnostic in one hour thirty seconds.”

Driskill made a mental note and continued to work on the science station. Attempting to boost sensor range. Maybe he needed to boost power or an adjustment to the bandwidth. However Captain Driskill fixing want to mess with the sensors to much until the diagnostic on the station was done.

Tyler had decided to take a thirty minuet nap after a quick bite. However that nap turned into a much needed three hour nap. Captain Driskill opened his eyes slightly and then fully. He felt relaxed and almost went back to sleep but sat up instead “computer time?”

“Oh four hundred hours” came the reply from the computer.

Tyler slowly sat up and put his feet on the ground. He sat there for a moment, wanting more sleep. He knew everyone wanted more sleep and blinked a few times before stretching. Up and to the replicator he yawned and ordered “coffee, strong sweet and two egg white, spinach, feta wraps.”

The computer acknowledged Tyler’s orders and with in just a few seconds his order appeared.

The Captain went back to his desk and had a few sips of his coffee. Grabbing a PaDD and his wrap he needed something to eat before getting back to repairs on the bridge. Since they had entered the delta quadrant shit had hit the fan . Captain Driskill was honestly glad they hadn’t been found, especially by any hostile forces.

Sipping on his coffee and enjoying his breakfast as quickly as possible. Tyler read over a few of the supply reports. Luckily there wasn’t but about six percent loss of cargo. Which was great when you had mouths to feed and you were very far away from a star base for resupply or refit. “Stay positive” Tyler said just to himself in the ready room.

The power nap and breakfast made Tyler feel rather refreshed. He recycled his dishes before making his way to the exit of his ready room. The Captain adjusted his red uniform took a deep breath and let it out before stepping onto the bridge. Tyler noticed his diagnostic was complete as well. There was a short in one of the smaller power replays that would have taken him about an hour to fix if he hadn’t fallen asleep, which he felt guilty about. The console did get fixed by a curious Operations Officer who fixed the problem and moved on to her next task.


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