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Making use of the situation

Posted on Fri May 17th, 2024 @ 12:11am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant JG Tyler Rehman & Lieutenant JG Gulati

1,232 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 1 | Bridge | USS Concord

Captain Tyler Driskill had sat in his ready room going over several reports but needed to get out of this room and have some interaction with the crew. Tyler stood from his desk and stretched a little before adjusting the shirt of his uniform and stepping onto the bridge. He quickly located mister Rehman at the main science station and made his way over. “Lieutenant Rehman” the Captain addressed the other man named Tyler.

The bridge was quiet, except for the sounds of workstations being used. Tyler Rehman had long learned to block out the background noises, as his own fingers danced over his station. He had been monitoring the sensors the better part of his shift, allocating power where needed for the labs, and keeping a connection with stellar cartography to confirm locations. Just as he was about to send a block of readings down to the labs for further study, he felt a presence behind him, and then his rank and surname was addressed. Tyler turned to look over his shoulder to see the captain standing almost next to him. He offered the much taller man a smile. "Yes, Captain? What can I do for you?"

“I know sensors are not yet at one hundred percent”. The Captain paused and looked up at the console. “But what do we know about this nebula and what’s our maximum sensor range at this time?” Driskill had been so busy with dead bodies, both from the accident and a suspected murder. Repairs had taken up most of the crews time however.

Lieutenant Gulati had exited the turbolift and has poured out onto the bridge with a PaDD in hand. She made her way towards towards the Captain and of course he was bysy. She had hoped that she was not interrupting anything, but then again the ship was damaged, things were happening left and right, and of course everyone was busy doing something.

"Captain," she said greeting him. He was with Tyler Rehman. Interesting she thought.

“Lieutenant Gulati” the Captain greeted the officer that approached them.

"Lieutenant," Tyler also acknowledged, and offered a smile. He then directed his attention back to the captain. "As you said, sensors are not up to one hundred percent, however, we are getting there." He began to key in some information, and one of the monitors to his left lit up with information. "Our long-range sensors are still limited, but this nebula has a lot to say about that," he said, as he pointed to the information. "Our short range are our best hope at the moment for navigating." Tyler bent down and again began to input commands into his board. Another screen came to life with other bits of information. "With the long-range sensors still not running at full capacity, it is tough to say how big this thing really is, or if the edge is anywhere near our position, but.." Tyler's eyes lit up at this next part. "I think we might be dealing with a nebula that hasn't been fully classified yet, it has all the makings of the class eleven nebula, but there are three types of unidentified particles that our short-range sensors are trying to identify, so far no luck but I am hoping if we explore a bit, we can gather more information."

Lieutenant Gulati was intrigued by the attention-grabbing wording of 'unidentified particles' which brought an expression of excitement and allure to her face. "That means we have the potential to chart a type of nebula that the Federation has yet to encounter" she said looking at both gentlemen.

"We are explorers after all," she said with a vaporous exhale. "Our mission may have been to reach Voyager, but it would certainly be we amiss if we did not collect more information about this nebula."

“I agreee” the Captain smiled “how are our sensors looking and what’s our rang inside this nebula.”

Tyler crossed his arms over his chest, and gave a slight shrug. "It depends on how much power we can draw for the active sensors, but by the looks of it at minimum approximation, roughly one hundred thousand kilometers." He unfolded his arms and again pointed at a monitor. "There is a pocket of sirillium here, and here, but this spot here," he moved his finger to spot he was indicating. "This spot here not only has the sirillium, but has a concentration of those unknown elements. We could move the Concord to this area of the nebula, collect the sirillium to convert it into energy to boost our sensor range, and also maybe get a closer look at these unknown elements." Tyler's gaze swept between Gulati and then landed on the Captain. "I wish I could give you more sir, but this is the best plan I could come up with considering the resources we currently have."

“Well let’s check it out, boost power to sensors and start collecting the data you need.” Captain Driskill was headed back to the center chair. “Helm set course for that sirillium pocket.” He took his seat and continued “one quarter impulse.”

“One quarter impulse” came the reply as the ship started towards its destination. “Thirty two minutes until sirilium, Captain.”

There wasn’t much chatter over the next several minutes. “Any better data now that we are a little closer mister Rehman ?” Captain Driskill asked.

Tyler Rehman had been tied into main engineering, directing his findings to the engineers as the Concord moved at one quarter impulse to the site he had indicated thirty minutes earlier. "Engineering says they have started to pull in the sirillium, sir," Tyler answered. His short-range sensors came through as clear as day. A smile spread across his lips giving a boyish look. "Those unidentified particles I had mentioned earlier, well, I now have a clear picture," he added, as he turned to the captain who was seated in the command chair. "The computer can't name it, but it has one proton and thirteen neutrons, so it is an isotope of hydrogen, but one that has not ever been found. It is stable, so we might be able to bring a sample on board, and take a look. It might lead us to way to get the fusion reactors back up to full, as well as get all our sensors back to max."

It didn’t take the Captain long to think of his answer “do it” he smiled. “A little boost to our systems would be welcome right about now.”

Tyler had to agree, and with that, he reached up to his combadge and gave it a quick tap. "Rehman to science lab one, prepare two cannisters to accept some nebula samples." He paused and waited for the response; it took about five minutes to get everything ready. After getting the go ahead, he had two specimens of the nebula transported into the protective cannisters. "Sir, we have completed the transport, permission to go down to science lab one and begin the tests."

"Nice work," commented the Benzite. She had known that he was good at his job, and more than that, Tyler Rehman was someone she could depend on. These were difficult times and the one thing they needed right now was to know where the heck they were besides in the Delta Quadrant somewhere.


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