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Medical Check Up: Gulati

Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 3:24am by Lieutenant JG Gulati & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

1,056 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Sickbay

Doctor Gaeta smiled to himself as he waited for his next patient. He felt he had gotten on well with Lieutenant Gulati, so he looked forward to seeing her again. And it would be interesting to see how she felt about getting her baseline read, although in truth he would have preferred having it done before they had set off. Now, out here...well, she had finally had time.

A Benzite was rare enough for a medical professional to come across, but he looked forward to learning how she worked, what she liked and how her body coped with everything. Of course, she'd be a lot more resilient than most, minus the breathing thing. Pesky thing, breathing, really. If you thought too much about it, you had to do it as a conscious effort. Less great if you couldn't breathe the air surrounding you.

Lieutenant Gulati walked into Sickbay in a quick pace but not panicking at all. There was no medical emergency, but the Benzite was uncustomarily running late and several minutes behind. "I know," she said locking eyes with Doctor Gaeta "It's probably felt like months since you've seen me, and I don't even have the common decency to arrive on time" teased the Benzite. The two had not truly gotten to know one another yet, but anyone worth their salt could tell Gulati wasn't the sort to ever be late.

"Chaotic schedule," she prefaced and walked over towards the physician. "Not that life aboard a starship is ever easy, but I was hoping for a little more order and a lot less chaos" she added.

"I'll forgive it this time, due to our...extraordinary circumstances," he said as he met her eyes and smiled. "I'll be quick, because I know how busy you are. I'm just getting a baseline for our records to monitor. I would have preferred doing it sooner, the way and distance we were going, I wanted to make sure it doesn't have an adverse effect on the crew. But now will have to do."

"Your forgiveness is generous and appreciated," the Benzite replied with a slight smile. "You would think I would not be this busy but it does not appear to slow down, and I feel like all eyes are on me at times. I'm not sure if that's because I'm just peculiar looking being Benzite or if everyone just knows how important this ship and its technology is to me. I'm serving aboard what may amount to my life's work. If successful, my name will be somewhere in the history texts." That was a lot of weight on small shoulders.

"It's okay, if you pop up on the biobed...we can get this done and you can then go back to get yourself into that history book. Or a Vulcan scientific award, those are nice too," he said and patted the biobed. "Lie down and get comfortable, I've gotten this down to a fine art."

Gulati stiffled a bit of a chuckle and got up onto.the biobed. "I love fine art, and I'll leave you to this my master artist. Work your craft" added Lieutenant Gulati.

He laughed at the words, nodding as he started to run the scans. "We all have our things, right? Specialisms. Like yours, for instance," he added the last with a warm smile, clearly impressed by it.

"Being token blue girl" Gulati replied playfully. "That is unless there's a Bolian or Andorian tucked away on the ship I don't know about" she added. Of course Gulati had her specialties. "Some may say I'm good with numbers, probabilities, statistics, those sorts of things. Truth is I do alright, but there's someone better at that than me."

"I like to think that the Federation has moved past tokenism, and we are all here because we are the right people for the job," Roan said before he gave her a weak smile. "But I am a human male, therefore...there's a lot of things going on that I suspect I do not even see when it comes to things." And he only had his own experiences to draw on, he couldn't put himself into another's experiences. It would be dishonest.

Gulati breathed a bit of a sigh. "I would love to have more faith in the Federation and in Starfleet, and I know I earned my commission because of my intellect and tenacity" she stated. "Though I also know it benefits the optics of Starfleet to actively seek out more non-Human applicants to increase their enrollment at the Academy."

She smiled. "It's okay to be the token blue girl, to be one of the few Benzites in Starfleet. I just hope we get back home for Starfleet to see me as a success rather than a statistics."

"You know your worth," Roan said as he looked at her, holding her eyes for a moment. He then looked back as her baseline came in. All good, and it was good to get her standard on the system. "And they will too."

"Eventually they will" replied Gulati. "I'd love if we could get systems repaired and our engines online and up and running. I don't mind nebulae. This one is rather beautiful, but I'm growing tired of seeing it every time I wake up."

"It's...not ideal," Roan said, thinking about the injuries that he had seen and treated here. "Hopefully we can get moving soon."

Gulati nodded. "I will definitely see what I can do to help us along in that regard" she stated. "I've been running around like a mad woman lately. Though Ops and Engineering have certainly been handling the brunt of it."

"Yes...luckily for sickbay, we are over our most busy period after...everything," he said, giving a small nod. "I do feel for those departments, they really have a challenge on their hands right now."

Gulati smiled briefly. "So, you good to wrap this up and call me fit and ready to perform my duties?" The Benzite did not have much of a slow down mode.

"Yes, we're done," he said with a smile, filing it away. "I release you to do...whatever you need to do, Lieutenant."

Gulati snorted. "Find out what or who is responsible for all of this" she said and proceeded to exit sickbay.


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