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An update from sickbay

Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 12:54am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Chaika & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

864 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 12 | Sickbay | USS Concord
Timeline: 1 week after arrival in the Delta Quadrant

The accident that left the Nebula-class starship stranded in the Delta Quadrant had occurred just over a week ago. The ships Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Chaika had been off duty and in the medical bay for several days. There was another accident while the Lieutenant was working on the experimental drive and a console exploded. Captain Driskill entered sickbay to check for n the status of his officer and the current status of things in the medical department. “How are you feeling, Lieutenant Chaika?”

Chaika seemed a little skittish still from the accident. "Bored..." she said simply. "Tell him to let me out already..."

Tyler gave a crooked smile “we can check with the doctor. Do you think you are ready to return to duty?” The Captain could sure use his Chief Engineer back on duty the repairs would go much faster and be done with a more accurate touch.

The small Asobi nodded. "What is you Humans say... I've been 'scratching' to get out of here?"

“Nurse” Tyler stopped a passing Ensign “would you ask the doctor to join us please. If the Lieutenant isn’t to busy.” He didn’t want to interrupt the doctor if he was doing something important.

"Of course," the Ensign said and walked over to the doctor, whispering to him.

Roan smiled as he walked over, holding a PADD. "Lieutenant Chaika, how are you feeling today?" he asked, bringing up her latest results, but his eyes were on her rather than anything else. She was his focus.

"I'm ok," Chaika said. "I have sustained far worse injuries before this." She told the doctor. "Asobi have good regeneration abilities."

"Yes, just because you've had worse does not make this an easy thing," Roan countered as he looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "I am expecting you to schedule a session with our counselor. It is always good to reassess after an injury."

The Asobi chief engineer raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

He met her eyes, holding them for a long moment. "Because receiving an injury is also a trauma that can affect you. A session can be helpful to identify if that is the case or not. I want to make it clear it isn't about whether or not you can do your job. I know you can. It is just something that can be helpful."

Knowing they needed their chief engineer back on di the Captain interjected “could this session perhaps wait a day or two, Doctor?”

Roan almost told Driskill that he didn't go on the Bridge and tell him how to run his ship, but bit it back. They were all under stress. "Scheduled as soon as possible," he said as he met Tyler's eyes. "Although I understand there's operational considerations that take priority."

“Lieutenant see the counselor with in the next three days if she has an open appointment.” He looked over at the woman on the bio bed. “If the counselor has no openings let me know. Do you honestly feel up to returning to duty?”

“Doctor” the Captain lowered his voice slightly “what are our casualties looking like?” It was easier for Tyler to visit some of the different departments for information sometimes. He also wanted to check on Lieutenant Chaika, things would run far better with the Chief Engineer back on duty.

"Five fatalities," Roan said, his face darkening as he spoke. There had been no way to save them. "We had a total of 43 injured, three still in sickbay, the rest have returned either to full or limited duty."

“I’m sure I already have their information to include in my report” he glanced over at the Chief Medical Officer. Many of his reports were behind on being read as he had been putting the majority of his time helping with repairs. “If there are no objections to we can use the Lieutenant back in engineering” Driskill admitted.

Chaika began shuffling towards the edge of the biobed. "I can leave now?" She asked.

Roan gave a small nod, meeting Chaika's eyes. "Try and take it...slow, for the first few hours," he said, although he knew there was no point saying it. He was decently sure he would be ignored.

“Yes” the Captain agreed with the Chief Medical Officer “no need to have you back in the med bay, Lieutenant. Commander Sledge has over seen things in engineering and I’m sure can give you a far more in-depth status of the repairs and system status.” A slight smile grew across the Captain's face “you’ll be glad to know your people are doing a fine job, Lieutenant Chaika.”

Chaika nodded. "I shall then return to Engineering." She slipped off the biobed. "You have my regards Doctor."

"And you have mine. Take it easy and don't undo my work," Roan said with a small smile, raising an eyebrow in gentle challenge. He looked at the Captain before nodding. "Let me know if there is anything I can do, Captain."

The Captain also made his exit from the medical bay with a little more knowledge on the casualties and the comfort at knowing his Chief Engineer was back from a short medical leave.


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