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Accidental trauma

Posted on Sun Jun 9th, 2024 @ 12:48am by Lieutenant JG Amanda Clark, MD & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

808 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Timeline: Right after the accident

Doctor Gaeta let out a breath at the chaos of injured that had been steadily arriving. He had sent some nurses out to assist triage for those who were either still working, or unable to move. Just as well. They had their hands full.

He was standing by a biobed, over an injured crewman, his hand for the moment occupied with putting pressure on the neck wound, concerned there was an arterial bleed. By concerned, he would say decently sure, and this was a good moment to get the other doctor involved. More hands, quicker and better results. "Doctor Clark, I need your assistance!" he called out, eyes on the plummeting blood pressure of the patient.

Amanda rushed over and took a hypo spray off a cart on the way, she loaded it with a medication to help stop the bleeding or at least slow it down. Amanda reviewed the information on the bio-beds monitor and waited for the Chief Medical Officer to give orders. She was already going over her mind what she thought would be ordered.

"Thank you," he said, nodding as he watched her for a moment. "I want you to get ready to close the wound the moment I move my hand. I'll start getting the hypos ready to replenish the blood he has lost."

"Yes Doctor" Amanda shook her head and reached for the appropriate tool on a table near by. She glanced up at Doctor Gaeta for a moment and then back down at his hand so she could act at a seconds notice to suture up the wound.

Roan nodded and pulled his hands away, giving her the space to work. He quickly got his hands clean before he started lining up he hypos. "How are you doing, Doctor Clark?"

“We are” she paused as she sutured one of the bleeding arteries and started toward another she started to say “goo” when an alarm when off and the first suture failed. Something she had never seen happen “I’m sure it was secure” Doctor Clark glanced up at the other physician and then continued the suture she was working on.

"Try again," he said, his voice gentle. "You got this covered, don't be worried about changing the stitch if needed. The scars will be removed regardless," he added, his eyes going to the vitals as he took another hypo.

Another stitch was placed and the bleeding started to slow down. “Looks like the bleeding had stopped” she looked up sg Roan to make sure she was doing the right thing.

"Good work," he said with a smile, giving her a nod. "Let's patch him up, see where he is at when he wakes up. No sign of any brain damage on the scans, which is good. We'll keep an eye on his organs though, heavy blood loss can have a knock on effect."

Amanda shook her head in agreement “was touchy for a second” the young doctor admitted.

"You had it under control," Roan said with confidence, giving her a nod. "It's your patient now, let me know the next steps once you have finished with the neck wound."

Doctor Clark moved on to the other wounds on the patients neck. They were not as severe as the wound she had just sutured, the dermal regenerator should be able to handle them. “After this last wound is healed up. I think we should do a round of antibiotics and continue to monitor for infection or additional complications.”

He nodded as he watched her, a small smile coming to him. "Alright Doctor Clark, I'll enter that into the chart." He agreed with her and it was good training for her to get used to considering the next steps.

She looked up and gave the Chief Medical Officer a nod. Doctor Clark finished with her patient and made sure they were comfortable before cleaning up and waiting for what was next from Roan.

He looked at her as he finished before he took a PADD and walked to her side. "We have some patients left. Want a broken leg or console burns?" he asked, offering her dibs on patients.

“I’ll take the fracture” she glanced over at the other doctor. “I guess we better get to work” Amanda was ready. A broken leg wasn’t anything to complicated to handle.

"If you need anything, shout," Roan said before he touched her arm, briefly and reassuringly. "And if not...well, I'll shout if I need anything." He smiled and pulled away, to get starting on the console burns.

Doctor Clark finished up with her patient and set the computer to notify her at the slightest change. Of course she would check on the young man periodically but she now had a report to file that would go directly to the Chief Medical Officer.


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