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Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 3:28am

Lieutenant Tyler Rehman

Name Tyler Joseph Rehman

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue/Grey
Physical Description Tyler Rehman is a human male who thinks of himself as just average. He is a couple of inches under the standard height of a human male, but that does not bother him. He comes with a slim swimmers build, he might not be the strongest individual, but what he lacks in physical strength, he makes up for with being quick, and agile. He keeps his dark brown hair styled with simple organic products, and also has clear skin. His eyes are soft shade of blue/grey in which the blue pops more so depending on the outfit he wears. His clothing style is comfortable but fits his slim frame nicely. His off-duty apparel leans town trousers, sweaters, long sleep shirts, and sneakers.


Spouse None
Children No children
Father Captain Joseph James Rehman
Mother Dr. Kathryn Rehman, MD
Brother(s) Trevor James Rehman (identical twin)
Caleb Rehman (dec.)
Sister(s) Melanie Rehman
Other Family Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tyler Rehman, who goes by Ty most times, is a happy-go-lucky type of guy, who tends to be an eternal optimistic. He keeps a positive attitude when he can despite feeling the weight of his Starfleet captain father. Tyler is also friendly and though he can be popular, he tends to keep only a close-knit group of friends. He is also outgoing and an extrovert, but also knows when duty calls and can easily slip back into Starfleet duty when his shift arrives.

There are many times that he misses his family, especially his identical twin, Trevor. It was hard to part from his best friend, but he knew he wanted more and wanted to be amongst the stars. He sends messages to Trevor almost every day, sometimes the letters are just the mundane day to day, other times, the letters could be about a party he attended, or something cool that happened while watching the sensors. In short, though he is away from his twin, he still wants to feel connected.

All in all, Trevor is a guy who just likes to be himself. No frills or thrills, what you see is what you get.
Strengths & Weaknesses A lot of Tyler’s strengths come from just him being himself. There is nothing fancy about him, but he is outgoing which is the biggest part of his personality. He is a faithful Starfleet officer, and gives his all to his job, and to the team of scientists he is assigned to. His other strengths include a math mind, where calculations, algorithms, and mathematical theories come easy to him. However, he is very lowkey about this talent, using it for his job when he has the chance to work in stellar cartography. He is also quick witted, and when he seems to be having a bad day, he tries to find the positives to turn that day around. He is proud to wear the uniform, and eager to explore.

As far as weaknesses are concerned, Tyler doesn’t feel that he has weaknesses so much as things that he struggles with that need to be worked on to help better himself. Sometimes the weight of his father will bear down on him, even though he is no where near the man. He does sometimes fall short when it comes to constructing a report, so at times he will ask for help. He at times also zones out, not so much on duty, but when there are times, he is hanging out with friends and his mind will wander. Yet he can recall a whole conversation even if he isn’t fully listening. As a human, especially one in his mid-twenties, he tries his best to do adulting, but at times fails terribly. He forgets to fold clothes, put away dishes, or in general his quarters can be messy.

Overall, just like every other being in the galaxy, Tyler has his ups and downs, and at times, human nature will get the best of him.
Ambitions As the only Rehman child to have joined Starfleet, Tyler feels that he needs to distinguish himself from what his Starfleet captain father demands. Rank is not as important to Tyler as the pursuit of knowledge in the vast universe. He joined Starfleet to explore, and to pursue his love of maps by charting star systems, and the universe in general. Not so much as an ambition, but a hope, is that he will further his education, to gain more insight into the field of stellar cartography. However, at this point in his life he is happy with just gaining the experience before moving on to bigger things.
Hobbies & Interests Tyler has many hobbies and interests outside of his duty to Starfleet. He has a huge collection of maps done in various mediums. Most of his maps are of the earth, but he has maps of other planets as well. He also has a keen interest in geology, but that is more of a hobby than an actual career path for him. He just likes to learn about things and has often been referred to as the ‘King of Useless Knowledge.’ His other hobbies include swimming, yoga, holonovels, and trying to cook (he fails but keeps trying).

His interests include cultures and how they historically have viewed the stars. He also likes to learn about how cultures view religion and spirituality. Other interests include parties, traveling, finding a mountain to climb, depravation tanks, and just basically living life because he knows as a Starfleet officer, tomorrow is not always a guarantee.

Personal History Tyler and his twin Trevor were born on a rainy day at the downtown Chicago medical complex on February 14, 2350. Both boys were born healthy. Two years later, their sister Melanie was born and two years after that, their youngest brother Caleb was born.

The Rehman children grew up in a normal environment despite having a father in Starfleet and a mother who was a trauma doctor. Luckily, the Rehman children had grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that were always around to keep things stable. The Rehman children were a close bunch, but Tyler and Trevor shared a special bond, especially being identical twins. They were each other’s best friends, even through all their schooling, despite being placed in separate classes. That didn’t stop the two from hanging out together, even in their friend groups, Trevor’s friends were Tyler’s and vice versa.

In 2361 the happy Rehman siblings had to deal with loss, and a beautiful summer day, Tyler received news that there had been an accident, Trevor was hurt badly, and their little brother, Caleb, had been killed. This shook the entire family to their very core, and Tyler fell into a deep depression, despite trying to be strong for his parents and sister. The whole situation weighed heavily on him. Trevor spent six months in the hospital, having had multiple surgeries, and hours upon hours of physical and occupational therapy. Trevor was left paralyzed from the waist down. He also had some brain damage, which caused some issues concerning speech and fine motor skills. Trevor has come a long way, and now has his speech fully back and has conquered a lot of the issues concerning his fine motor skills.

As Tyler moved through school, it was found that he had affinity for math, and was put in advance math classes. However, his love of cartography came when he was five years old and received an antique globe for his birthday. He fell in love instantly, and eventually an interest became a fascination that led to a career in Starfleet.

When it came time to choose a career path, he had settled on Starfleet much to his mother’s dismay. Having one person she loved in Starfleet was hard enough, but two, that would be hard to handle. To her dangers were lurking everywhere and there were many nights she had paced waiting to hear from her husband who would be out on a mission. Despite that Tyler was accepted and moved to San Francisco to become a cadet.

San Francisco was not a huge adjustment for Tyler, it was a huge city like Chicago, but he had also been there several times over his eighteen years of life. The weather was different, but other than that he adjusted to his new environment. His missed his family deeply, but mostly he missed Trevor and their bond. He would talk to Trevor daily and would miss his twin even more each time they said goodbye. As far as studies were concerned, he did well in his classes that involved the sciences but struggled in classes that involved things outside of his expertise, like security, tactical analysis, or even anything to do with command.

He had joined the Academy swim team, and did quite well, medaling in multiple events. He enjoyed many friendships and had some close friends he did everything with. As outgoing as he was, he had a hard time forming any type of romantic relationship. Love somehow eluded him, and he wasn’t sure why, but he chalked it up to just being young. He pursued many hobbies at the Academy and joined many student groups. Overall, his time at the Academy was a good experience, and something he looks back on fondly.

For his cadet cruise he was assigned to the USS Colorado. The chief science officer was a career officer who was hardnosed and kept her cadets inline. It was a hard tour, but Tyler felt he learned a lot and gained new experiences as far as being on a starship was concerned. Once that was complete, he was able to graduate, and was granted the rank of ensign and given his first assignment.

Tyler’s first assignment as an ensign was a junior science officer aboard the USS Franklin. The Franklin was an excelsior class vessel, with a large science presence. Over his three years on the Franklin, he worked different shifts, and did rotations through much of the science department. He was even able to snag some bridge time occasionally when on the night shift. He became good friends with his roommate Noah Sullivan, and the two were inseparable, just like Tyler and Trevor, which was a comfort there. He had also formed friendships with others in various departments, and the group hung out when their time off allowed. After almost three years of exploration, the Franklin returned to Starbase 302 where transfers and crew rotations happened. For the first time, it hit Tyler that this was the reality of Starfleet. This was what his father had done for years before becoming a captain. Going from one assignment to another, never staying in one place more than a few years.

Noah received a transfer to the USS Blackwell, and Tyler received one to the USS Concord. The two were both saddened by this but understood their duty. Upon leaving, Noah had given Tyler a handwritten note in an envelope, only to be read once the two had parted.

With a heavy heart, but still optimistic about his future, Tyler Rehman boarded the USS Concord as a new science officer.
Service Record 2368 – Accepted into Starfleet Academy, placed into the science track with a concentration in cartography sciences.
2372 – Cadet cruise on the USS Colorado.
2372 – Graduates from Starfleet Academy granted the rank of ensign.
2372 – Assigned to the USS Franklin as a junior science officer.
2375 – Assigned to the USS Concord as a science officer.