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Bumps and Bruises

Posted on Tue Jun 11th, 2024 @ 4:44pm by Crewman Vakra Kor & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

1,236 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Pre Launch

Vakra walked into Sickbay holding his side, "Human Doctor. It is Starfleet Procedure to report my injuries to you " He had faced disciplinary action before for trying to work through the pain. He was taller than most Klingons. He albino skin shined in the light. Most Klingons looked big because of the way they carried themselves. Vakra was large, 6'11 385lbs, and he carried himself like a Klingon. He was unlike most Klingons. He was a throwback to the old genes. Wearing an Enlisted Crewman Uniform. There was red hair on the uniform.

"Yes, it is. It's also Starfleet procedure not to get that...beaten up, Crewman" Roan said as he watched the Klingon, motioning to the largest biobed they had. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Vakra grinned, "Counseling. I think that woman might be a Klingon in disguise. One that uses Vulcan touch things. I go to Counseling to discuss my father and leader of my House not allowing to join the Klingon Military. My skin tone is not tactical." Albinos were not well liked in the empire "They would not even send a recommendation letter to Starfleet Academy. I went to boot camp instead." He wasn't an Officer, just Enlisted Crewman. "I have feelings about this. I don't talk unless I relax." He was relax in Battle. He enjoyed it.

Roan couldn't stop the sigh of utter defeat. This was going to be a lot more work for him now. "Lie down, I'll fix it," he said, while seriously considering writing a report to the Captain. All that was needed was one badly timed attack and you'd have two members of the crew down before the first red alert had come through.

Vakra laid down and let the Doctor work. "I'm pulling a double tomorrow. Secure the Brig. Count the Armory. Do patrols. Wait for a shift Supervisor sign off."

And that was exactly a reason why Roan was worried about the Klingon in front of him. "Even when this is healed, you might experience unexpected fatigue. It's normal, but if it becomes too much you must inform your Chief." He took out the medical tricorder, to start scanning him.

"I might have the albino gene, but I am still Klingon. I am Strong." He was also prideful. "I can handle it." Klingons didn't have the logic that made Vulcans stronger, but they weren't dumb. "However, Yes, Sir. I will gage my strength on closer to human standards. This way I am not worn out or incapacitated when I am needed to be Klingon."

"Everything within reason," Roan said with a chuckle, shaking his head at the very Klingon reply. "I know the physical difference between humans and Klingons, so I don't expect you to pretend to have the strength of your average human to please people. What I mean is, if you feel tired or odd by your own need to take a break." He saw the injuries and the smile faded, a frown coming to him.

Vakra nodded, "Yes, I work a lot of doubles. However, I am posted a lot in the Armory and brig. I clean and repair weapons. I am trained in Rapid Response and Special Response. However, with my current assignment I don't leave my post unless ordered by rank. In the event of a Foothold, they have a bad day coming into my assigned area." He motioned to the bruises, "I have issues trusting or respecting People in general. You are an Expert in your field. It is good practice to respect and trust a Starfleet Doctor. High Ethical Standards. Once I develope trust and respect for those in other arena, I can usually get in emotional headspace by a strenuous workout without violence."

Roan chuckled, giving the Klingon a nod. The last added bit was a reassurance that the bout of violence was temporary. He would love for that to be the case. "Well, we have this whole 'do no harm' thing in the medical field," he said, his voice light. "So you know I would never do you harm. I'll finish healing you up and while you are here, make sure I have your baseline readings for the mission."

"Do no harm." He repeated it to himself. "I try not to harm people without cause. It was one of the reasons that I was considered less than Klingon. I enjoy violence in the moment, especially if it is needed. I do not feel a need to go looking for it especially in excess."

"That's self restraint and...knowing when things are needed," Roan said quietly, glancing at him. "I think it is very honourable." And if he remembered anything about Klingons, honour mattered.

Vakra nodded, "Earth martial arts concept. Man is the Master of Himself. Warrior is the Master of himself and his environment. Disregarding the overt gender bias of the statement, especially in Starfleet. I believe I am a Stronger Warrior if I am in Control. A sword functions better with precision, timing, and training."

Roan nodded as he met his eyes, searching them for a long moment. "I can see that," he said, finishing healing him up. "And here we are, you're healed up. Let's get the baseline for you."

"Let's do it.", Vakra nodded.

Roan nodded as he got it running, watching the Klingon for a moment. "Tell me, you find the replicators sufficient for you when you crave Klingon delicacies?"

"They are Nutritionally Sufficient." Vakra thought for a moment. "They taste as if they never had life. It is more than obviously not the same. I will always prefer the Hunt and Kill. I take the life into mine when I eat a kill. What comes from the Replicators is Sterile. Being without the thrill of the hunt, will make the next hunt more pleasurable. It will be a feat of Strength to wait until then."

"Patience has its own rewards then?" he asked as he ran the scans, his eyes on the incoming results. It looked good, this was a healthy Klingon which in itself was always a pleasure to get a reading on.

Vakra nodded, "A feat of Strength is always Welcome as well. I like Challenges. Violence is not the only Challenges worth doing. Combine that with the rewards brought by said Patience. It is a good reward. Anything that makes me stronger is a good thing. It is why I am doing the Computers course on Advanced Xeno Anatomy."

"Interesting," Gaeta smiled at that, because it was good to hear someone learning new things. "Always good to know how many hearts people have and all that."

"Any Organ is a good Organ. Did you know human males only have one sex organ?" Vakra was discovering Klingons having two wasn't commonplace in the galaxy.

"Yes, being a human male I have noticed that," Gaeta said with a small, playful smile, meeting the Klingon's eyes. "You know, in passing."

Vakra laughed.

He finished the scans before he nodded. "And you, Crewman, are done. I have your baseline and your injuries are healed."

Vakra hopped off the biobed. "If you need anything, please let me know. If you see a Klingon Mastiff, that is mine. He is a trained as a Security crewman. The Vulcanoid Child usually drags him around by his leash. He is docile, unless you threaten a child." Vakra left.


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