
The Dog

Posted on Thu Jun 27th, 2024 @ 3:50pm by Gr'Thor & Captain Tyler Driskill

433 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Death is only the beginning
Location: Bridge

Night shift was about over. Day shift was supposed to be coming on soon. Only it was not the Lt supposed to be in the Captain's Chair. Gr'Thor was sitting in the chair. The Lt that was supposed to be in the Captain's Chair was at the ops station.

When the Captain came on deck, Gr'Thor got out of the chair.

The LT looks over, "Finally, you move." Then he noticed the Captain had arrived. "Good morning, Sir." He was afraid of dogs, so Gr'Thor wouldn't listen to him.

Gr'Thor sat beside the chair like he was turning the shift over to the Captain.

“How did things go last night, anything to report” Captain Driskill asked the Lieutenant.

The Lt looked at him, "Engineering did a lot of power supply checks outside of warp. Reports came in. Sensors picked up an uninhabited class M moon about four minutes ago. That thing came on the bridge and laid down about five hours ago. I got up to check a sensor reading and he took the chair. He refused to move. You had a communicator on his collar and I've seen him with security, so I didn't call any emergency."

"That thing" Captain Driskill glanced at the Lieutenant "is Gr'Thor and yes he is part of security and has a certain role in morale" Tyler smiled a little thinking about Gr'Thor in his chair and not moving. "Did you have a good night Gr'Thor?" he asked the animal sitting on the bridge.

Gr'Thor barked once. Then he went around sniffing and tapping the phaser compartments with his foot.

The Lt was confused, "He is named after the Klingon word for Hell? Why does he do that with his foot?"

Then the dog sat down next to the Captain.

"He's pointing out the weapons on the bridge" the Captain reached over and gave him a pat on the head. "I'm not sure where he got the name but he's part of the crew" Tyler looked over at the Lieutenant with an eyebrow raised.

The Lt spoke, "I manually opened all those and counted them because security never showed up. He just sniffs and we can write down what he signals. How do we know he is right?"

"He hasn't been wrong so far" Tyler smiled "but you are always more than welcome to count behind him."

The Lt looked at the dog, "I am to treat him like a member of the crew, a member of security?"

“Pretty much” Captain Driskill glanced over at the man and then back at Gr’Thor “just use good judgment.”



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