Welcome to Project Concord!

A Federation starship marooned in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, disconnected from the safety net of Starfleet back home and dependent upon one another as a crew as they explore the unknown abyss of the Delta Quadrant. You know this legendary adventure? The iconic Captain Kathryn Janeway and the starship Voyager or perhaps the desperations of Captain Rudolph Ransom of the starship Equinox? Prepare for a total eclipse of what you thought you knew and embrace what you did not know. There is an untold story in the vast reaches of the Delta Quadrant. A perilous adventure with twists and turns, sabotage and murder, desperation and exploration. This is your story aboard the Federations starship Concord and it’s taken flight.
Project Concord
The actions of a father to be reunited with his son knows no bounds as in 2375 Admiral Owen Paris spearheaded a classified project known simply as Concord in an attempt to rescue his black sheep son and the crew of the USS Voyager, a starship that had been missing and presumed loss until contact was made from the starship to the Alpha Quadrant. The USS Concord with reverse engineered Borg transwarp technology is catapulted across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant in hopes of rescuing the crew of Voyager and returning with technology that could be the turning point of the Dominion War.
The flames of hope are extinguished when a deadly stowaway aboard the Concord becomes a crafty saboteur, damaging the experimental transwarp drive and marooning the starship and itself in the Delta Quadrant far from the coordinates of Voyager. Now the crew must be cunning and resourceful as they make repairs, and they navigate their way through a quadrant far from home. Meanwhile, sabotage turns to murder as the crew is targeted from within the starship by a shapeshifting menace.

Latest News Items
» Merry Christmas
Posted on Wed Dec 25th, 2024 @ 6:40pm by Captain Tyler Driskill in Out of Character
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
» Milestone
Posted on Tue Dec 10th, 2024 @ 12:16am by Captain Tyler Driskill in Out of Character
Congratulations to SciLad, who plays Lieutenant Tyler Rehman on being with the Concord for just over a year! We are so glad you joined us and stick with us.
» Promotion
Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 1:13am by Captain Tyler Driskill in General News
Congratulations to Tyler Rehman on promotion to Chief Science Officer. With a rank advancement to full Lieutenant. We are so glad to have you as part of our writing family.
Captain Driskill/Clinton
» Congratulations!!!
Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 8:39pm by Captain Tyler Driskill in General News
Congratulations to Katy and Anne as you are our writers of the month for September.
Katy also earned player of the quarter, congratulations to you!
To all of you a big congratulations on earning the task force unit of merit for September 2024.
» Congratulations
Posted on Mon Jun 10th, 2024 @ 3:48am by Captain Tyler Driskill in General News
Congratulations writers of the USS Concord. Your hard work and creativity has paid off. You have earned the Theta Fleet award of merit for the month May.
Latest Mission Posts
» Pink Blood
Mission: Mission 3 - Discord of the Mind
Posted on Sat Mar 8th, 2025 @ 8:49pm by Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant JG Kahlin & Crewman Vakra Kor
Security was securing the transporter room.. it was a crime scene and looked like a homicide.
As soon as Wilde walked in, they clicked heals, the NCO spoke, "This looks bad, ma'am."
"Story of the week..." Nixie quirked an eyebrow, barely containing her anger as she looked around with narrowed, darkened eyes. She pulled her tricorder free, starting to scan. "I take it the room is secure?" she assumed checking for any remaining threat would have been their first step, but it was good practice to verify. And frankly, the way things were going at the moment, she wasn't…
» Sphere and Surprise
Mission: Mission 3 - Discord of the Mind
Posted on Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 3:28am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Commander Joseph Sledge & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant Tyler Rehman & Lieutenant JG T'Lar & Lieutenant Commander Gulati & Ensign Skye Vos
The USS Concord had been traveling at warp speed over the last several days. Traveling toward an asteroid field that held several minerals and materials the crew could use. Being so far from the Alpha Quadrant and friend starbases the crew needed to gather these materials whenever they were able. Lieutenant Commander Gulati had also reported that their may be a chance to salvage much needed equipment to fix their transwarp drive. What was making Captain Driskill nervous was the equipment was on a derelict Borg ship.
The nebula-class starship was approaching their target and the edge of the asteroid…
» Flirting
Mission: Mission 3 - Discord of the Mind
Posted on Wed Feb 19th, 2025 @ 5:51pm by Lieutenant Makai ("Kai") Nokamura & Lieutenant JG Kahlin & Ensign Valerie Sheldon & Warrant Officer Melina Slusarski & Crewman Vakra Kor & Gr'Thor
Vakra put a message scroll container on Gr'Thor's collar. Then he put flowers in his mouth. "Go find Lt Kahlin."
Gr'Thor trotted in like he owned the place, the same way he goes everywhere. He sniffed around the engineers and technicians. He passed Kai and Melina. Then he found Kahlin and sat down in front of her.
Khalin looked at the hound, eyes widening at the flower before she sighed. She leant down, speaking in Klingon. "Now what I am going to do with you," she said before she saw the scroll, holding it.
Ms. Melina Slusarski, a damage control…
» Private dinner
Mission: Mission 3 - Discord of the Mind
Posted on Thu Feb 13th, 2025 @ 1:58am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Commander Joseph Sledge & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant Makai ("Kai") Nokamura & Lieutenant Tyler Rehman & Lieutenant JG T'Lar & Lieutenant JG Freya Walker
It had been a couple of days since the explosion of the Kobali ship and his subsequent self demotion from Executive Officer. Joseph was in his quarters going over a few things. He had set up a small kitchen in his quarters before they had left spacedock. It was one of the few things that helped calm him. Along with the kitchen, came a refrigeration unit that kept the live produce and other commodities that he had gotten before they left, fresh.
He decided that he wanted to have another small get together with the other crew, perhaps to explain…
» Missing Crewman
Mission: Mission 3 - Discord of the Mind
Posted on Sun Feb 2nd, 2025 @ 1:08am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta & Lieutenant JG Freya Walker & Lieutenant Commander Gulati & Gr'Thor
Walker was followed by Gr'Thor. She went to the Captain's Office.
The Captain had been rather busy this morning and wondered who was ringing the chime and what they could want. "Come in" he called out from his desk but didn't get up.
She entered, "Captain. Have we found Kor yet?"
"No we haven't" Tyler said with a raised eyebrow wondering if the Lieutenant had any information or ideas.
Walker looked at the Captain, "Other crew are making sure the dog is fed. He double tapped his comm. He asked for help while fighting. He had just gotten off a…
Latest Personal Logs
» Losses Mounting
Posted on Fri Nov 15th, 2024 @ 8:31am by Lieutenant Commander Joseph Sledge
Second Officers Personal Log.
Stardate: 52457
Some shuffling noises in the background, along with a grunt of pain before a voice sounds
"I am pretty sure I am among a lot of Starfleet officers in this quadrant, along with some Maquis that say 'Fuck. This. Quadrant.'"
A sigh as he takes a sip of his tea before the clatter of porcelain on metal and his voice once again
"Ever since we've hit this quadrant, its been mission FUBAR. Dead crew all over the place, now we've a ship full of an alien species we know nothing about and I am…
» Captains Log: New friends, old foes
Posted on Thu Nov 14th, 2024 @ 1:25am by Captain Tyler Driskill
Captains Log
Stardate: 52457.0
Captain Tyler Driskill Recording:
Captains log star date 52457, where do I even begin? We keep losing people, whether it be by an accident or this changeling that's aboard the Concord. Lieutenant Kaelyn Carter was a brilliant science officer and a valued member of my senior staff, she will be missed. I'm sad to report that she was murdered in a gruesome manner and there have also been attempts on several others including myself. Yet the assailant remains at large aboard this very ship. A changeling is hard to catch but there have been precautions set…
» Captains Log: Head First Into The Delta Quadrant
Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 6:35am by Captain Tyler Driskill
Captains Log
Stardate: 52449.93784880762
Captain Tyler Driskill Recording:
The journey into the Delta Quadrant has been a bumpy ride to say he least. Our reversed engineered Borg technology went haywire or at least so we thought. Thanks to a Changeling saboteur the Concord came crashing into the quadrant. There was extensive damage to several decks, including hull breaches, which have sense been sealed.
We sadly lost several fine men and woman that day, who will not be forgotten. Their killer will somehow be caught and brought to justice. I myself found one of the victims, Ensign Tullos was found in…