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Welcome home, Doc!

Posted on Tue Jul 25th, 2023 @ 12:21pm by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord

Doctor Roan Gaeta didn't run down the corridor, but his pace was set with the sort of insistence of a person who didn't waste time if it could be avoided. Most moved out of his way when he walked like that, or stalked, depending on how you viewed it. A few he moved out of the way of, without even a glance at them. Roan had that tread where his heel went down first, then the rest slowly followed before he pushed off. What it gave him was a very quiet step, perfect to sneak up on prey...or distracted Starfleet crewmen too. Not that he really noticed he was doing it, in fact he hadn't noticed it for years.

He turned the corner and stopped, realising he had reached his destination. Reporting for duty was one of the things you did as soon as you came onboard. Roan had allowed himself to get rid of his duffle bag, but that was it. He rang the chime and waited, a small smile coming to him. He knew who he was reporting to. Now if it was the same Driskill he had known before, it might be very interesting. If it wasn't, well...small universe and all that.

Captain Driskill looked up from a report he was writing. Admiral Alderman wanted as many details as he could get on the progress of the Concord but now for the task at hand. “Come in” Tyler called out and adjusted in his chair, sitting up straight with his hands folded on the desk in front of him.

Roan walked in, stopping when he saw him. The dark hair, the nose...the face, even with the beard was unmistakable Ty. "Well, if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it. Ty Driskill's grown a full beard..." he stepped forward, raising an eyebrow. And Driskill was still built like a warrior. "Lieutenant Roan Gaeta, reporting for duty."

Driskill stood from his desk a smile growing on his face as he extended his hand “welcome aboard, Lieutenant” the smile still on his face “my thing have changed since the Odin” he rubbed his facial hair and pointed toward the Doctors collar.

Roan chuckled, nodding as he took his hand, gripping it firmly. "Captain, of course. I suspect when you make Admiral you should grow it out further" he smiled as he let go of his hand. "Yes, a lot of things have changed since then." There had been a whole war in-between for starters.

Tyler shook his head “I’ll be glad when it’s over permanently” he took a sip of his coffee. “I can’t go honestly say if I’d rather be there fighting or here preparing for the very long journey ahead of us.”

"Well...I can safely say I don't know much except it is a deep space mission," Roan finally admitted, giving his Captain a smile that was as carefree as he felt in the moment. "I'm sure there were someone who'd tell me more, but I didn't ask. I just said yes to the posting."

“Deep space” Tyler chuckled slightly “brush up in what the USS Voyager has sent back about the Delta Quadrant” he paused and made eye contact with his Chief Medical Officer “at least when it comes to all things medical.” Tyler blinked a few times “I know there isn’t a whole hell of a lot but we have the most advanced sickbay Starfleet could give us and the emerging medical hologram mark two with additional holo-emitters in key areas of the ship like the bridge and engineering” at least those are the fleet two that popped into his head.

"We're going after her?" he asked, meeting Tyler's eyes for a long moment before he nodded, a slight frown coming to him. His mind was going through all he had just said. EMH, able to be in the bridge and engineering. A good backup if the entire medical team were dead. He then sighed. "That's going to be a lot of reading. I take it I got the clearance?"

“Aye” Tyler said still not sure how Lieutenant was feeling about going into the Delta Quadrant. “You have clearance” the Captain knew even he didn’t have access to everything when it came to Project Concord but he was sure the Doc had access to the medical files that had been sent by Janeway and her people.

Roan gave a firm nod at the words, already thinking ahead. "Should have gotten a xenobiologist with us, if we don't already. Could be useful, for the different people that we may encounter. It'll be arrogant to say that I am an expert on that," he said, meeting Tyler's eyes. "But this mission clearly needs a cowboy doctor..." the eyeroll was practically in his voice at that. Words spoken t him by many senior doctors. "And one who can be expendable. I heard about the holo emitters on the bridge and Engineering. Good for when your medical staff eats the ground."

“I can put in a request” Tyler replied while he was processing what his Doctor had just said and making a note about the xenobiologist. Looking up with a grin “oh I think we have just the Doctor for the job.”

"Are you sure?" Roan raised an eyebrow before he grinned, giving a shrug. "I'll do what I can to make sure everyone stays alive. Sane, I can't promise, you need a counselor for that."

“Appreciate that, Doctor” Tyler grinned.

"Speaking of, I'm going to need you in sickbay soon. For a baseline medical check up," Roan said, meaning it as he watched him. "Don't make me do to you what I did to Commander Halstrom..." which had been tracking him down, cornering him in a turbolift, do a medical override and then doing the scan there after the man had avoided his appointment for weeks. Good times in the past.

“Scout’s honor, I’ll be there” the Captain assured Doctor Gaeta.

"Hm..." Roan nodded, giving him a small smile in return. "Very well. Now, is there anything else I should know right now, or am I free to start torturing the crew?"

“Go get ‘em” Tyler smiled and stood up to dismiss the Doctor to duty.

"Yes, Captain," Roan said, giving him a firm nod before leaving. Strange, to be on a ship with Tyler again. A different ship, a different time. A different dynamic. But he was confident they would both find a balance. It might just take some time.


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