
Questions about Subroutines

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 10:58pm by Crewman Vakra Kor & Lieutenant JG Rhee Xiviu

697 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Death is only the beginning

Vakra and Gr'Thor came off the turbo lift and towards the Operations Department. It wasn't much of an office or meeting place. Vakra went inside and spoke, "Greetings, Operations Staff. I am Vakra from security."

Rhee looked at Vakra for a moment, tilting her head to the side. She stood straighter, her hands going behind her back. "Rhee Xiviu," she introduced herself. "How can we assist?"

"I need to build a collar for Gr'Thor that can get him into the turbo lift and on the bridge."

She looked at Vakra and then at Gr'Thor, blinking for a moment. "Why?" she asked, bluntly, meeting Vakra's eyes again.

Vakra grinned, "He is a member of the crew. He also assists with Security Checks and the counselling department."

For a moment, Rhee almost looked annoyed. " he?" she asked, looking at Gr'Thor, with some confusion. She had never been good with animals, or more remembering species.

Vakra looked at her, "Pure Blood Jackal Mastiff of a Highly Sought After Bloodline. He assists in Security. Apparently, the Vulcanoid Child on the Ship thinks he is a pillow."

"Is the Vulcanoid child blind?" Rhee asked, face blank before she looked at Vakra. "I'll need authorisation from a member of the Command staff before I can modify a collar to get him on the bridge." If only in case the creature felt like relieving itself against the Captain's chair. Better to have permission.

Vakra was confused, "I do not believe the child is blind. She is a child and likes to sleep on the dog. He is like a stuffed animal with a heart beat and can protect her."

"So a stuffed animal, not a pillow." Rhee watched him, giving a small nod. "Very well. I still need authorisation before I can create a collar that gets him on the bridge. I can make one for the turbolift, and once you have obtained authorisation I can modify the code."

Vakra tilted his head, "Like a stuffed animal that can and will protect her very efficiently. I will retrieve the authorizations forthwith. I will notify you and get them to you. Thank you for your time."

She nodded at the words, taking a tricorder. "I can get the collar done now though," she said, to stop him from leaving so quickly. She needed the measurements of Gr'Thor anyway.

Vakra snapped his fingers and pointed to the LT's feet. Gr'Thor walked over to her. "Gr'Thor. Rank." The dog sniffed her and the sat, head up, like he was at attention. This was the dog's variation of a salute. She could do the collar measurements easily. "He also now knows you outrank me and him."

"Clever thing," she said and knelt, taking her tricorder. "If only some cadets could learn that, huh?" she got the measurements and stood. "Give me a few minutes," she told Vakra and moved to the replicator.

Vakra grinned, "As someone who didn't go to Academy, I won't be disrespecting those who did." Vakra wasn't an officer, he was an Enlisted Crewman. His father and leader of his family wouldn't write him a recommendation letter. So even an Ensign outranked him.

"Well, trust me then..." she said and met his eyes for a brief moment as she turned with the collar in her hand. She quickly looked away, never sure where to look anyway. She knelt and looked at Gr'Thor. "Let me put this on you. Won't hurt you, promise," she was whispering, her hand gently as she stroked the hound's side for a moment.

The Dog nuzzled her as she put the collar on him.

Vakra grinned, "He likes you."

She chuckled and gave the dog a well deserved scratch, for a moment with a soft expression she had not yet shared with any of her humanoid crew members. As she straightened to stand, giving Vakra a nod. "Come back with the authorisations and I can adjust the codes for access."

Vakra nodded, "I have a double shift starting in ten. I'll get them. Thank you Lieutenant."

Xiviu looked at him before she nodded, brushing her uniform down. "Thank you, Crewman," she said, watching him and the hound go.




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