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Wed Feb 19th, 2025 @ 5:51pm

Lieutenant Makai ("Kai") Nokamura

Name Makai ("Kai") Nokamura

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Hawaiian
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 160 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Lean with a swimmer's physique which makes sense since he pretty much grew up on the water. He's naturally tanned and his preferred style of dress would be shorts and a traditional floral T-shirt and sandals. If he's 'dressing up', its dark jeans and a tight-fitting shirt.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Hae Nakamura
Mother Anela Kalakaua Nakamura
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Man y (Might take a genealogist to figure out the actual connections though)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Makai, or Kai as his friends call him, is at times at odds with himself. Generally easy going, with a ready smile, he also possesses an insatiable intellectual curiosity. As a result, his mind tends to always be 'on' and leads him to always wanting to know how things work, from people, to machines, to the cosmos. He can easily lose himself in programming, so much so that hours feels like minutes, (what he calls his flow state) and as a result, has had to build in protocols in his holodeck workroom (specifically a pair of Klingons in board shorts and flip flops) that prevent him from missing sleep or appointments as well as deal with security violations.

He grew up on Oahu, as part of close-knit, extended family, and this shows in the respect and attention he shows to family. He plays as hard as he works -- so, when he's not involved in something, he loves to surf, go diving, and just generally play. He's got an easy laugh and a ready sense of humor.

He seldom raises his voice and exhibits an almost 'superhuman' calm. That's not to say that he doesn't have a temper because he does, he's just found ways to channel his anger that don't involve outbursts, either verbal or physical.
Strengths & Weaknesses Personal Strengths

+ Good at making connections and associations. Can stitch together unrelated ideas and see, almost instantly, novel relationships and angles.
+ Wildly imaginative
+ Extremely loyal, devoted to family, protective
+ Loves problem-solving and delving into things he doesn't (yet) understand

Professional Strengths:

+ Languages: Olelo Hawai'i (or Hawaiian) at Mother Tongue Level. Also fluent in Japanese and Federation Standard. Knows enough Chinese to socialize and order food. Passive understanding of Cardassian.
+ Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics; working on his Masters
+ Highly skilled in computer and holodeck programming
+ Learns quickly and has an incredible memory


- Mundane facts bore him so he uses a PADD to look things up
- Not afraid to go against popular opinion and cultural norms
- The whole flow state thing means that he's often late, especially for routine meetings, when he's into something good.
- Doesn't love cold weather
Hobbies & Interests + Swimming, Surfing, Diving
+ Holodeck Adventures under the Pen Name "Constantine Rook"

Personal History Born in Haleiwa, on the north shore of Oahu, in 2346, Kai grew up on or near the beach. He has a wide circle of friends and an even wider circle of Aunties and Uncles. Some say that the Nokamura's are related to half of Oahu and there may just be some truth to that. He considered becoming a professional surfer for awhile but a restless intellect and an insatiable curiosity led him toward the sciences and specifically, computers. He got interested in holodeck adventures while he was still in school and, under the pen name 'Constantine Rook', developed his first adventure, Hardcastle's Folly, in his senior year. He made it available to his family and, since some of them were in Starfleet, it gained a wider audience than he would ever have expected. Over night, Constantine Rook had a following.

Senior year was a time for figuring out what he wanted to do with his life. While he loved surfing and was good enough to compete, the holoadventure appealed to his restless intellect. He remained undecided until a Starfleet recruiter at his school's career day pointed out that engineers got to mess with all the good, alien tech and that sold him.

His first year at the Academy was a time of transition and a lot of culture shock. Boots instead of sandals or bare feet. Uniforms and freezing dorm rooms. Formality instead of the laid-back culture he had known all his life. But the recruiter didn't lie, there was a whole lot of interesting things to learn about, to get his hands on. Probably the hardest thing for him was being on time for his classes and so, he struck a deal with his quad-mates. They got him up and out the door for class on time and he'd help them with their studies. Course, sometimes, their methods were a little harsh - like being unceremoniously dumped on the floor when he wouldn't get up - but it worked and the four of them became good friends. He brought them home to meet his family and taught them some basic Hawaiian and more importantly, how to surf. Constantine Rook, with some input from his quad-mates, put out his second adventure that year -- The Rooster Crows at Midnight -- and introduced his Klingon security guards, in board shorts and sandals, who prevented security breaches. If someone tried to dig into his code, discover Rook's identity, they would find themselves wrapped in red ribbon and left on the floor when the holodeck shut itself down.

By the end of his time at the Academy, he had gained a reputation for his creative solutions and how he would work on a problem to the exclusion of all else. He also became well known for his last possible second appearance at classes and it was that tendency, which one of his professors abhorred, that prevented him from being first in his class. Not that it mattered to him. He got an assignment and was set to rotate his assignments to give him the widest possible exposure to Starfleet technology.
Service Record 2364-2368: Starfleet Academy, Engineering Major, Command Minor
2368-2370: USS Valley Forge (Excelsior Class), Engineer. Began work on a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics
2370-2372: USS Aries (Renaissance Class), Engineer, Completed work on his Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics
2372-2375: USS Argo (Saber Class), Engineer, Promoted to Assistant Chief Engineer. Began work on his Masters in Applied Mathematics
2375-Now: USS Concord