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Working late

Posted on Mon Sep 11th, 2023 @ 10:22pm by Captain Tyler Driskill & Commander Joseph Sledge

1,166 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: USS Concord | Deck 1 | Bridge
Timeline: The night prior to launch

Joseph had left his quarters, wearing some sleep wear instead of his uniform. He made his way towards the bridge, deciding to run a few final diagnostics on various systems. He was nervous for the launch the next morning. He sipped at some tea he had replicated while riding the turbolift. He yawned a bit before the doors opened and he stepped on to the bridge.

Looking up from one of the auxiliary consoles the Captain all but chuckled. “Couldn’t sleep, Commander?”

Joseph looked up and grinned a bit as he stepped out. He nodded to the Captain with a reply “yeah. Just too excited for the launch tomorrow I guess. How about you sir?”

“Interesting choice of wardrobe” he wouldn’t give him too much hassle about it since he was off duty. Changing the subject “running some last minute checks on things” Tyler smiled at his First Officer “it’s the Operations Officer in me” he gave a slight shrug.

Joseph looked down at his clothing and spoke “Aw hell. I’m sorry sir.” Before he looked back up. He laughed softly “I was actually coming to run a diagnostic on the weapons systems and controls for all stations.. I’m a stickler”

“Well we might as well work if we can’t sleep” the Captain smiled and looked at the computer running in front of him was impressive. “These bio-neural gel pack upgrades are very impressive” it was his first experience with one of Starfleet’s newest technologies.

Joseph nodded gently as he moved to the tactical console “they were a big help on my last ship. You know. Voyager has them too, right?”

“I do” Tyler smiled. “Voyagers crew have lasted this long so I’ll be glad to be equipped with any of the same technology” the Captain admitted glancing over at Joseph. “I’m assuming you’ve made yourself familiar with the Concords specifications and upgrades since her refit?”

He nodded as the fingers of his biosynth hand danced over the tactical console “yes sir, I have. She looks to be a good ship. And it’ll be nice to have all the facilities on board. In case Voyager is damaged with can scuttle her and transfer the crew here..”

“I agree” the Captain smiled “speaking of how are things going?” Tyler and the First Officer had both taken on a few tasks prior to launch and it was their responsibility to make sure things were ready for launch. Of course it was ultimately the Captain’s responsibility.

Joseph looked to the Captain and smiled “shipshape sir. I made sure that everyone was good in their positions. I think we got a couple of possible crewmen that won’t work out. But we shall see. How about you sir?” Joseph spoke gently before moving to another another console.

“Cargo bays are full” Tyler pressed a few buttons on the console to start the next round of system checks. “As far as Engineering is concerned we are as ready as we will ever be and medical is good to go.” The Captain turned to face his First Officer “if you have a serious concern with a crewman… nows the time to say something, Commander.”

He looked to the Captain and spoke softly “I want to see them get a chance Captain. I remember when I was their age. They just need a chance to prove themselves”

Tyler smiled and gave a nod before going back to his console. “This is a delicate mission” he turned back and looked at Sledge “if you don’t think they are up for it” he left it at that.

Joseph locked eyes with Tyler and nodded before he spoke “they are green sir. But I think they will be an asset.”

“Very well” Tyler glanced over at his console and then back to the other man. “We all started somewhere. Any other concerns” he asked knowing they might not be able to do much about somethings this close to launch.

He shook his head gently and spoke “nothing at the moment. Though I do wish Starfleet would give us better color options for the seats.” He grinned a bit as he pointed at the cream leather.

“It’s the little things, ya know” Tyler asking and then cracked a smile. “I’m honestly just ready to get this mission underway and back home” the Captain admitted to his right hand man.

Joseph gave a gentle nod as he moved to sit in his chair, to the right of the captain’s chair. After a moment he spoke “It’s too bad. I was hoping we could do some exploring in the delta quadrant. But I know our priority is the safe return of Voyager.”

“Right” Tyler didn’t know how quickly they would find the other Federation starship. “We have to find her first” he looked over at Joseph.

“This is true sir.” He gave a quick smile to Tyler before he added “Let’s hope we don’t run in to some of the species in their reports. Like the Vidiian’s”

“Yes, I’ve read up on the information provided” he thought back for a split second “the species of the Delta Quadrant are quite formidable and don’t seem o be a fan of the Federation.”

Joseph gave another nod before adding “very true. I know it’s not quite standard, but I feel like perhaps we should have something to make sure the cargo bays cannot be emptied via transporter”

“It’s something to consider” he smiled “we will be out of resupply range. Perhaps you can work on that, Commander.”

Joseph gave a light nod, sipping at his tea while he sat in the chair. The night staff silently working at their stations, some nervous because both the Captain and XO were on the bridge so late at night chatting.

His console beeped indicating the diagnostic the Captain was looking into was complete. “Enjoy the quite while you can” Tyler suggested.

He looked to the Captain and nodded “you should enjoy it as well sir.” His own little console chirping quietly. He checked over a few things and spoke “all systems report green”

“Seven comes far too early. We should probably attempt to get some shut eye” the Captain said with a nod. “It’s going to be interesting come launch at eight o’clock” the Captain added as he closed out his console and started toward the lift.

Joseph followed behind the Captain, stepping on to the turbolift. Considering their quarters were on the same deck, he didn’t order the turbolift to deck 2. He looked to the Captain and spoke “we’ve got this sir.”

“Indeed” Tyler smiled “indeed Commander” he repeated.

When the doors opened on deck 2, Joseph looked to the captain and spoke "Sir.. Tyler, if I may. Get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow, and we will need our Captain at tiptop."


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