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We Are Starfleet

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 6:08am by Commander Joseph Sledge & Captain Tyler Driskill

1,061 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 1 | Captain’s Ready Room | USS Concord

Joseph, though exhausted from lack of sleep, made his way to the bridge. He had taken enough time to stop at his quarters and weave his way through some debris that had not been cleared to the bathroom. Thankfully the water was still running to the sink so he managed to wash himself up at the sink, unable to use the sonic shower yet. He sighed as he pulled on a fresh uniform that wasn’t covered in dirt and debris.

Stepping off of the turbolift, he hooked a quick right and pressed the chime on the Captain’s ready room door, waiting to be let in.

Tyler sat at his desk when the chime sounded the Captain called “come in.”

Stepping in to the cabin, Joseph made his way to the desk and spoke “Morning Captain. Have you had breakfast yet?” As he held up a couple of emergency ration packs.

“As a matter of fact” Tyler smiled “I could eat” he gestures toward one of the chairs that was slightly out of place across from his desk. “Coffee?” The Captain offered as he had replicated a pot earlier and was pouring himself a mug.

With a nod of his head and a suppressed yawn, Joseph spoke “most definitely.” With a weak grin. He moved to sit down, but not before setting the ration pack on the captain’s side of the desk. He cracked his open and pulled the contents out. He set the plastic spoon aside and pulled out the spice packet, opening the breakfast packet and adding it in. He had sausage crumbles with egg and cheese.

“Nothing like rations” Driskill said taking a bite of his breakfast. He took an other drink of his coffee “how you holding up?”

Taking a bite from his own breakfast, Joseph took a liberal sip of coffee to help wash it down. Softly he spoke “tired if I am being honest sir. I feel like my eyes are on fire, watching every nook and cranny for this murderer…”

“Yeah it’s a little unsettling” Tyler admitted “hopefully Lieutenant Wild comes up with some answers soon.” Sipping his coffee “security has been put on high alert and of course extra guards have been placed at key areas. I’m hoping we can apprehend them before anyone else is hurt or more damage is done.” Tyler smiled “hell the ship is finally coming back together we don’t need anymore set backs.”

A slight nod of his head was the most Joseph could give. Softly he spoke "Hell. Right now it almost feels like we are in the mirror universe we learned about at the Academy.. You know? From Kirk's time?"

“Thankfully we are not” the Captain replied. “Hopefully we will be be back on course with finding Voyager and getting back home quickly.” Of course he was trying to be optimistic and stay positive in front of his Executive Officer.

Looking to his Captain, Joseph gave a bit of a smile. Giving a gentle shake of his head he spoke “Considering the nature of the mission, how long we may be in this quadrant searching for Janeway and her crew… Perhaps we could have a little relaxation? Maybe not stand on ceremony?”

Captain Driskill contemplated what his number one was getting at but had known this crew less than a month. “Perhaps one day but until we get a better feel for each other I think it best we continue with some what of a standard approach.”

Giving a nod, the Commander smiled and spoke "Understood sir. I do think however perhaps we should have a meal with the command staff. If only to have a little relaxation, and get all of us in to one room so we can have a proper meeting that isn't harried by repairs and other things."

“Excellent idea” Tyler smiled “why don’t you arrange it?”

"How about for supper tonight then?" Joseph gave another smile as he sat back in the chair.

“Sounds good” Tyler smiled “I’m sure everyone will appreciate a few hours to relax and a nice hot meal.”

Joseph smiled a bit more and nodded as he spoke "I agree. It will be good for morale. If only for a short while."

“Hopefully things are back to normal soon” Driskill smiled as he knew life on a starship was anything but normal.

Joseph gave yet another nod before adding softly "It would be nice, sir. I am sure we will get that once we find this murderer and find Voyager.."

"I'm sure everything will work out" Tyler smiled, he believed things worked out how they were supposed to. "Hopefully our experts can repair our enhanced engine sooner rather than later."

"I hope so as well sir. I couldn't really make heads or tails when I was helping to perform repairs if I am being honest." Joseph added while he took a bite of the ration.

“Well glad we have the two most informed people on the device on this ship” Captain Driskill said with a confident nod. “I do appreciate you jumping in and getting your hands dirty” Tyler added looking his First Officer in the eyes.

Looking back to the Captain, Joseph smiled and nodded “I felt my abilities would be best served that way. I figured repairs were more important than working on status reports and figuring out crew assignments post emergency”

“Absolutely” Tyler agreed with a smile. He was proud the way the crew came together, like Starfleet officers were supposed to.

Joseph smiled a bit and looked to his drink. Gently he spoke “I’m glad replicators are back up and running. Though we should conserve their use some… But then again. We can probably find proper energy sources. I mean we used the Bussard Collectors to get some needed gases.”

"I agree, let's try and limit the use of resources until we have more information" Tyler took a drink from his glass. "We will look for resources we need along the way and hopefully find trade and possible allies along the way." The Captain was being hopeful in a situation that started out pretty bad "we are Starfleet it's what we do."

Joseph held up his tea and smiled at the Captain before he spoke "We are Starfleet." Before taking a sip of the drink.


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