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Bringing the Dog

Posted on Wed Feb 7th, 2024 @ 10:21am by Commander Joseph Sledge & Crewman Vakra Kor

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Commander's Office
Timeline: After Shift

Vakra approached the Commander's Office. He was followed by a well trained Jackal Mastiff. Some people stepped away from the dog as they passed. He stood outside as the ship notified the Commander of his presence. "Gr'Thor. Sit."

Joseph had been listening to some classical music, a band called Linkin Park from the early 21st century, when the music toned down and the chime sounded. He called out "Enter!" Before adding "Computer, pause music." He set down his PADD and looked to the door expectantly.

The doors opened and Vakra entered, "Heel." The dog followed. "Sir. I filed a request before transferring to this post to bring my dog. There was not a response yet. I figured if the answer is no, that I arrange transport before we leave the Alpha Quadrant." The dog was a Jackal Mastiff. The dog followed and sat without being told to. "This is Gr'Thor." His dog was named the equivalent of Hell.

Joseph looked up to the Klingon that stood before him. Nodding his head he spoke "Please. Have a seat crewman." pointing to a seat across his desk. After a moment he spoke "I apologize for not responding to your request. I see and I've read that he is well trained. Is he just a pet? Or is he a service animal?"

Vakra answered, "He is not a service animal in a medical or psychological sense, but he is a working dog. Trained in Narcotics, Cadaver, and Explosives Detection. I know with tricorders, those things aren't as important. However, in a Corrections and Investigative Capacity, a Dog creates more of a make 'em sweat moment than a tricorder. He is also very protective of women and children." He had been hanging out with humans in Security. "He is a piece of home. Most Klingons in Starfleet are on loan from the Klingons or Mixed. They also do not associate with those of the older, pre Eugenics physiology." Klingons had their own issue with Eugenics long after the Earth Eugenics War, in the Archer Reports. "Working with Dogs is home for me."

Joseph nodded gently as he looked to the dog. He sat up a bit in his chair before he spoke "I don't see a problem with Gr'Thor being with you. I will have to talk with the captain about having him on the bridge, but on the ship he should be fine."

Vakra nodded, "I only go near the bridge if I'm assigned to patrol that deck. I'm usually assigned to to the Brig or Armory. Occasionally, I get to check the Armory boxes on each deck." He was smart, but he was enlisted crewman. "Few years, I can request OCS. I can become an Officer. Maybe one day, I can become Bridge Crew as a Tactical Officer." He wanted more than counting and repairing weapons. He was Klingon, even though he was a throwback, and looked like they did before a virus caused by Soong caused a mutation.

Another nod came from Joseph as he heard the man speak. He looked over the file and spoke "Well. I think you would make it in to OCS easily with all of these recommendations from previous Commanding Officers. You have quite a reputation my friend."

"I had to earn it. My father and the Leader of my House wouldn't recommend me for the Klingon Military. They wouldn't provide a Recommendation Letter for Starfleet Academy. I'm Klingon. I enjoy an uphill battle. I take the high ground and I have no problem earning it. I will earn my status as a Ensign when it is my time. This tour will take me a long way to that endgame. Pending we do not become Gulligan's Island." He was attempting to reference a twentieth century television show.

Joseph had a smile grow on his face when he heard the reference. He nodded his head and spoke "Gilligan's Island. But I understand what you mean. You will be a good fit here Vakra. As I said before, you have permission to have Gr'Thor." he stood up and looked in to his eyes before offering his hand "I welcome you to the Concord."

Vakra nodded, "Ah. Gilligan. Thank you. My first NCO had a thing for things called Classic Television. When he would assign us us to the Armory, he would call it Going to Count Bullets. Earth Weapons used to fire projectiles. It must have been painful to one's enemies."

Joseph nodded gently as he heard the recollection. He gave a bit of a smile and spoke "Yes. Bullets were quite painful. Though there were some more painful ways to harm back then as well. Triangular bayonets, made it extremely difficult to seal the wound. Much like your peoples D'k Tahg blade." He looked to his display for a moment before turning back to Vakra. "Well then Crewman. Again I welcome you aboard the Concord. And I hope you find your service here stimulating."

Vakra nodded, "I carry such a blade as an EDC." EDC meant Every Day Carry. That meant he had one on him now. "Along with a standard issue phaser." He snapped his fingers, "Gr'Thor.". He pointed his finger at Sledge. "Rank." The dog sniffed him and sat down. "If you see him, you can give him orders now too ".

Joseph looked to Gr'Thor again and watched him for a moment before he spoke "Is it alright to pet him?" Before looking back to Vakra once more. He didn't want to automatically assume it would be okay to do so.

Vakra grinned, "Yes Sir. Go ahead. Just do not try and pet him if you're trying to hurt someone in a Starfleet Uniform or someone I am protecting."

Joseph laughed softly and slowly moved from his chair to kneel near the dog. He reached a hand out to let him sniff before he started scratching the dogs head. "Good boy"

The dog pushed his head into Joseph's hand and made happy noises.

Vakra grinned, "He has a Starfleet personnel file. My last CO said he was the best Security Officer he had. I think he said that to push us harder."

Joseph smiled as the dog pressed his head in to his hand. He started scritching behind his ears while using his other hand to smooth out the bestest boys fur gently. Joseph spoke softly "Well then. I expect the best then. Especially from this good boy."

Vakra grinned, "He likes to hide his Bone in places. If he goes back to where he left it and it isn't there, he will sit down and just look at the highest ranking person there."

Joseph continued to pet the dog that sat before him. He smiled and nodded "One smart pup. I can't wait to see him in action."

"I do not know how he identifies rank other than introducing him to them, but he does. I trained him as well as I could."

Joseph nodded once again and gave one final scritch behind Gr'Thor's ears. He then spoke "Well. I expect your best behavior Gr'Thor. Understood?" grinning happily.

Gr'Thor made a happy noise.

Vakra nodded, "I will do my best as well, Sir."

Joseph offered a smile and nodded to the Klingon that sat on the other side of his desk. He then spoke "Good. Qapla!"

"Qapla!", the white skinned Klingon turned and left.

GrThor found the hidden compartment where Joseph kept his hidden phaser. Then he followed Vakra out.

Joseph perked his brow as he saw the dog sniff out the phaser. He grinned a bit and shook his head before going back to his paperwork.


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