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Welcome aboard: Lieutenant Wilde

Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 4:58am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde

733 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: USS Concord | Deck 1 | Captains Ready Room

Tyler enjoyed meeting his senior staff but he was also ready to get this mission underway. Next on his schedule a meeting with Lieutenant Nixie Wilde who would be his Chief of Security and Tactical. Also a member of the senior staff and someone Tyler would rely on. The Captain sat at his desk and sipped black coffee while he went over the Lieutenants service jacket and waited for their arrival.

After ringing the chime and waiting to be called in, Nixie entered the office. Her red hair was tied back and she wore a uniform. Even if it still felt a little odd and restrictive. "Captain Driskill?" she asked...and hoped she had been told right. Because using the wrong name wouldn't be a great start.

Sitting in his chair the Captain replied “that’s correct” there was a slight pause “Lieutenant” he was asking her name not stating her rank.

"Wilde," she filled in the leading question, moving properly into the office with a hand in her pocket. It was a habit from her days out on the frontier, when she'd worn a long over coat with her Rangers uniform, using a hand in her pocket to keep it hooked back and out of the way. "Lieutenant Nixie Wilde, Chief of Security and Tactical."

“Ahh yes Lieutenant Wilde” Tyler paused and sort of lifted up his PaDD “I was just looking over your” there was another pause and he made eye contact “impressive Starfleet record.”

"Ah..." Nixie nodded lightly at the words, because she never had been good at taking a compliment. "Well, from what I was told, it sounded like you might need someone used to dealing with the frontier."

“Aye in the Delta Quadrant with no backup, unless… until se find the USS Voyager” Tyler was trying to be positive.

Nixie nodded slightly at what was between the lines. Full details had not been divulged to her, but she'd been told the top line. Which was more than many other personnel on the ship. "When I realised they wanted to put me on another ship rather than back to the Rangers, I...wasn't happy," she admitted with a slight chuckle. "But when they told me the mission? don't get much further out on the frontier than that. I couldn't resist," she admitted.

“No…no you don’t” the Captain admitted “we will face the unknown to say the least.”

Nixie nodded with solemn understanding. Those people had been missing for so long, if they could bring them home, it was worth the risk. "If Voyager can make it, so can we," she said, and meant it as she gave a firm nod, a small smile returning.

“I agree” he smiled “we have what little data Voyager has sent so that’s an advantage and we are better armed.” The Concord had a superior armament including quantum torpedoes.

Nixie looked to him with surprise, swiftly followed by approval. She hadn't been made privy to any details, so the news they had any intel at all was sweet to the ear. "I'll get right on that," she assured with a firm nod. "I'll make sure I've sifted through it all by the time we launch."

“Very good, Lieutenant” Captain Driskill gave a nod “if there is nothing else on your end I’ll let you get to it.”

Nixie nodded with a small, grateful smile, slipping her hand back into her pocket as she headed for the door. Before she got close enough for it open though, she paused and turned back to him. "Will the rest of the crew be disclosed on the mission before we leave, or after?"

“Honestly” Captain Driskill made eye contact “I thought the crew had been briefed, but now I find out one of my senior staff wasn’t up to date.” Tyler shook his head in his disappointment with the brass “I’ll make sure they know.”

Nixie nodded gently, and with a touch of relief. At least they could be open about it in that case. "Well looking at the records of my staff, you have a crew that are well and truly up to the task."

“I agree” Captain Driskill smiled “some of Starfleet’s brightest and bravest.” It would take the best to pull of this mission and the Captain thought they had a damn good chance.


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