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Back on the trail

Posted on Sat May 18th, 2024 @ 9:18pm by Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Ensign Skye Vos & Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant JG Tyler Rehman & Lieutenant JG Amanda Clark, MD
Edited on on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 11:02pm

839 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 1 | Bridge | USS Concord
Timeline: 15 days after arrival in the Delta Quadrant

Captain Driskill sat in his ready room going over the department reports for that morning. It was the first morning Tyler had sat and sipped coffee while reading the morning reports in at least two weeks. The latest from engineering was good news the hull was back to ninety nine percent intact, all systems were functioning on all decks. External sensors were going to be limited to about mid range for the next few days but they could work around that. Defensive systems were operational and shields were holding at one hundred percent. All phaser banks were ready if needed but only the forward facing torpedoes launchers were operation. It wasn’t in the plan to use the weapons but there were times you had to defend your ship.

All in all they had done quite well with the repairs in just over two weeks. The experimental drive however the experimental drive is still down and there was no good news when it came to if or when it might be operational. “Did that sirilium help” the Captain asked Tyler.

Tyler Rehman gave a quick nod as he looked over his shoulder at the captain. "Yes sir, we are good to go, especially with long range sensors can read farther than a few days ago."

“Very good Mister Rehman” the Captain started toward his chair. “I think it’s about time we get out of this nebula. Our mission remains the same, we have just had a little delay.” Driskill took his seat “helm set course for the edge of the nebula one half impulse.”

"Aye Captain," the half-Vulcan at the helm confirmed in a clear voice across the bridge, tapping the new commands into the screen. She couldn't deny a slight trepidation starting inside of being the one to have to take them out into the unknown. "Ready, Captain," she waited for the final order to engage.

“Engage Lieutenant” the Captain gave the order for the woman at the helm to start them on their way.

Vos tapped the button briskly, looking to the main viewscreen on instinct, watching the view change as the ship leapt forward. She was more than aware of just how far they were from home....but the first step of the journey had been taken at least.

Ready for more answers the Captain was excited to see the stars again and be in open space. “How long until we are clear Lieutenant Vos?”

"If we maintain half impulse, then 1 hour 47 minutes, Captain," Vos glanced back over her shoulder to him with a small smile. Perhaps a small part of her hoped to be allowed a little more speed.

“Let’s slowly take her to full impulse” Tyler Driskill gave Lieutenant Vos a nod. After the damage that had been done to the ship he didn’t want to push it to quickly even with the repairs the crew had already completed.

Vos couldn't quite help the smile that tweaked the corner of her lips at the added power. "Aye, Sir," she turned back to the console, allowing the ship to warm up at half-impulse, remaining patient and cautious despite her satisfaction at being given a little more speed. Only when she was sure the ship was sailing smoothly at half did she start to slide up a gear.

A short time later Captain Driskill slid to the edge of his chair. The Concord was approaching the edge of the nebula and as the ship emerged the Captain started “any activity on the sensors, Lieutenant Wild?” Tyler wanted to know if there were any potential threats lurking about.

"Negative," Nixie replied from Tactical, studying the readouts with a frown of concentration. "It may be there are things out here that won't trigger an alert with our lack of data for the region, but we'll be sure to report all activity," she assured.

“Lieutenant Carter I’d like you to work with Mister Rehman and Ensign Vos and figure out where we are and how far off course we are.” The Captain needed a lot of information to make the best decisions for the crew.

Vos glanced back to the Captain at the order, nodding gently even as she looked back to her console to be on the safe side. She was all too happy to assist though. She knew she should be concerned, and of course, she was - who knew how and when they were going to get back? But there was a small part of her that was also jangling with adrenalin at being caught up in such a unique...adventure.

“I want to know where in the Delta Quadrant we are and how far off course we are and I want that report on my desk with in the hour” Captain Driskill ordered. In the mean time we continue repairs and start charting the sector we have found ourselves in.” Knowing where in the quadrant they were might help the Captain find allies or avoid hostile forces.


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