The Sim
The USS Concord is a Star Trek sim within Theta Fleet and is a 2-2-2 suitable for creative writers 18+. The USS Concord is a Nebula class starship operating within the Delta quadrant of the galaxy. This sim is set in the year 2375 and in no way is considered event Star Trek: canon.
We created this sim for our own creative purposes and love of the Star Trek series and movies alike. Our sim is set it 2375 and uses some of the ideas from both Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Writers are able to create a character and play out their role as in the series as they see fit. They may also create NPC's to help develop the story arc. We highly encourage character development writing and joint posts with fellow writers.
Use the navigation panel to review ship specifications, deck listing, tour, etc.