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Sat Feb 24th, 2024 @ 4:25pm

Lieutenant T'Schuun Schoor

Name T'Schuun Schoor

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 35 Terran years

Physical Appearance

Height 163 CM (5 feet, 4 inches)
Weight 65 KG (143 lbs)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Slender of build, T'Schuun wears her hair long, though still within regulation. She displays many of the traits associated with Vulcans, although is significantly less reserved than most of her species.


Spouse Ariel Schoor, Executive Officer, USS Solstice, Nova-class
Children One--Ariadne, daughter, age 4
Father Skol
Mother T'Reht
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) One--Melissa Shaw, step-sister, human; aide to United Earth government
Other Family Various cousins on her stepfather's side, one living grandmother on her mother's side

Personality & Traits

General Overview Unusually for a Vulcan, T'Schuun displays a certain amount of affability, even a relaxed attitude, likely due to her human stepfather and stepsister. However, she does have the typical grace, poise, calm, and logic of her Vulcan heritage, particularly in crisis situations.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Wants the best for herself, and those under her command
Can be highly self-critical
Does not always understand others, even with her unusual upbringing
Something of a no-nonsense leader
Ambitions Command of a starship at some point, or at least a position as Executive Officer
Teaching shuttle piloting at the Academy
Hobbies & Interests Cooking
Long-distance running--holds the women's record for the Shir'Kar Marathon
Music--Terran violin and Bajoran baalika

Personal History Born in 2340, T'Schuun is the child of a Vulcan businessman and his partner during a rather ill-advised time as lovers when they were teenagers. Skol--her father--and his family cut all ties with her mother when T'Reht discovered she was pregnant. Fortunately, T'Rhet's parents were significantly more supportive. Both of them being in Starfleet, they were able to support their daughter while she got her life together after T'Schuun's birth.

Living in San Fransisco, T'Schuun grew up surrounded by Starfleet and family. Her mother married Thomas Shaw, a local politician, when T'Schuun was seven, and with her stepsister Melissa becoming her best friend, in addition to the support of her grandparents on both her mother's and stepfather's sides, the world seemed endless to the young Vulcan.

Urged on by her upbringing--T'Reht joined Starfleet in a civilian capacity--T'Schuun enrolled at the Academy in 2358. There she would meet her future wife, Ariel Schoor. Whilst at the Academy, T'Schuun pursued studies in Helm and Command, with a minor in Counseling. Unusually gifted as a telepath, even for a Vulcan, she found it both easy to empathize with her classmates, and also difficult to not hold them to her same high standards. However, her Academy years passed with relatively little of note, and upon graduation, she began her career as a Counselor's Aid in 2362. Prior to their separate assignments, she and Ariel were married by a very eager Catian Academy chaplain.

Over the next thirteen years, T'Schuun served as a Counselor's Aid at first, then on the nightshift as helmswoman for various vessels. Promoted to Lieutenant (J.G). in 2366, she quickly became known aboard ship as the Night Vulcan, both due to her dark hair, and her continuing to serve on nightshifts with no complaint. She truly grew to enjoy them.

In 2369, Ariel and T'Schuun were reunited for a significant period of time as they were tapped to work on the final development and implementation of the Nova-class vessel. Upon her promotion to full Lieutenant, and Ariel's ascent to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, the two felt it was time to start a family. In 2371, their daughter Ariadne was born.

When the USS Solstice launched in 2371, Ariel was posted as the ship's Chief of Security. Meanwhile, T'Schuun was posted as Helm on the USS Sarasotta, a Miranda-class starship. After a brief stint in the Gamma Quadrant after the situation with the Dominion went from openly hostile to watchful coldness, the Sarasotta was assigned duties well inside Federation space. This allowed for at least some time with Ariel and Ariadne, although not as much as either would like.

In late 2373/early 2374, with tensions between the Dominion/Cardassian and Federation/Klingon Alliances resulting in the opening salvos of the Dominion War, Ariel assumed the post of Executive Officer of the Solstice. Meanwhile, T'Schuun turned down a promotion to Lieutenant Commander, feeling such a rank would not allow her to maintain good relationships with her subordinates. She did, however, take an assignment on the USS Castro, an older Excelsior-class starship pressed into service. Damaged in battle, the Castro was undergoing repairs when the position on the Concord became available. At the urging of her mother, stepsister, Ariel, and even input from Ariadne, T'Schuun accepted, even with the Concord being on a long-range mission.

Service Record 2340: Born, Deep Space Station 5.
2358: Enters Starfleet Academy.
2362: Marries Ensign Ariel Schoor; graduates Starfleet Academy; assigned as Counselor's Aid, USS Hypatia, Excelsior-class. Rank, Ensign.
2363: Assumes duties on bridge as nightshift Helm, USS Hypatia.
2366: Promotion to Lieutenant (J.G). Transfers to USS Deneb, Ambassador-class. First taste of command aboard the Deneb.
2369: Promotion to full Lieutenant. Tapped to work on final development and implementation of Nova-class, Earth.
2371: Daughter, Ariadne, born, San Fransisco, Earth. Assumes post as Chief Helm Officer of USS Sarasotta, Miranda-class.
2371: Commendation for prowess in battle against the Dominion while escorting a trade convoy, Q'Vesch system, Gamma Quadrant.
2372: USS Sarasotta assigned duties within Federation territory.
2374: Assigned as Chief Helm aboard the USS Castro, Excelsior-class; turns down promotion to Lieutenant Commander and assumption of Second Officer position.
2375: Decorated for actions during Battle of Chintoka aboard Castro; Castro undergoes major repairs at Earth. Assumes Helm position aboard USS Concord, Nebula-class.