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The Helm, Check-in

Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 4:37pm by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant T'Schuun Schoor

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 1 | Bridge/Ready room| USS Concord
Timeline: 2 Days Before Launch, 15:00

Letting a faint smile come over her face, T'Schuun signaled the ready room's occupant from without. While she waited, the Vulcan looked around the bridge of her new assignment. 'Upgraded' she thought, 'But similar to both the Castro and the Sarasotta. A good ship, I don't doubt'. She thought then of the last time she'd been in uniform around Earth for a new assignment--the start of the Nova-class integration project, based off of the USS Solstice. At the thought of the Solstice, a brief pain clenched her heart. Even though Ariel had pushed her to do this, as had Ariadne, she still missed them, and knew she would continue to miss them. 'Maybe I should see Lieutenant Walker'?

Tyler replied to the chime with one word “come” and watched as who he assumed was his new Chief Flight Control Officer. He made this assumption because the Vulcan in front of him wore a red Star Fleet uniform. “Welcome aboard Lieutenant Schoor.”

"Thank you, Captain... I'm happy to be here. I'm one of those very strange Vulcans who shows emotion, but does not let it rule them. Additionally, I'm happy to take nightshifts if need be, or if you need a senior officer on the bridge while seeing to the needs of an admiral or other brass."

A Vulcan who showed emotion would certainly be a change from the Vulcans he had been around in the past. He gestured toward the chair’s opposite his desk and smiled “I appreciate the offer and may take you up on it.”

T'Schuun sat. "Glad to be of service... I really am looking forward to flying this vessel--I was involved in testing some of the upgrades we have, but on a Nova. This... Its a lot bigger."

“Quite a bit bigger” Captain Driskill agreed. “The upgrades are impressive to say the least” there was a smile on the Humans face. “I’m no helmsman but I imagine a ship this big can be hard to handle” Tyler had never flown anything as big as the Concord either.

T'Schuun raised an eyebrow. "I'll handle her fine... I've been practicing on all kinds of things on the holodeck when I get a chance. Even simulated a B'Rel-class bird-of-prey. Fast, agile, but not built for comfort."

Tyler chuckled at the bird-of-prey comment and the Lieutenants very Vulcan confidence that he had come to admire over the years of working with several Vulcan. “I have every confidence in your piloting skills, Lieutenant” Tyler said making eye contact with her.

He sat up in his chair “prepared to be so far away from home?” He was seeing most people’s reaction to that question. The Captain wanted to make sure he had the right people, especially when it came to his senior staff.

T'Schuun sighed. "Ironic--I will miss my wife and daughter, but my wife, particularly, is the one who encouraged me to take this posting... She felt I wasn't pushing myself enough. She is in Starfleet herself--actually, she may be up for a captaincy of her own, or at least an XO spot... More to your question, I am ready to be far from home--although I will miss them, Ariel was right. I need this assignment."

Tyler took in T’Schuuns answer “it will be difficult for many of the people aboard” the Captain admitted. “I’m glad you will be with us on our journey” he added with a slight smile.

"I'm happy to be here... Has Starfleet gotten our full loadout of shuttlecraft and runabouts to us?"

“They have” he smiled “I’m quite impressed with the small craft we have.”

"As am I... I've reviewed the personnel files of my senior people--I'll be meeting with them before we launch... I must admit, I have some reservations about this quantum slipstream technology, but I do understand the necessity. We can't all have Prophets, Q, and/or wormholes at our disposal."

“We have two experts joining us” Tyler assured the Lieutenant “and all simulations have checked out.”

T'Schuun made one eyebrow rise. "Well, it will be interesting... Or is that the understatement of the year?" she asked, almost teasingly.

“It will indeed, Lieutenant” the Captain agreed with a slight smile on his face. Adjusting in his chair a quick smile flashed across his face ant her comment about the ‘understatement of the year.’ Captain Driskill then went back to the officer sitting in front of him. “It will be a long trip, even with the advanced warp drive.”

"True, but we should be fine... These new ships--the warp drive purrs like a cat... Or a sehlat, if that's your cup of tea."

Tyler smiled “either works, Lieutenant.” Captain Driskill knew what T'Schuun meant.

T'Schuun let a beat of silence pass, then said, "Anything I should be aware of at the moment, Captain?"

“Nothing that comes to mind” Captain Driskill replied.

"Understood... Permission to go and try and wrangle my team?" T'Schuun let what she hoped was an easy-going smile pass over her face.

“Absolutely” Captain Driskill gave a nod.


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