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Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 3:28am

Ensign Skye Vos

Name Skye Vos

Position Flight Control Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan / Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 130 Ibs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description SV3.jpg


Father Savok (Vulcan)
Mother Lena Vos (Human)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Unlike other Vulcans, Skye does not practice any kind of emotional repression or purging. On the contrary, she has embraced her human half and her emotions. However, being half Vulcan, this means her emotions are deep and fiery, making her a highly passionate young woman, sometimes with a temper to match. She also loves just as deeply, so has fierce loyalty to friends and enjoys her leisure time. She has a rebellious streak, but there will always be a rhyme and reason to what she does, even if others don’t agree with her logic.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths – flying, intelligent, quick learner, initiative, works well under pressure

Weaknesses – strong emotions result in a temper, can struggle with focus, answers back more often than keeping her mouth shut, impulsive
Hobbies & Interests Climbing, diving, swimming, competitive games, music (plays the drums), dancing, drinking with friends

Personal History Skye was born as the result of a Pon Farr mating between a Vulcan man, Savok, and a human woman, Lena Vos. When Savok went into Pon Farr on a deep space station, Lena agreed to help him, as his friend. They never imagined it would result in a child, but Lena decided to have her, knowing it may well be her only opportunity, given her lifestyle as a Starfleet Officer. Lena and Savok did not remain in a relationship though, and even their friendship became strained to the point of outright friction when it came to parenthood.

Skye spent time between her parents, most often in space, depending on their separate postings. Much to her father’s disdain, Skye grew up without Vulcan control and embraced emotion with the encouragement of her mother. Her mother reluctantly allowed Skye to be taken to live with her father’s family for a year as a child, unable to look after her while working on a project. The Vulcan family bombarded the girl with their ideals, teachings, learnings, trying to force her to repress emotions. But the passionate and spirited girl did not react well to their effort to control her emotions, and she only rebelled further.

When Skye returned to her mother she vowed never to go back to live with Vulcans, and her mother wasn’t going to convince her otherwise. Her father was clearly displeased by the turn of events, having considered her emotional state something she would grow out of as she reached teenage years, when she would be ready to embrace tranquillity. Despite being pulled between two cultures and being constantly on the move around the quadrant, Skye did well in her lessons, very well in fact. The half human, half Vulcan girl was bright, a very quick learner and showed excellent initiative...but she often lost focus and had a rebellious streak with her deep emotions only becoming more heated during her teenage years.

With such promise, Savok was determined to take Skye to study in a Vulcan institution, to help her reach her full potential and quash her indulgence with emotions. Skye point blank refused, resulting in several arguments between them. To put an end to the demands, she impulsively applied to Starfleet as soon as she reached 18. With high test scores, she was accepted, but resisted the push towards Science, deciding to chase the thrill of flying instead.

Her time at the Academy was rocky to say the least. For every great score was a missed class or argument with an Instructor. Her Vulcan fuelled human emotions ran deep and hot, and they showed themselves often. She remained in the Academy by the skin of her teeth and managed to graduate into a position on a ship. Even as she started serving on the Forcester, the news was coming through about what the Cardassians were being allowed to do to innocent people out on the border. Skye wasn’t alone in her anger about Starfleet’s refusal to help the colonies being left to the mercy of the Cardassians, and she only served a few months before leaving to join the Maquis.

Skye served as a pilot to the Maquis, her passion driving her through risky runs and overpowering any thoughts of the risk. Her flying style was forged in the fire of the Maquis and she worked with them for almost two years before it all fell apart. The Maquis were thwarted and she was sent into hiding. Skye floated around without much purpose, taking to stations rather than planets. Even when the war broke out, she kept her head down. When a pardon was offered to ex-Starfleeters that had turned Maquis if they rejoined to fight the war, Skye wasn’t convinced about going back. She hadn’t exactly been a natural fleeter. When the stories started coming in from the war though, her grit and anger returned, and she became determined to go back and fight to help put a finish to the atrocities once and for all.

Skye served as a pilot in the last year of the war, showing the same fire and passion as she had in the Maquis. She earned commendations for flying under fire, and by the time the war had ended, her commanding officer advised that her pardon was deserved. Skye had to resist the urge to roll her eyes at what felt like patronising rhetoric, but either way, she decided that she may as well remain with Starfleet for a little longer and see where it took her. The next stop turned out to be the USS Concord.
Service Record 2367-2371 – Starfleet Academy, Flight Control, Cadet
2371 – USS Forcester, Flight Control Officer, Ensign
2371-2373 – Maquis
2374-2375 – USS Athena, Flight Control Officer, Ensign
2375-Present – USS Concord, Flight Control Officer, Ensign