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Admiral Alderman checks in

Posted on Tue Jul 25th, 2023 @ 10:52am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant JG Gulati

877 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: USS Concord | Deck 2 | Ready room

Captain Driskill had just finished his tour of his newest assignment. Boy were the upgrades impressive not that the Nebula-class wasn’t already one of the Federations most impressive vessels. Letting out a yawn, Tyler check the time. “Only eighteen hundred hours” he said out loud even though there was no one present. He carried the PaDD with him to the replicator, reading as he walked through his ready room.

There was rarely, if ever, a moment of rest or relaxation with a Federation starship getting ready to head out on an exciting mission, especially one as important as the Concord's was. A communication's call to Captain Driskill had caused his communications badge to let out a quick series of chips.

"Captain," came the voice of Lieutenant Gulati, his mission specialist. "There's an Admiral aboard. I tried my best to delay him for you, but the transporter operator permitted the transport" prefaced Gulati. "Admiral Alderman" she added. It was not a lot of time to work with or for Captain Driskill to react.

Captain Driskill turned from the replicator with a cup of black coffee in one hand and his PaDD still in the other. “Admiral Alderman, sir” he offered a smile “care for a cup of coffee?” Tyler was trying to be polite as he was caught slightly off guard, he wasn’t expecting a visit from anyone let alone Admiral Alderman.

The Admiral had ready to engage the Captain in conversation though welcomed the coffee. "A cup would be nice," replied Admiral Alderman. "How are you settling in, Captain? You'll have to forgive the intrusion. I wanted to see this starship up close."

Handing the Admiral his beverage he smiled “she’s quite impressive, she” there was a brief pause “as for me you know I make myself at home easily.”

Accepting the mug, the Admiral sipped some of the coffee. "They had their work cut out for them gutting her and getting systems updated. It was one hell of an over haul they did. How are you feeling about your mission ahead? That isn't the sort of mission one takes lightly."

After a sip of his coffee, Tyler made eye contact with his superior “if I told you I wasn’t nervous… even slightly scared I’d be lying.”

"If you told me you weren't nervous or scared, Captain, I'd have you thoroughly evaluated by a Counselor," replied the Admiral. He shook his head. "I'd be nervous in your position too. Starfleet and the Federation have a lot into this starship and mission of yours." Admiral Alderman did not need to state the risks.

“Yes sir” Tyler admitted, he as fully aware that there were lives riding on their success and an entire crew at that. “You’d be a fool not to have reservations on this one” the Captain sipped his mug.

Admiral Alderman smiled and nodded. "Yes, arguably, you are on one of greatest and riskiest adventures that the Federation and Starfleet have dared to broach in quite sometime. I have been looking over the tentative manifest for the Concord, a lot of humans as usual, but still a diverse crew. A Benzite even?"

“Yes sir” Tyler replied “Lieutenant Gulati has been most helpful with her knowledge and insight” he was referring to the mentioned alien.

"Good," replied the Admiral. "If successful, you'll make it to the Delta Quadrant. Captain Janeway and her crew have encountered various species, but there's so much to the Quadrant uncharted."

“Yes many mysteries to unveil so to speak” Driskill gave a smile “ I only hope my skills on diplomacy are up to par” the Captain admittedly wasn’t the greatest diplomat.

Admiral Alderman chuckled "I know what you mean. It was never my strong suit either, but a good Captain knows when to step in and when to delegate. If you have a member of your senior staff, or your First Officer is more of the diplomat, I'd utilize them."

“Yes sir” Captain Driskill smiled “after all we are a team” he referred to the senior staff in this statement.

"A wise way to describe it, Captain." He looked around a bit. "This would have been a dream posting for me back in my glory days. I hope you fare well and that calm space is ahead."

“I certainly appreciate that, sir” Captain Driskill said sincerely. “I feel like we are being sent with a capable ship and crew” he had his reservations as well but had to keep a positive attitude even if just for his crew.

The Admiral raised his mug of coffee. "To a successful mission with a capable and skilled crew" he said toasting. "I look forward to your successful return from the Delta Quadrant with the USS Voyager and her crew."

Following the Admirals lead, Tyler raised his mug with a smile on his face “yes sir” was all the Captain said in return.

"I'll leave you to your work, Captain" Admiral Alderman said. "If you don't mind. I just want to walk the ship and admire it before you set off. This is going to be history making."

“By all means, sir” Captain Driskill smiled “I’ve got plenty of reports to do before I hit the sack.”


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