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Late on Arrival

Posted on Mon Jul 24th, 2023 @ 12:01pm by Commander Joseph Sledge

303 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: U.S.S. Concord
Tags: Captain Driskill

Joseph had run in to some difficulty reaching the shuttleport in his parents home town of Rochester New York. The public transport system had run in to a glitch that had them circling around several blocks in downtown Rochester before finally making it to the port. He had visited his parents graves before finally making his way to the port, wanting to talk to them one last time before he left.

As he boarded the shuttle meant to take him to his latest assignment, Joseph sat down and started looking over the schematics of the ship. He had never served on a Nebula class vessel, so it would take some getting used to. Just like it took some getting used to his biosynthetic hand that had replaced the highly damaged organic one he had had before.

Twenty minutes of weaving and dodging the heavy traffic of ESD, along with a couple of security sweeps checking for Changlings, Joseph was finally departing the shuttle, on to the deck of the shuttlebay of the Concord. After speaking with the Deck Chief, Joseph made his way to the turbolift and ordered for the bridge.

Slung over his back was a rather large duffel bag, and around his neck and shoulder and hanging on the side was a cylindrical hardshell case that kept all his most important things intact. Once he had arrived on the bridge, he nodded his greetings to the personnel that stood there waiting for him. He made his way to the ready room doors and pressed the little pad next to the door, activating the chime. He waited to hear his new Captain utter the words come in before entering.

"Commander Joseph Sledge, reporting for duty sir." He spoke after the doors hissed shut behind him. He stood at attention before Driskill's desk.


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