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Lost his Bone

Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2024 @ 3:28am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Commander Joseph Sledge & Lieutenant JG Freya Walker & Gr'Thor

760 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 1 | Bridge | USS Concord

Gr'Thor came out of the turbo lift. He was sniffing his way to the Captain's chair. He was looking for a bone he left there last night. He just sat down and looked at the Captain. He kept his head straight.

Freya was in her seat and looked at the Captain,"Klingons used to come to my colony to raid." They raided back of course. "That is Jackal Mastiff....with a communicator badge and rank on his collar." It was a huge dog. "Marines decide a bulldog wasn't up to par for this mission?"

Joseph was sitting in his seat next to the Captain, reading all the reports that he had been getting when he heard Freya. Looking up, he spoke softly "Hey Gr'Thor. What's up buddy?" leaning forward in his seat a bit as he looked from the dog to the Captain.

When he was addressed, he got up and walked on all fours towards Joseph. He bumped into his leg with his head and shoulder as a sign affection. Then he sat down in front of Captain. He wanted the rawhide bone he left next to the chair Earlier.

“Well hello” Tyler smiled at the large jackal mastiff in front of him. “I bet I know what you are looking for.”

He made a happy noise that he was being acknowledged by rank. His tail wagged a little.

The Captain took his treat and held it out “is this what you are after Gr’Thor?”

Gr'Thor took the rawhide bone and set it down. Then he went over to Freya and put his left paw up and back down. He did that at every location he could smell a phaser. He was basically doing a phaser count for the Captain and First Officer. Then he came back for his rawhide and sat down waiting to be dismissed.

Joseph had a grin on his face as he watched Gr'Thor go to Freya and the others and signal before coming back. He nodded his head and spoke "Good boy, Gr'Thor."

Gr'Thor made a happy noise. If they counted every time he signalled, they would know how many phasers there were. He did his job.

Joseph gave a nod to the happy dog and spoke "That's a good boy. You are dismissed Gr'Thor."

Gr'Thor took his Bone and left. He went to find Nixie.

Freya looked confused. "That dog just went to every person that carried and hidden weapons compartment on the bridge and raised his paw. Did he do what I think he did?"

“What do you think he did?” Captain Driskill ask seeing if their thoughts were the same.

Freya looked at him, "I think he pointed out all of the phasers in a count. All we have to do is report the number to security."

“Well good work Gr’Thor” Captain Driskill said with a certain amount of cheer to her voice. “In the event of emergencies you sir will have to dismiss yourself from the bridge” he gave him a smile and sat up on his chair. “What exactly is that number?”

"Tactical has a rifle in the floor, and a hand phaser in the station. You and the Commander have one in your chairs. Mine on my belt. I didn't catch all the other signals. I didn't know what I was looking for at first."

Tyler Driskill wore a smile on his face “Gr’Thor will be an asset to the crew. Might even be handy on some of the away missions. I hear he helped save a life and get someone to sick bay for treatment.”

Walker grinned,"I told you that when we were running support for Damage Control Crews."

“Yes, but there was so much going on at the time” Tyler moved around the bridge slightly while he continued his conversation with the counselor.

Walker nodded, "I heard he pooped in Airoponics."

“I hadn’t heard that” Tyler said not sure what to think.

"The way I heard it, it wasn't a complaint, just an amusing story."

Tyler wasn’t even sure what to say. He himself had never had let dog, but figured when you had to go you had to go. “I’m glad he’s aboard” Tyler said with a smile.

Joseph smiled as he listened to the others. Gently he spoke "He is definitely a good boy. And I am glad to have him aboard as well. A good morale boost I think."

“He will probably sit in the center chair one day” Captain Driskill said jokingly.

Walker laughed.


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