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Sun Feb 2nd, 2025 @ 1:08am

Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

Name Roan Gaeta

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 191lbs
Hair Color Dark Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Roan’s got a more athletic build that has been enhanced with a need for always being active. His dark blond hair is usually a bit longer, but occasionally he’ll get tired of it and shave it off. He usually sports some sort of facial hair, most often stubble or a light beard until he grows tired of it and shaves it off. He has several scars on his body that he hasn’t gotten removed, including a brand on his left shoulder, of a circle and what appears to be a tree of some sort.


Father Chancellor Roland Gaeta (deceased)
Mother Julianna Gaeta (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Despite the rather strange and dark start to his life, Roan can appear oddly carefree about the big things that would worry most people. He doesn’t seem to have any real fear of death or pain, at least not for himself, and whenever asked about how he feels about death the words are in the same vein: Blood comes, blood goes. He doesn’t seem very spiritual though unless asked after a few drinks, where he would share some of the philosophies of the clan that he spent his teenage years with. He tries his best to be patient with his patients, but has been known for having outbursts of annoyance, usually seen as throwing his head back and taking a deep breath before unleashing some words of curses in the Creole of his people, which is a mixture of languages and dialects originally spoken in the Polaris Generation Ship that changed with the centuries. The language itself is a mixture of English, Dutch, Estonian, Japanese, Chinese Mandarin, and Spanish.

He is a hard man with some compassion, but a practicality that can seem a little cold to some when he is working. He is also reckless with himself, easily putting himself in situations that can be dangerous with little thought of the actual consequences. Like most who served through the Dominion War, he has his own demons that he is trying to process.
Strengths & Weaknesses Roan, while not the best doctor Starfleet every produced, is a very imaginative doctor who isn’t afraid of thinking outside the box if the medical technology around him fails. He is also a well-rounded officer in the sense that his skill set isn’t just medicine, but his background has made him able to survive in harsh environments. He is also able to pick up on cultural clues quickly.

However despite his skills he has the subtlety of a Galaxy-class ship crashing into a shuttle. He is also a terrible liar, which isn’t exactly what is always needed from a doctor. He doesn’t believe in ‘softening the blow’ when it comes to bad news and can easily come across as somewhat heartless. He also has a reckless streak and does not forgive easily if someone crosses him.
Ambitions Roan didn’t think must beyond wanting to make up for going from Acting Chief Medical Officer to Assistant Chief Medical Officer, so the fact he is now the Chief Medical Officer is what he wanted. However, it will only be a matter of time before he sets his eyes on a new goal. Who knows, it may be the Captain’s chair.
Hobbies & Interests Roan enjoys being outdoors as much as possible when he is on shoreleave and prefers to go down to planets rather than hang out on starbases. He enjoys practicing fighting with swords, or even archery, as well as boxing. He has also found some interest in literature since the war ended, surprisingly enough drawn into poetry of all things.

Personal History Roan descended from the Polaris Generation Ship crew that left Earth in 2090, after contact had been lost with Terra Nova. The Polaris’ mission was to explore beyond what humanity had viewed possible, and a Generation ship with families enabled them to take the time to find a new Eden. While mostly lost to time, the story told by the people of the colony of Polaris was that a few generations after leaving Old Earth, a terrible accident happened and the Polaris had to land at the closest planet. The planet was in the Beta Quadrant, but at the time they didn’t know it. Known as B-425 in the official Starfleet maps of later years, the planet was nicknamed Ceres by passing pilots due to the yellow tint to it from the outer layer of the atmosphere. The planet had suffered a nuclear apocalypse in its time, with ionised, delta and tachyon radiation levels being too strong for humans to survive unprotected. Many got sick, but through the hard work of the Polaris members, more survived.

With limited resources, strict laws were put in, known as the End Day Charter. This meant that small crimes had physical punishments, as there was no place to restrict people. Violent crimes and stealing resources were met with two possibilities: execution or being cast out. It meant sending someone, unprotected, into the world, with its dangers and radiation. The laws were accepted and through the years, the new generations adapted. Not just to the laws, but to the planet itself.

Roan was born into this life, his father an Engineer who was elected Chancellor. Roan himself would in theory have been following in his father’s footsteps as an Engineer, had it not been for his father being elected the leader of the Polaris colony. The planet's name had become Arise, from original Polaris, to Aris, then to Arise though the generations. His father ruled with an iron hand, as they saw lean years where the algae and soy farming couldn’t sustain the colony. The threshold for being cast out lowered, to the point that even teenagers were cast out.

When he was 13, a coup happened. Roan saw his parents executed and, being their child, was cast out. When asked, he wouldn’t be able to describe how it was to wander alone through the wilderness, but he had done survival skills at school and kept himself alive. Surprisingly to him, he didn’t sicken when drinking the water, or eating the berries. The animals he saw, bar a few, had no mutations he could see. Eventually though, he found others. A small settlement, in the ruins of something that some ancient people before them had built, with stone walls crumbling. He wasn’t welcomed with open arms, but he joined them regardless. Roan learned to hunt and to fight and discovered that these people were those who had been cast out who had survived, going back to when they first had come there. They had gone tribal with the lack of technology, scavenging from ruins to get shelter, as well as taking advantage of the woods and mountains. But the tribes would fight each other for resource or avenging each other when someone got killed. Road took the brand of the tribe when he was 15, already a hunter by then but he was more drawn towards what the healer was doing, the herbs and poultices that could be used to heal the sick.

When he was 18, a star fell from the sky. Except it wasn’t a star, but a shuttle. Roan was hunting when he came across it, with the pilot. He got the pilot out and tried to help him, but after four days the man died…his injuries and the radiation had been too much. A day later, another shuttle came, but landed properly. Roan greeted the newcomers, hearing them say they came from Starfleet. And Roan, not knowing better, said he was from Polaris.

With the lost Generation ship Polaris discovered, some decided to go with Starfleet off planet. Other chose to stay despite the hardship and danger, because it was their home. Roan had been cast out and was fascinated by the technology he saw, the hypos they gave themselves to be able to walk around. So he decided to try it. He left the planet and found himself at Starfleet Medical, being examined. The rate he was metabolising radiation was far beyond what they had thought a human being capable of. In the endless tests, Roan kept asking questions. What things were, how they worked, how they were used. He became fascinated with medicine.

Despite the gaps in his education, Doctor Kane was somewhat fascinated by the bright youth that would sit through endless tests with calm and patience, yet ask a thousand questions. She decided to get him educated, hiring a private tutor to teach him all the things he had missed out on. His science and engineering knowledge was strong, in theory, and the other things he didn’t know he learned quickly in a matter of years. At the age of 22 he applied to Starfleet, wanting to become a doctor. He was accepted into Starfleet, but only because he was the reserve to another candidate who decided to instead go to Vulcan.

Roan’s years in the Academy weren’t easy, but he learned a lot. He was smart enough to absorb things, but always needed time to see it to learn it properly. He also always found himself being active, joining the various extracurricular activities that the Academy offered, such as boxing, fencing and, because why not, horseback riding. Roan graduated as a ‘decent, but not brilliant’ doctor, but with an appetite for learning. He was accepted to the Advanced Surgery course at Starfleet Medical, a one year intensive course where for the most part he and the other students assisted on various surgeries.

In 2362 he was sent to his first ship, the USS Saratoga, where he would serve for four years. The Saratoga was a Miranda-class, a workhorse within Starfleet. It was a good place to learn for Roan, who spent time getting to know those he worked with and learning from those more senior. He transferred in 2366 to the USS Odin, a Galaxy-class vessel. It was another change of pace for Roan, one that a year later he would have mixed feeling about, when the USS Saratoga was destroyed at Wolf 359. He kept his head down, except for being known as someone who would happily pick up the boxing gloves to train or heal people on the quiet if their fist had connected with the bulkhead.

In 2370 he was promoted and transferred to the USS Akagi as the Assistant Chief Medical Officer. Finding his feet rather quickly, Roan had learned enough to balance his directness with a calming smile. It all got tested when the Dominion Wars broke out. The Akagi, a Rigel-class starship, was a heavy scout ship with a smallish crew and a lot of luck and saw a lot of action and with that, a lot of casualties. During one vicious attack, the warp core started leaking delta radiation and Roan volunteered to go to Engineering to evacuate patients, as well as try to stop the leak. He succeeded thanks to a very patient Chief Engineering who was able to dumb down the technical aspects of warp cores to the equivalent of ‘it looks like an angry hammer, next to a thumb’. Despite having received levels of delta radiation that would have been fatal, Roan got away with it with a slight sunburn and some mild nausea until his system had processed the radiation. When his Chief Medical Officer was killed in action in 2374, he stepped up and took the role until a replacement was brought in a few months later.

Roan tried not to take it as a slight, but truth was he was just that little bit too careless with his own life for the Captain to be comfortable with having him as a Chief Medical Officer. When the war ended, Roan was approached for Project Concord, his lack of family and that reckless streak somewhat perfect for the mission ahead. He accepted on a simple condition; he wanted to be Chief Medical Officer.
Service Record 2357-2361 Starfleet Academy, Medical
2361-2362 Starfleet Medical, Advanced surgery course, 1 year
2362-2366 USS Saratoga, Medical Officer
2366-2370 USS Odin, Medical Officer
2370-2375 USS Akagi, Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Acting Chief Medical Officer
2375-Present USS Concord, Chief Medical Officer