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Sat Mar 8th, 2025 @ 8:49pm

Lieutenant JG Kahlin

Name Kahlin

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Light brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Kahlin is a slender human female with sharp features. She has light brown hair but will often lighten it to a blond before forgetting about it. As a result she usually have visible roots growing through.


Father Torghn, son of Bar’el (adopted father)
Mother B’Enja, daughter of Teurg (adopted mother)
Other Family Lieutenant Jason Moriarty (deceased)
Lieutenant Dawa Moriarty (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kahlin is calm and collected, an observer of others and situations. She can be perceived by some as sneaky, because she will hang back and see what happens in a discussion. However when it comes to defence of those she is loyal to, she will step up like a Klingon warrior and hold nothing back. She is a woman shaped by her upbringing in a society that praised aggression, while she herself didn’t have much of it in her personality. She is smart and a quick learner and values honour, especially honour of her House. When it comes to social interactions she is a bit more reserved until she feels comfortable with her select friends.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kahlin is intelligent and notices smaller things about people, usually their capabilities as fighters. She is a good fighter herself, by human standards, just based on being raised by Klingon warriors, even if she prefers not to put her knowledge to use. She is a good engineer because she is willing to risk whatever to get something done.

However this means she can sometimes go too far and not see the value of others. She also doesn’t know when to stop talking if she is arguing, her manner coming across as sharp and harsh. She is not much of a cuddler.
Ambitions Kahlin wants to one day become a Chief Engineer or design a new type of Warp Core.
Hobbies & Interests Kahlin enjoys practicing fighting with her bat’leth, always saying she had one in her hand by the time she could crawl (although she will also add that she couldn’t lift it until she was 11). She enjoys games of strategy and chance, especially with dice. She is also currently learning how to ride a horse on the holodeck.

Personal History Kahlin, born Dhanvi Moriarty, was born on the USS Pandora, a small science ship. Her parents, Lieutenant J. Moriarty and Lieutenant D. Moriarty were both scientists working on the ship. While records are scarce as what happened, an investigation showed that the USS Pandora suffered catastrophic failure and life support went offline, killing the crew. The reason for the infant being the only survivor was most likely that one of her parents put her in an escape pod. While four escape pods were launched from the USS Pandora, none were ever recovered, and Starfleet listed the crew as MIA.

Kahlin’s story starts when Torghn, son of Bar’el of the House of Taghr, came across a humanoid baby on one of the moons in Klingon space. He had gone there for mediation after the loss of his daughter, at the age of three months. Seeing it as a sign, his daughter restored, he named her Kahlin in honour of Kahless and took the infant with him home. His spouse, B’Enja, recognised it as a human child and urged her husband to either return it to its people, or let it die. But Torghn had looked into the eyes of the child and would not let her go.

Kahlin grew up in the House of Taghr, a minor House of Warriors. Her adoptive mother came from a line of warriors and, after a few years, accepted the baby as her own. Kahlin was taught how to fight from an early age and the religious texts of the Klingons. She was always slight though and while she learned the moves and how to fight, she was always defeated by anyone who went against her. Her mother became more and more annoyed at this, but what her father liked what that every time she was knocked down she got up again, no matter how much she bled or how hurt she was. During her studies she also showed an interest in engineering, fascinated by the way an engine worked. She started drawing them, changing them and in the end building them, showing a talent. Knowing that while engineers were always needed and appreciated, her talents would never truly be appreciated by his people, Torghn sat down with his daughter and explained the world to her…and the Federation. Kahlin stayed silent through it, but when asked if she would be willing to try a life in the Federation, even if it meant she’d leave Qo’nos, she nodded.

Two months later, Kahlin went on a Klingon freighter to Federation space. She explained she was a human but didn’t know who she was. A few hours later, she knew the name she had been born with, but felt no connection with it. Despite the Counselor trying to get an emotional response from her, Kahlin was oddly calm and factual about it all. People died, it was normal. She lived. It was all that mattered and she didn’t know her birth parents. Whenever someone tried to use her Federation name, she would correct them, preferring to use Kahlin. It was also the name she would apply to Starfleet with.

She joined Starfleet in 2364, passing the requirements and exams to go to Starfleet Academy as an Engineer. She struggled at the Academy, not always getting along with her peers. She didn’t know how to best act around non-Klingons and would challenge people to fight if they angered her. It did get better the more she observed and the more she learned and in the end she started watching people before letting her upbringing get her into a fight. She did show to be a good Engineer Cadet though, graduating in 2369 after having to repeat a year after failing one of her written exams.

Her first posting was the USS Noble, where she would serve during the duration of the Dominion Wars as well. Kahlin found herself working more than sleeping during the darker days of the war, which seemed to get more and more desperate. She would often try and reach out to her parents during this time, her father being stationed on the IKS B’Moth. During the war, the Noble lost her Captain and First Officer, with the Second Officer taking command. As the Second Officer was also the Chief Engineer, Kahlin found herself stepping up in somewhat of an ‘Assistant’ role in Engineering.

After the war ended, she was transferred to the USS Delaware, where she served as an Engineer, before she was approached for Project Concord, based off the designs she had submitted to the Starfleet Engineering Corps for a new warp core.
Service Record 2364-2369 Starfleet Academy, Engineering
2369-2375 USS Noble, Engineering
2375-2375 USS Delaware, Engineering
2375-Present USS Concord, Engineering