Lieutenant Nixie Wilde
Name Nixie Wilde
Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 34 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5' 11" | |
Weight | 140 Ibs | |
Hair Color | Dark red | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | ![]() |
Father | Sage Wilde (deceased) | |
Mother | Dawn Wilde (deceased) |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Nixie has an inner core of strength and steel that isn’t always obvious to people who don’t know her. She can be a little rough around the edges and has a direct and blunt manner about her. She doesn’t always feel the need to speak, but when she does, she has no problem saying exactly what she thinks, no matter what others might think of it. She’s a loyal and dependable person, and cares a great deal about keeping people safe. She can be a warm friend even if her lack of sugarcoating can make things awkward at times. Her sense of duty is strong and her need to keep law and order is even stronger. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths – hand to hand combat, weapons combat, guerilla tactics, survival, fitness, training others, investigation, ship tactical, piloting, first aid. Weaknesses – sciences, history, lack of tact, claustrophobia, stubbornness. |
Hobbies & Interests | Horse riding, climbing, running, swimming, reading, music, flying, card and dice games, food and drink from different cultures. |
Personal History | Nixie was born in the Sephone colony, a place on the far reaches of Federation space that was founded by humans. The settlers, mostly Irish but with some Scottish, North European and even some from USA's southern states, decided to start a more traditional lifestyle when they founded the colony. They farmed the land to produce food with their own hands and built and made whatever they needed themselves. Advanced technology wasn’t actually banned, but it was discouraged. Her father, a stablemaster, and her mother, a doctor, Nixie was put to work as soon as she could walk, just like the rest of the children. With so much to do to keep the colony running, children were routinely used as labour. She was good at her chores and took her duties seriously, but preferred to spend time in the stables when she could, helping her father with the horses. Nixie loved the outdoors, and could always be found in the fields or trees, or even ‘training’ one of the horses by taking them out towards the cliffs. She found school harder, getting restless when forced to stay inside and study or read for more than half an hour. She skipped school often in favour of sneaking out and got into trouble on more than one occasion. But she really didn’t care. She envisaged herself running the stables when she was older, why did she need to learn from books? When Nixie was 14, an altercation rocked the community. A fight erupted between neighbours and it escalated quickly until guns were drawn. Her parents were shot dead, as was the father and one of the sons of the neighbouring farm. Whatever had happened, Nixie refused to talk about it or cooperate with the council. With everyone remaining tightlipped, the incident was put down to an argument that had gotten out of hand and the colony moved on. Nixie found herself running the stables sooner than she’d imagined. Perhaps partly in shock, she put her head down and buried herself in work, finding solace in working with the animals. She worked day and night to keep the stables running and the house clean and stocked, and more often than not she refused offers of help. She became more and more distant from the other colonists until she became an outright loner. With all joy gone from the home she’d grown up in, the lifestyle had well and truly turned sour. By the time she was 18, she made the decision to leave it all behind. She sold the stables and house, using the money to get off the colony and out into the universe. After spending some time in awe of the stars and space out on a Starfleet run station, some spirit returned to her and she was determined to explore as much of the galaxy as possible. With that goal in mind, she applied to Starfleet. Nixie was turned down on her first application, but it only strengthened her resolve and she was finally accepted into the Academy on her third try. She thrived under the challenges presented, even if she still struggled when it came to the classroom. What she lacked in academia she made up for in survival skills and physical prowess. It came as no surprise to anyone when she ended up in Security. With a more focussed syllabus, she soon started to reach her potential. Indeed, by the time she was in her final year, she was offered specialist training to become a Starfleet Ranger. Nixie agreed without hesitation, despite it requiring another year of training. The Starfleet Rangers were a specialist unit dedicated to enforcing law and order out on the edges of Federation space. The irony wasn’t lost on her, having joined Starfleet to escape her backwater colony home, but she also understood why the instructors felt it made her a perfect candidate. Who better to work with colonists so far away from the stronghold of the Federation than someone who had grown up in such a place? The training was intense, covering everything from specialist survival skills, how to train colonists in law enforcement, peacekeeping, advanced combat, investigations and guerilla tactics. Independence and confidence was key, as Rangers could work in teams from a ship, teams on the ground, or even be sent out in pairs or alone. Their word was law on the fringes of the Federation and their decisions and actions could affect a lot of people. It wasn’t a position to be taken lightly, and having grown up on such a small, far flung colony, with her own parents dying as a result of vigilante action, Nixie understood that better than anyone. She was sent to work with a team of Rangers on a tiny ship called the Fortitude as her first posting. They were stationed out on the Federation frontier, patrolling the sector to keep the peace and answering any and all calls for help from the colonies and stations. She took to it like a duck to water, the colony born woman finding keeping order in someone else’s territory a natural balancing act. It was often a hard and thankless job, laying down the law with no back up, but she understood the consequences to innocent people when order broke down out on the fringes, and it kept her focussed. After three years she was moved to a shuttle to work with a partner, Nathan Turner, and the pair were sent out to work alone. They tended to stay on colonies for longer stints at a time, where law and order needed to be better established. It made for a more complex and nuanced role, but they worked well together and found a rhythm. Their luck run out after a couple of years though, when a routine call for help ended in the death of Turner. His death hit her hard, the intensity of their work together having formed a strong bond between the pair. After a medical leave, HQ decided that it was best for her to take a break from the Rangers while she recovered, a usual tactic when Rangers found themselves burnt out. She was assigned as Assistant Chief of Security on a regular Starfleet ship, the USS Harper. She wasn’t pleased to be sent there but it allowed her to brush up on regular fleet protocols and politics, having spent so long out on the frontier. And news of building tension and hostility with the Cardassians and a new found power did not sit well. It was that threat which instigated her return to the Rangers, and she agreed on one condition; she worked alone. It wasn’t unknown for the resource stretched Rangers to work alone where needed, and they trusted her record, so she was sent out in her own shuttle to keep order on the frontier. About 6 months of dealing with growing territorial hostilities, all out war was declared and it hit the border colonies hard. Nixie was tasked with everything from keeping law and order in the chaos to helping resistance on the ground. It was brutal, dirty and relentless. When the war came to an end, Nixie was half dead from exhaustion, injury and savage conditions, and she was put on medical leave. This time, she didn’t argue when she was transferred to the regular fleet for a break from the demanding duties of the Rangers, taking the Acting Chief of Security spot on the USS Wellington for some months. She expected to go back to the Rangers after, but instead she was sent to the USS Concord as their Chief of Security. She didn’t understand why and had been ready to fight to get back to the Rangers until the secret mission of the ship was revealed to her. An experimental trip into the Delta quadrant to rescue Voyager. Understanding why they wanted someone with Ranger experience for a journey to the unknown, she agreed to take the position. |
Service Record | 2361-2365 – Starfleet Academy, Security & Tactical Training 2365-2366 - Starfleet Rangers Training 2366-2371 – Starfleet Rangers 2371-2373 – USS Harper, Assistant Chief of Security & Tactical 2373-2375 – Starfleet Rangers 2375 – USS Wellington, Acting Chief of Security & Tactical 2375-Present – USS Concord, Chief of Security & Tactical |