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Captain on the bridge

Posted on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 2:25pm by Captain Tyler Driskill

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: USS Concord | Deck 2| Captains Quarters

The alarm went off but he wasn’t asleep. His first day aboard his new assignment, the USS Concord was pretty normal for Captain Tyler Driskill. He arrived via runabout, was greeted by a very knowledgeable young woman and took a tour of his new home. The ship layout would take Tyler a few weeks to get a custom to, but t would come pretty quickly to him. Although the former Operations Chief had never served aboard a Nebula-class starship he had always been impressed by one of the Federations most versatile ship classes.

As Tyler made his way over to the replicator he ordered “coffee black” like many humans he liked to start his morning with a hot mug of coffee. Captain Driskill found his crew preferred it that way too, but no one had ever told him he was mean or anything if he didn’t get his morning beverage.

With his mug in hand Tyler grabbed a PaDD and started taking a detailed look at the upgrades provided to theUSS Concord. The Emergency medical hologram MK II with holographic emitters on the bridge, engineering and sickbay. The latest sensor technology and bio neural circuitry and of course the latest in Starfleet defensive and offensive capabilities including multi-layered and metaphysic shielding systems. One of the things most impressive to the Captain was the classes point defense system and the cruising speed of warp nine.

Back at the replicator, Tyler orders more coffee and some scrambled eggs with wheat toast and quickly made his way back to the table. He had four hours before his first meeting so he had plenty of time for a good work out. Before that hr wanted to send his family a message before the crew embarked on this journey that lay ahead of them. His little sisters was the first message hr recorded, it was heart felt and Tyler let her know how proud he was of her and her career. The second and most emotional was to his mother and father , Admiral Cindy and Richard Driskill. Tyler loved his family but all had encouraged him to take this assignment when it was offered.

After the messages and breakfast, Tyler slipped a shirt on with his gym shorts and a pair of shoes and was out the door toward the gym. Exercise was a good way to start your day in the Captains opinion and he thought it helped relieve stress at times.

After a two hour work out, a sonic shower and a fresh uniform Tyler stood from putting his boots on and checked his reflection on the mirror. His hair was on point, communicator in place and he was placing the four pips he was honored to wear onto this collar. “Second day here we come” Tyler said in the mirror it was almost a way to assure himself “hey you got this.”

“Coffee hot” Tyler requested from the replicator in his quarters “one last cup for the road” he thought as the warm beverage appeared in front of him. He also retrieved his PaDD from the table and started toward the exit of his quarters. He made sure his uniform was in tip top shape. Put the PaDD under his arm, a smile on his face and gave the order “lights off” as he made his way into the corridor. Luckily for the Captain it did not take long to get to the office.

Captain Driskill had the privilege to start his day by meeting Admiral Owen Paris and a few of the folks from Project Concord it was mostly for last second inspections and a formality for the Admiral to give the final green light on the launch. The USS Concord would launch toward the Delta Quadrant within forty hours and arrive within a week barring no complications.

There would also be meetings with several of his senior staff. The Chief of Security and Tactical. Then the ships physician, Doctor Gaeta and the Concords First Officer. The bad thing for Captain Driskill he isn’t sure how much about their mission each had been briefed on. “Captain on the bridge” he heard for the first time on this bridge as he exited the turbo lift. He made his way to his ready room with a smile on his face.


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