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Captains morale

Posted on Sun Jun 9th, 2024 @ 5:06am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant JG Freya Walker

841 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 1 | Captains Ready Room | USS Concord

Captain Driskill hadn’t had a full nights rest since the Concord arrived in the Delta Quadrant. Last night was no difference he had been up and down all night. He tried reading for a few hours and managed to doze off but only for about half an hour or so. It was a quarter to four in the morning so there was no point in trying to get any sleep at this point.

Since he couldn’t sleep Tyler decided to get a morning jog in. He made several laps around deck eight, making sure to keep a steady heart rate. After his morning run Tyler freshened up with a sonic shower and fresh uniform and than he sat down from breakfast. Vanilla yogurt with strawberries, blueberries and granola. Usually a good work out or run would help clear his head but for some reason the Captain had a fog of depression hanging over him.

(4 hours later)

Captain Driskill had requested the counselor to pay him a visit. Sipping from a mug of hot coffee a smile flashed across his face. There was finally some good news, all hull damage had been repaired. The Lieutenant was due at any moment but Tyler would try and get through another report if possible.

Freya was cleaning up. She still had her hair up in a bandana. Her last post required everyone to be multi functional. She had a gear bag on her back when she stopped by the Captain's office. The office beeped.

“Enter” came the reply from the Captain.

Freya walked in and do the replicator and ran a reset on it. "Now it will make food and access more of the database. It will offer all the selections of coffee it is supposed to now. Walker to Operations. Captains Replicator is reset, running test. Tall Half French Vanilla Cappuccino Half Dutch Dark Cocoa. Drop of milk". It made her a drink. "Test Success. Now, how can I help you, Captain?"

“Thanks for the quick fix, it’s always nice to have someone who can multi task.” Captain Driskill let out a sigh “I’m just” he paused “how is the crew morale holding up?”

Freya smiled, "They are doing okay. They saw the rank get out with the file and rebuild the ship. Some are feeling the strain for the first time of what a long mission this will be. We have more duel trained individuals on this ship than any other ship this size. It is what we signed on for. They are coming to terms with the reality that this could very well be a one way ship. I interrupted two dealing with the emotions of high stress physically when I thought the turbolift was broken earlier. It wasn't broken, just manually stopped for privacy. I broke up a fight last night. The Klingon is overseeing those two now."

"Well I'm right there with them" Tyler admitted looking up at Freya. "The ship isn't at it's best, yet" he shrugged "and I know everyone is tired, but hopefully it's just a minor set back." Captain Driskill sat up in his chair and took a sip of his beverage "the murder of Mister Tullos getting around the rumor mill yet?" The Captain was surprised that wasn't affecting the crew's morale more than it was.

Walker looked at him, "There are questions about Tullos. Many are too busy putting the ship back together. The ship together, they live longer. Being afraid, that's human. You got the pips. They watch you. They watch how you react. Your shoulders are square. Your feet are planted. They react to that. You're panicking. They react to that. What face you going to put on?"

Tyler knew Freya was right. “I got ya and of course I wouldn’t panic in front of the crew. I don’t really panic anyway but I see what you are saying.” He paused and look a sip from his cup. “Hopefully now we are moving again we can do our jobs and get our asses home.”

Freya smiled, "The Star system where my colony was had two habitable planets. Two colonies. One with Nordic Heathens and One with Celtic Heathens. No much difference. On the surface, they hated each other. Romulans tried to attack one, and got to fight both of the colonies. You handpicked several members of this crew from volunteers. We will figure out how to be together."

"You always seem to brighten my day, Lieutenant" the Captain said with a smile. "Sometimes hearing exactly what you said is needed, I guess" Tyler shrugged his shoulders and offered Frey a half smile. "I guess you probably have a busy day ahead of you, I'll let you get to it counselor" Captain Driskill gave Lieutenant Walker a nod and watched her depart from the ready room. He sat back in his chair and enjoyed the silence of the ready room and in his heart knew Freya was right, this team would figure it out together.


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