
  • 17 Mission Posts

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Thu Feb 13th, 2025 @ 1:58am

Lieutenant JG Freya Walker

Name Freya Katherine Walker

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human (Augment Marker)
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 195
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green, Grey, and Amber
Physical Description Red hair Tri Colored Eyes (Heterochromic Eyes. Traditionally called Faerie Eyes in Irish Culture)


Spouse Deceased
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Brother(s) Deceased
Sister(s) Deceased
Other Family She has Great Grand Nephews and Nieces alive. (Her Great Nephew is Commander Cullen Walker on the USS Victory. )

Personality & Traits

General Overview She is Quiet and Contemplative. She likes to listen and Tell stories
Strengths & Weaknesses Martial arts and History. She is a expert on the Klingon Federation War, but reads up on everything since. She has trouble interacting with what family she has left. They weren't even born when she served, but some of them are physically older.
Ambitions To catch up on life and the History she missed.
Hobbies & Interests Martial Arts, History, Xeno Psychology, and Aberrant Psychology

Heathen and Viking Culture. Warrior Cultures.

Personal History Kate was born on New Asgard, a Colony in a Star System with two habitable planets. Celtic Heathens Settled one and Germanic Heathens Settled the other calling it New Asgard. Her father married a woman from there, a School Teacher.. She grew up with other Heathen children and dreamed of going Avikining like other kids, but then she found Psychology and Medicine. Starfleet gave her the opportunity to do both. She was academically gifted having a degree in Psychology before going to Starfleet. She was top of her class despite her young age. The only issues was some abnormalities in her bloodwork that her Paternal Grandmother had to make disappear on paper. After Starfleet Graduation, she got attached to a MACO and RRT Division on their psychological team. She had to run next to them to earn their respect just so they would talk to her. After the Klingon Federation War she was listed as MIA/KIA.

In actuality, she was kidnapped by Q and stuck on the USS Broken Arrow. After a Specific Mission with that ship, Q snapped his fingers moving her ship through time, but she was injured on a Class M planet. She set up a Starfleet Beacon and was rescued after a year by a Vulcan Science Ship, who immediately secured her realizing who she was. Starfleet Temporal Guidelines. She was quarantined by SFI and Starfleet Medical as they made sure she wasn't a clone or a plant. She worked on integrating with her modern family, but it was rough on her. Eventually, she got posted to the Concord. A deep space mission was easier on her.