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Crew morale

Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2024 @ 6:04am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant JG Freya Walker & Gr'Thor

833 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 12 | Counselors Office | USS Concord

Captain Driskill had been in one of the corridors helping with repairs. The ship was slowly being pieced back together. While working elbows deep the Captain over heard a few of the officers voicing their concerns and how scared they actually are. Once he was finished with the repairs he was working on he decided to stop by the Counselors office and made his way to deck twelve. He hit the chime requesting permission to enter.

The chime was broken, had been temporarily modified with a bell on a string. Other things were more important right now. Walker wasn't in there, but heard the bell. "I'm down here. Give me a moment." She was holding up a display while it got fastened in. As soon as it was secured, she came down, covered in sweat and grime. "Sir?" She was a Walker and served on the Broken Arrow, everyone gets their hands dirty. She was going to work if work was needed.

As the Counselor made her way to him the Captain could tell she was pitching in where she didn’t have to. “Lieutenant” he smiled and gestured for her to enter her office ahead of her.

She opened the door for him and entered, having to push it open.

“I came down to find out how Gr’Thor and yourself were holding up with everything that has gone on lately?”

"Apparently, Gr'Thor, while with his owner found a survivor, the grandchild of an Admiral and an Ambassador. After an Emergency Transport, Sickbay has the kid stable. Those who know what that means understands those two will become our guardian angels. Those who are younger, IE without political experience, are a little scared, they are reassured by the idea of seeing rank out beside them assisting with repairs. I'm working my way in beside the crews that are most scared, to pull double duty and give them an ear."

“Thank you, Lieutenant” the Captain said with a smile and quickly added “I haven’t hea d of that incident yet.” Tyler smiled slightly “I’m glad we have Gr’Thor aboard and I agree.” He was referring to the Counselors comment about senior staff working side by side on the repairs and not just on the bridge, however he had been guilty since the accident.

"The Enlisted see Rank as uppity people in their Ivory Offices sometimes. We give orders. My job description is to listen and counsel. On days like today, I can do that and assist with repairs."

“Thank you counselor” Captain Driskill replied. “I appreciate you helping with the repairs” it wasn’t something that was expected of a ship’s counselor.

"On my Colony, it was expected we lead from the front. The Colony Leaders were out shoulder to shoulder with the people. My grandmother was out Völva, it is like a Medical Doctor, Apothecary, Herbalist, and Counselor all rolled into one. She worked in the Town Fields and her garden well past a hundred. Some medicines work best from the ground instead of a replicator. Most vegetables taste better too. I'm rambling. This ship is my tribe. I can at least Gopher or hold parts when not listening, and even while listening."

“I understand that” Tyler smiled “there are those in Starfleet who believe the Captain should always remain on the ship.” He sighed “but we both know that isn’t always the best answer or outcome.”

"Captains going down with a ship is tradition. Remaining on the ship during away mission is procedure based on the one with the most authority having a limited risk of compromised. The issue I am discussing is sometimes Captains only know the name of their Senior Staff. They don't get their hands dirty during repairs like you obviously did earlier. Some ships have as many as three thousand people. Space Stations even more. It isn't expected that you know all your enlisted crew or Junior officers, but you went beyond expectations by helping repairs."

“I am trained as an Operations Officer” Tyler said with a shrug “and the faster we get the repairs completed the faster we can get on with our mission and hopefully back to the alpha quadrant.”

"Yup. We all get nice bumps in rank and choice of assignments. I assume it will be treated like a Long Frontier Posting."

“I’m not sure about any of that, but I will feel better when we are back in Alpha Quadrant where we have some support.” He looked at Freya.

"I'm looking for a positive. I'm not ready for Valhalla yet.", Walker winked.

“Me either, Freya” the Captain smiled. “Any other pressing concerns?” The Captain asked the ships counselor.

"Nope. Crew Morale goes both ways. So far they are seeing you have their back. You aren't an Ivory Tower Captain."

“Well let me know if anything comes up and keep up the good work, counselor” the Captain had another stop to make before returning to the bridge.


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