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Wed Mar 5th, 2025 @ 3:28am

Lieutenant Commander Gulati

Name Gulati

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Benzite
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3"
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Relatively short by human standard, Gulati is actually rather average height for a member of her species. Her skin is primarily blue with subtle shades of green, brown, and gold throughout. Her facial features are somewhat bland and unamusing for the Benzite standards of beauty on Benzar, but some foreign species have stated that she is rather attractive looking for a Benzite. Like all others of her species, Gulati's body is protected by a smooth chitinous covering. Her head is bald and smooth and possesses a prominent, fleshy nasal lobe and brow. Two catfish-like barbells protrude from the region above the upper lip, another extends from each side of the nasal lobe; the Benzites refer to these barbells as "whiskers". A Benzite’s ears are positioned high on the skull, and rise into points. Their hands feature two opposable thumbs, one on each side of the palm, with three fingers situated in between. Webbing may connect the fingers to a limited extent, in some individuals.

Refusing the option to undergo genetic re-sequencing techniques, Lieutenant Gulati still requires a breathing apparatus allowing her to breath in a cocktail of gas mixture containing chlorine, helping her in the M-class environmental settings that iron and copper based lifeforms are used to. Routinely, Gulati requires additional time in an environmental chamber configured to match the environment of Benzar.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Despite having a resting face that seems entirely void of emotion or care and at times looking bitter or sour in mood, Gulati actually has a nice personality. She simply does not know how to maintain a smile for very long and as a result tends to hold what some refer to as 'resting bitch face.' She has worked very hard to finish her studies and earn her commission. This is something she takes extremely seriously and had graduated towards the top of her class at Starfleet Academy with honors. Aside from her love of mathematics and engineering, Gulati is a capable science officer in a pinch. However, she much prefers to have time to leisurely settle her curiosity and thoroughly examine the data and statistics. Lieutenant Gulati is also highly competitive with others and with herself, and is by far her own worse critic. Her biggest fear is washing up and being seen as a failure in life.

By their nature and societal upbringing, Benzites such as Gulati tend to be highly inquisitive individuals who prefer solitary studies in order to contribute to the whole rather than working in groups. This can sometimes clash with the work philosophy aboard Federation starships, but Gulati has learned to communicate more efficiently with colleagues and shipmates. She has embraced the human nature to socialize although she strategically retreats from it when it becomes overwhelming or mentally taxing on her. She prefers smaller groups of individuals of those she’s become more familiar with and accustomed to working alongside.

Though she can be quiet most of the time, Gulati can also carry on or completely control a conversation if permitted. When the topic is something that she is very passionate about, that invested energy is on full display. She has a vast array of passions and interests and are always interested in exploring new ideas. They have a vivid imagination, strong aesthetic sensibilities, and curious spirits, eager to find the beauty in her surroundings.

Pragmatically minded, Gulati prefers to solve issues with hands on experience. She will run a multitude of simulations on a theory before trying it out in a real-life project or scenario. They prefer a rational approach rather than an emotional one, but not to the extent of a Vulcan’s cold logic. One thing she can appreciate about Vulcans though is their quiet and laser focused concentration when working on something.

Largely in her own head most of the time, she can look lost to others with a blank stare when she’s truly just deep in thought. Dissecting knowledge, deconstructing conventions, dreaming up dreams, thinking about the universe, the mind of Gulati has a difficult time comprehending when it is time to rest. Though her natural intelligence, fair mindedness and immense wit often wins her a circle of eclectic friends, ultimately Gulati stands alone. They will not compromise their ideals, morals or need for freedom and independence for anyone.

Strengths & Weaknesses EXPERTISE:
▪ Borg technology
▪ Astrophysics

- Neat and Orderly
- Sincere and Caring
- Passionate
- Imaginative

- Does not like crowds (suffers from anxiety)
- Fiercely independent
- Self critical and overly competitive
- Comes off as sardonic
- Easily stressed
Ambitions Project Concord is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and for Lieutenant Gulati to be assigned to the the Nebula class starship as the mission advisor, the lieutenant wants to ensure that the reverse engineered transwarp propulsion systems function as designed and that the mission is a successful one.
Hobbies & Interests Hydroponics gardening
Model starship building

Personal History A native of the island continent Mordoss on Pheradon (Benzar to the Federation), Gulati was born in 2347 and was raised by her parents on the Benzite homeworld. Known as Benzar to non-natives, the planet is considered barely M-class with an atmosphere that contains gasses foreign to a majority of humanoid life, heavy concentrations of these gasses can have repercussions on the respiratory systems of species such as Humans if they experience prolonged exposure without an appropriate environmental suit or filtration mask much like a Benzite who has not undergone the appropriate genetic operations will require a breathing apparatus in a more human environment such as Earth or a Federation starship.

The educational system on Benzar is highly competitive and institutions as early as nursery schools are vigorously examined and ranked. Children are frequently tested as soon as they can walk and talk, parents encouraging a competitiveness with their children to study hard and elevate their positioning for a better ranked school. However, Benzar is a Federation member world albeit one of the more recent worlds to join the Federation. Its citizens receive equal care. The competitiveness of the Benzite society carries with them through adulthood, and unfortunately a low member of Benzites graduate from Starfleet Academy not because of poor academic performance, but because they neglect the aspect of communication and teamwork. Those who can overcome this learning curve tend to excel at Starfleet Academy.

Gulati was one of those who eventually was able to find themselves at the academy, easily accepted having performed very well in the entrance examinations. She has adapted to the more communal aspects of Starfleet albeit it was not the easiest of transitions. At Starfleet Academy, Gulati had a talent for the sciences involving data and numbers. Her mathematical calculations were noteworthy, often rivaling the Vulcans in her classes. She took a course in Advanced Subspace Geometry and another challenging course in Theoretical Astrophysics with a Thesis paper on the multiverses citing documented experiences from Starfleet officers. Her major at Starfleet Academy, however, was starship Engineering with a concentration on propulsion. During her four years at Starfleet Academy, she became a bit of an aspiring expert on Borg technology.

Graduating suma cum lada from Starfleet Academy, she could have been assigned to one of the state-of-the-art starships in service at the time. She was instead given a different posting, not one involving space travel but rather helping ensure starships were ready for flight at Starbase 1 for several months and was a liaison to Starfleet Research and Development.

Following Starbase 1, she was reassigned to the Stargleet Corp of Engineers' USS da Vinci for a two year assignment. Gulati was then Stationed at the Beta Antares Ship Yards as part of the yard’s propulsion team, she played a pivotal part in getting the very best out of a starship’s warp capabilities, crucial during the war effort.

Gulati had snagged the attention of various individuals, and the Daystrom Institute wanted her to continue her education with them with an opportunity for an internship. She, however, accepted a different offer – Project Concord after being approached by Starfleet Intelligence. Her expertise in starship propulsion, open-minded view of thinking, and fascination with Borg technology made her an ideal candidate for having her work on the USS Concord. When it came time for the Concord to take flight, Admiral Paris had pulled strings to have her tapped for the crew as a mission specialist.
Service Record 2365-2369: Starfleet Academy
2369-2370: Starbase 1
2370-2372: USS da Vinci
2372 - 2374: Beta Antares Ship Yards
2374 - 2375: Project Concord
2375 - USS Concord