Lieutenant JG T'Lar
Name T'Lar
Position Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Half Vulcan | |
Age | 30 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'6" | |
Weight | 121 lbs | |
Hair Color | Dark Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Slim build |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | Vanik | |
Mother | Valerie Wells | |
Brother(s) | Savat | |
Sister(s) | T'vana | |
Other Family | Lisa Wells (Aunt on her mother's side) |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | T'lar is constantly at odds with herself. Her traditional Vulcan education seeking to assert itself over the more human aspects of her personality. T'lar is highly intelligent, even by Vucan standards. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Expertise: Infiltration and reconnaissance Starship weapons expertise Strengths: Physical strength Logic Keen tactical mind Intelligence Sciences explosives expert Espionage starship tactics Weaknesses: Struggles with complex emotions Socially awkward heightened sense of smell Constantly at war with her Emotional side |
Hobbies & Interests | Chess Martial arts Swimming Holo novels |
Personal History | T'lar had a strained relationship with her father; a prominent figure in the Vulcan science directorate. Her mother had to step in as intermediary on more than a few occasions. T'lar's early life was one fraught with trials. Too Human to be a true Vulcan, and too Vulcan to fully embrace her emotions; Her early education as marred with challenged due to the "handicap" of having a Human half. In her adolescence she became involved with another young woman named T'Pan who was betrothed to another. T'pan's betrothed husband incensed at the slight of his fiancée's actions; reported the women to the Vulcan authorities. Both women tried to dissuade the authorities about their relationship, however; T'Lar faced pressure from her father to end the relationship. T'Lar followed her fathers advice and ended the relationship. She cooperated with the authorities, resulting in T'pan being sentenced to enforced study with a Vulcan master. The entire encounter affected T'Lar deeply. Following the incident involving her romance with T'Pan, she applied to Starfleet. Her time at the academy was trying but less so than her time at the Vulcan Science Academy. She did well in her studies. Many of her instructors were impressed with her studious nature. She did however struggle to socialize with her fellow cadets. Her struggles made certain team building exercises a challenge; one she wouldn't master until her senior year. T'Lar's early years at the Starfleet Academy Proved just as Lonely and isolating than that of the Vulcan Science Academy. Other Vulcans saw her as at a disadvantage and "too human." The Human Cadets on the other hand, found her dedication to logic; difficult to assail and befriend her. Both groups of cadets found it difficult to fully understand T'Lar, and as such; she found it difficult to open up to and trust her Fellow Cadets. T'Lar would commonly be found discussing her struggles and assisting with tending to the grounds; with Boothby. Shortly following her graduation from the Academy, T'Lar was scouted by Starfleet Intelligence and began her career as a data analyst. |
Service Record | 2363-2367 Starfleet Academy 2367-2368 Starfleet Intelligence Training 2368-2370 (25). Ensign, Data Analyst, Starfleet Intelligence. 2370-2373 (28) Lieutenant, Junior Grade, field operative on Romulus 2373 to present. |