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Sun Feb 25th, 2024 @ 12:00am

Ensign Hunter Stevens

Name Hunter Anthony Stevens

Position Flight Control Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Weight 190 pounds
Hair Color Black hair
Eye Color Blue eyes
Physical Description Short, stocky, napoleon complex. Little man syndrome to the 9s. Very strong however, like a bowling ball. Slight gut, well groomed beard, slightly bucked teeth. Faded tattoos scar his body when not on uniform showing a rougher life before starfleet


Spouse Divorced
Children No children one cat
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Uncle Anthony, whom hunter's middle name came from, a drunk on earth who is the only remaining member of the troubled stevens clan other than hunter.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Little man syndrome, short temper. Impulsive, and can be loud at times. Jokes and sarcasm are how he copes with his underlying depression.
Strengths & Weaknesses The most honest person you will meet. No filter, he says exactly what is on his mind. Both of which are for better or worse. Physically strong but slow. And lacks endurance. Lacks scientific knowledge but got into starfleet as an exceptional test pilot.
Ambitions To get away from earth.
Hobbies & Interests Drinking. Drinking and drinking. And eating. And drinking.

Also holodeck hockey and ice fishing.

Personal History Hunter was born on the outskirts Sudbury Ontario Canada. A frequent ice fisher and standout hockey player in school, he earned a scholarship to a small school to play hockey. Only to squander the opportunity by partying and flunking out of school. He got a job at a ship building yard and worked his way up from transportation to test pilot. Eventually he joined starfleet as his route between the shipyard and the Starbase were becoming mundane.
Service Record Hunter didn't graduate the academy easily. He failed nearly every test that didn't involve operating a craft the first year. After being held back half a year he was able to barely pass the final exams to be sworn in.

Hunters first post was on a Starbase as a traffic control specialist, guiding incoming crafts and escorting high security cargo. After 9 months there, he spent 2 years as a low level helmsman on various fill in positions on various ships.

After surprising everyone and piloting a ship full of civilians out of a large meteor shower successfully, he was promoted...with hesitancy, to ensign.

The concord is his first post since his promotion.