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Engineering updates

Posted on Fri May 3rd, 2024 @ 5:32am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Commander Joseph Sledge & Lieutenant Chaika & Lieutenant JG Gulati

997 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 24 | Engineering | USS Concord

Tyler sat in his ready room for a moment. To relax for a second and take a few deep breaths and a moment of silence for those who had been hurt or lost their lives in the accident when they arrived in the Delta Quadrant. He kept calling it that an accident but with the fact there was an investigation after the body of Ensign Tullos had been found.

The Captain was getting antsy and wondering how the repairs were coming along since his Chief Engineer had been able to return to duty. It didn’t take very long for Tyler to slip out of his ready room and into the turbo lift. “Deck twenty four” the Captain requested and the lift was moving quickly toward its destination. With in just a minuet or so the Captain found himself walking through the main entrance to engineering. He knew three of his senior staff were supposed to be here working on repairs. “How’s it coming along? Tyler asked as he approached several of his officers working at a console.

Joseph had just crawled out of a set of Jeffries tubes, his uniform covered in a bit of grease and some residual plasma leakage. He looked to the Captain and spoke “work is coming along slowly Cap.. But we’ve got this..” he walked over to the diagnostic console that the Captain was near and tapped the screen to bring up a new diagnostic. He spoke “Most everything is at least at fifty percent or higher. Life support is the only thing at one hundred percent, like I said at the staff meeting… we have had a bit of trouble with grav plating on deck thirteen section forty two. But that’s been settled. Unfortunately not before crewman Johnson sustained some injuries due to gravity jumping to four times earth normal.. he’s lucky it was only for a second. But they did have their leg crushed..”

“Unfortunate news about crewman Johnson, but he is in good hands with the medical team.” The Captain started looking around engineering “it looks better down here” he was referring to a few days ago when he paid engineering a visit. “Everyone has been pushing themselves” Tyler looked down and then back into his officers eyes. “I came for an update on the repairs” the Captain folded his hands together behind his back.

"And I came for a tuna salad, but I'm not seeing that happening any time soon" commented Lieutenant Gulati who approached Captain Driskill from behind. "Replicators are offline in the mess hall. I take that would be because of you two" she said looking at Chaika and Sledge.

Joseph let out a rather explosive sigh and spoke “we just got those back online two hours ago..” before he started punch poking the screen in agitation. His sleep deprivation showing for just a moment with his loss of cool.

“Let’s take a deep breath, I know you are all beyond exhausted” Driskill demanded. “Where are we with major systems and the. We will go over what’s next.” He wanted to know the status of engines, defensive systems and sensors “I’d like to get out of damn nebula.”

Gulati nodded in agreement. "Tuna salad is a luxury. It can wait. Replicators can wait" the Benzite stated. "We have plenty emergency rations aboard. We could get the science department on top of utilizing airponics and hydroponics if we feel this is a potential long term concern."

She was in full agreement with Driskill. "I concur, Captain. If we can get clear of the nebula, we can start making calculations and identifying stellar points to determine where exactly we have ended up."

“So give me good news” Tyler looked at the three of them “are we repaired enough to move about our mission and get our bearings?”

"I'll leave that in their hands" Gulati said. She was an advisor aboard and did not want to overstep boundaries. She believed Chaika and Sledge were more suited to provide updates.

Chaika looked up from the PADD she had brought along. "Warp drive is back online now. So are Impulse engines," she reported. "We have made sufficient repairs to 'move' as you wish Captain," the Asobi engineer told them all. "However, the transwarp drive is..." she paused for a brief moment. "How do Humans say it..." she pondered. "Ah yes. Absolutely Knackered."

“I was afraid of that” Captain Driskill looked down at his feet and then back up at his officers. “What speeds can you give me if I need them?”

Chaika pondered on the question for a few brief moments. "I'd like to limit us to warp six for now. Until we can properly test the engines."

Gulati looked the Captain "I'm happy with that if you are. It is definitely enough to start exploring our immediate surroundings."

“I’m more than happy with warp six” Driskill gave Chaika a slight smile “good to see you back on your feet, Lieutenant.” The Captain was hoping for warp three at best so this was pretty good news. “We will depart the nebula in one hour. Let’s be as ready as possible, I want to know where in the Delta Quadrant we are and how far off course we wound up.” He knew they would have to be out of the nebula for more answers but it was time to get things moving. “Any major concerns” he asked looking at the small group before him.

Chaika shook her head. "I need to examine the transwarp drive in more detail before we attempt to use it again."

“Of course” Captain Driskill agreed “let’s continue repairs and get the Concord back to her original mission.” Of course Tyler knew there was still much to be done before they could go forward with finding their fellow Federation starship. “I’ll be on the bridge” he gave a nod and made his way toward the exit.


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