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Post disaster staff meeting

Posted on Wed Dec 6th, 2023 @ 3:41am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Commander Joseph Sledge & Lieutenant T'Schuun Schoor & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant Chaika & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta & Lieutenant Kaelyn Carter & Lieutenant JG Freya Walker & Lieutenant JG Gulati & Lieutenant JG Rhee Xiviu

2,586 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: USS Concord | Deck 1 | Bridge
Timeline: 4 hours after launch

—11:56 hours—

The USS Concord had been traveling via the Borg engine enhancements for just under four hours now and by the calculations presented to Captain Driskill they should be around twenty thousand light years short of Voyagers last reported position. They were well into the Delta Quadrant by now and Tyler was looking forward to meeting Captain Janeway. Of course sensors and navigation were still reading all over the place but the crew were keeping close eyes on everything.

There was an alarm that rang from the operations station, it caught the Captains attention. “Report” Tyler asked raising an eyebrow but before anyone could give him a reply one of the auxiliary consoles exploded and the lights on the bridge went out. Captain Driskill held on tight as it felt like the ship was spinning in space and they were losing inertial dampeners.

Joseph had been walking around the bridge, checking various stations and making some diagnostics when the auxiliary console exploded. It had given him a slight burn which he brushed off until the loss of inertial dampeners caused him to lose his footing. He fell back and down the ramp towards the center of the bridge "What the hell!" He shouted as he came to a stop.

Walker was knocked out of her chair.

Skye groaned as she was slammed forward into her console, her head thudding heavily against the glass. Her hand went to the bleeding wound on sheer instinct and she struggled to open her eyes. Blinding heat flashed behind them as she tried to focus on her screen, her jaw clenching both against the pain and her anger. "Helm isn't responding," she called across the chaos, trying to reboot the console. "It's dead!"

The Betazoid at the Operations console held on, her eyes dark. "I can't keep up with the computer, it's not letting me divert power to the helm," Rhee said as she looked over a the Captain. Her fingers were pale with how hard she was gripping the console. "I can try to get the inertial dampeners stable manually." She'd need to...or else when they cut the engine they would all be dead if it failed.

Tyler was picking himself up off the floor in the center of the bridge. A throbbing pain shooting from his right shoulder down his arm to his hand. The bridge was filled with smoke and little light. “Do it” he said to Rhee “bridge to engineering” he called but there was no response. “Are internal communications down” he asked making his way back to his chair, realizing his shoulder had to be out of socket.

It had gone from calm to chaos in a heartbeat… one moment Carter had been standing at the science station and the next the ensign due to cover her break had rugby tackled her to the deck as the adjacent station overloaded. The lights cut out as the ship seemed to resemble on of those fairground rollercoasters then the smooth sailing just moments before. She heard voices and sounds as people were picking themselves up, or trying to.

“Are you injured, Lieutenant?” Ensign T’Nyr enquired as she sat up.

“Thanks to you, Ensign,” Carter replied as she reached out and managed to get a grip on the wood panelling which arched over the command chairs and began to pick herself up. She heard the captain’s question and realised most of everything was down. What the hell indeed…. Had the new systems malfunctioned? Had they hit some kind of spatial anomaly?

“If engineering is anything like here they may need help, Captain,” Carter called out, “I can head down there.”

“Lieutenant Gulati” Tyler looked over “why don’t you join Lieutenant Carter.” Gulati was an expert on the Borg tech and Project Concord and her input would be best in Engineering. “The rest of you” he looked around “I want a full report, what’s working, what’s not… you know the drill” he was up and checking on a wounded bridge officer. “Get me a medic up here” the Captain demanded.

Gulati understood the assignment, she was to head down to Engineering and ideally be of service down there. "Aye Captain," she said promptly. "If you wouldn't mind, I want a copy of what our navigational sensors detected during our incident."

“Of course” Tyler agreed.

Walker was assessing injuries. "This one needs immediate medical Attention."

Tyler was no medic but he grabbed an emergency medical kit that was stored on the bridge and tried to help one armed. He figured he could fill in until help arrived from sickbay. The tricorder was picking up a heart beat but the young man was hurt bad. “How long until we have internal comms” the Captain looked up toward his First Officer. The lights emergency lighting flashing through out the bridge, they were lucky the fire suppression systems were still working. At least they were on deck one, section one.

It had taken Joseph a moment to catch his breath, laying there in a slight daze before rolling over to push himself up. "Gimme a moment sir." as he stumbled over to his seat and turned the screen. He growled a bit and spoke "Unknown sir." Before he stumbled his way to the Operations console that would have a more comprehensive display.

He looked to Lieutenant Xiviu and spoke "Lieutenant. Can you activate the self repair function?" He leaned against the Ops chair a bit, holding his head as he did.

She looked at him, her jaw tightened for a moment as she moved her fingers. She finally gave a nod, almost with relief. And there was relief. "Yes, I have activated it," she said and looked at him, frowning. "Medical should be sending someone up here, they...some ships, that if there's no communication." And she wasn't sure if that was what they did here.

Just moments later a medic exited the turbo lift and took over treating the injured. Tyler was glad the lifts were still working they needed all the luck they could get at this point. He let out a sigh as he took his seat and thought for a second before he started working on some things from his chairs small console.

The lift opened again, and Lieutenant T'Schuun exited. "Lovely--I go down to Shuttlebay I, and this happens..." She studied the bridge, then noticed Vos near the Helm. "I have it, Ensign... Are you going to be all right?"

"Hurts like an absolute f..." Skye managed to bite back the swear word that she was about to blurt out. She lifted her hand to her head, her fingers smearing the green blood from the wound there. "It'll be fine, I can get to Sickbay," she assured, pushing herself up.

T'Schuun nodded, then put a hand on the younger woman's shoulder. "Go," she said in Vulcan, then hunched over the console, studying readouts. "Captain!" she called out, standing straight, "we are at a dead stop. The transwarp drive malfunctioned--unknown at the moment exactly how. The main computer and the sensors aren't talking to each other, so I can't tell you where we are, except somewhere deep in the Delta Quadrant." She tapped at a couple of controls. "Viewer is operational, if you want to see?"

“On screen” Tyler gave a nod. The view was just stars and darkness, nothing special at all. “How are our engines, Lieutenant?” He asked the Vulcan at the front of the bridge.

She frowned at her readouts. "Engines are... I believe impulse and thrusters are operational, but I wouldn't risk it. Warp drive appears to be offline, although that could have been Engineering being proactive... Captain, I don't think we're going anywhere for a while."

—21:00 hours—

It had been over eight hours since the Concord arrived in the Delta Quadrant. Sadly things didn’t go as planned and the ship sustained damage when whatever went wrong, went wrong. The senior staff had been assembled for an update to the Captain. “Well we know we have arrived in the Delta Quadrant” Tyler looked around the table “I need a status report from each department.”

The Captain was an Operations Officer by training and he was well aware the damage was pretty extensive, but could have been far worse. He needed his people to let him know what systems were down, what worked and how long it would take to get the damaged systems repaired.

Walker nodded, "Engineering, Operations, and Damage Control Teams are already deployed. It's Procedure."

Just then, several comm badges started beeping, ".-.. --- -.-. -.- . -.. / .. -. / - .... . / .- .-. -- --- .-. -.-- .-.-.- / / .- .-. -- --- .-. -.-- / .. ... / ... . -.-. ..- .-. . -.. .-.-.-." Specifically, the Captain's, The XO, and Wilde's.

Tyler glanced over at Sledge with a look of confusion and then quickly at Nixie before tapping his communicator “Driskill here” was all he said and waited for a reply.

Walker listened to the repeating pattern, "Earth guy. Sam Morris. Elf Vale. Something. Born after the United States became a Country. Was it Morris? My Dad thought they were geniuses." She used her tricorder to scan the pattern, "I suspect Communications is not fully functional." She handed the tricorder to Nixie because it identified the short and longs of the beeps as Morse Code. "I think you are being notified that the Armory is Secured and someone is stuck."

“Send someone to assist them” Tyler looked around the conference room “I need to know what’s damaged and where we are with repairs.” He took a deep breath and looked over at the ships physician “casualties?”

Roan's eyes were dark before he nodded. "Not as many as we feared. We got more injured than dead though, I'll send through the names of the deceased to your office, Captain."

Nixie glanced around the group, shaking her head carefully. At some point, blood had stained her uniform, but she hadn't had time to notice or care. "Scans show no sign of any known weapon signatures. It's no solace, but it seems that we can cross an attack off the list of what might have happened."

“That’s a positive in all this” the Captain gave a nod toward Lieutenant Wilde. “How are our defensive systems looking, Lieutenant?”

"Not the best," Nixie had to admit, a slight breath escaping her lips, in the way that usually served as a warning for not great news. "We can muster about 30% shields if needed. With low power and a weakened structural integrity field and inertial dampening field, most of our programmed defence and offence patterns are out of the question."

“As far as sciences, the labs took some damage and a few bumps and bruises but nothing significant. We are focusing on getting the full suite of sensors up and running, a few are giving us completely impossible data but that is likely due to physical damage. Those who can I’ve reassigned to either engineering or medical and kept a skeleton staff for now.”

Walker looked at the Captain, "Damage Control Is underway. The Crew is too busy to have much of a negative emotional response, outside of Naval Cursing. They have a job to do, they are busy, and that will help for now."

“They may need you once things are” there was a pause “back to normal.” Looking over at his Chief Engineer the next question was important “what systems are down and how long for repairs?”

Chaika looked exhausted, she was still fresh from Engineering which still looked like a war zone. Her long hair resembled a birds nest than hair, her uniform was still dirty and ripped in places. She shook her head at the Captain. "We won't be going many locations any time fast..." she stated. "Easier for me to list the functional systems..."

Captain Driskill sat forward in his chair. He needed more information then he was getting. They arrived in the Delta Quadrant or rather crashed into the quadrant hours ago. “Lieutenant Carter find us any thing we can use as camouflage, push the sensors to the maximum.” He made his way around the room looking into the eyes of the men and women assembled “Commander you and Lieutenant Chaika get on those repairs.” Tyler let sighed “I want a full report from each department head by seven sharp.”

He knew he was asking a lot of his staff but it was going to be all hands on deck until the Concord was repaired or at least back to operational status. “If there is nothing else” he asked softly “we all have plenty of work before us” the Captain stood.

T'Schuun spoke up. "Captain, I just received an update... We are capable of Warp 5, but that would be pushing it--I would prefer we maintain a sustained speed of no more than Warp 4.1, 4.5 in a pinch, until Engineering has time to get the warp engines fully repaired. I will add, however, that impulse engines are at 97 percent of normal capacity, and the damage they did take is minor." She paused a moment, then went on, "Additionally, all the shuttles and runabouts are functional, save for some buckling on the Clark's port warp nacelle. I could dispatch either the Lethe or the Anduin to see if we can get a better fix on our exact position."

Warp four would do and he hoped they didn’t need to run any faster then that. “Sounds like a fine idea, Lieutenant make that your priority.” He was giving her permission to use of of the auxiliary craft.

"I'll see to it personally, Captain."

Tyler gave a nod and a smile “unless there is anything else, let’s get to it.”

Seeing no one else looked like they were about to speak, Nixie stood, brushing her jacket down as she nodded to the others. She headed for the lift, taking a deep breath as she thought on their predicament. One thing was for sure...their mission had been to get to the Delta Quadrant...and they'd done it. For better or worse.

Joseph had been relatively silent through most of the briefing. He had been seated on his left side more due to his back actually hurting pretty good from being thrown. He shook his head as he looked over the various PaDDs before him. Softly he spoke "I can head down to engineering, give a hand to whomever needs it." Though his face was a bit pained as he said it.

"Kurwa" muttered a blonde woman with a tight bun and steelhead strut across the bridge with a PaDD in hand. She had just emerged from below decks, down in Engineering and by look of her disheveled uniform, elbows and all through a jefferies tube or several. "Report from Engineering, hand delivered" the woman promptly offered the Captain the PaDD. "Lieutenant Gulati have had a look around. We have nothing concrete yet, Captain, but Gulati has her suspicions. Unfortunately, my expertise is in damage control. We may be capable of warp factor 5, but my professional opinion matches my colleagues, don't stretch it. Don't push it."

“Very well” Captain Driskill agreed. “We all have plenty to do, so let’s get to it” he just dismissed his people. He wanted his ship back to operational status and quickly.


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