Deck Listing

A Deck (Pod) · B Deck (Pod) · C Deck (Pod) · D Deck (Pod) · Deck 1 - Saucer Section · Deck 2 - Saucer Section · Deck 3 - Saucer Section · Deck 4 - Saucer Section · Deck 5 - Saucer Section · Deck 6 - Saucer Section · Deck 7 - Saucer Section · Deck 8 - Saucer Section · Deck 9 - Saucer Section · Deck 10 - Saucer Section · Deck 11 - Saucer Section · Deck 12 - Saucer Section · Deck 13 - Saucer Section · Deck 14 - Saucer Section · Deck 15 - Saucer Section · Deck 16 - Saucer Section · Deck 17 - Stardrive Section · Deck 18 - Stardrive Section · Deck 19 - Stardrive Section · Deck 20 - Stardrive Section · Deck 21 - Stardrive Section · Deck 22 - Stardrive Section · Deck 23 - Stardrive Section · Deck 24 - Stardrive Section · Deck 25 - Stardrive Section · Deck 26 - Stardrive Section · Deck 27 - Stardrive Section · Deck 28 - Stardrive Section · Deck 29 - Stardrive Section · Deck 30 - Stardrive Section

A Deck (Pod)

B Deck (Pod)

C Deck (Pod)

D Deck (Pod)

Deck 1 - Saucer Section

Bridge, CO's Ready Room, Conference Room, Observation Deck

Deck 2 - Saucer Section

Junior Officers' Quarters, Environmental System Controls, First Officer's Office

Deck 3 - Saucer Section

Junior Officers' Quarters, Primary Sensor Array, Upper Shuttlebay, Upper Maintenance Hangar, Auxiliary Offices

Deck 4 - Saucer Section

Main Shuttlebay, Main Maintenance Hangar, Flight Control Operations Center, Work Bay

Deck 5 - Saucer Section

Lower Shuttlebay, Lower Maintenance Hangar, VIP Quarters, VIP Accommodations, Primary Communications Array

Deck 6 - Saucer Section

Transporter Rooms 1-4, Main Science Labs 1-10, Chief Science Officer's Office

Deck 7 - Saucer Section

Arboretum, Hydroponics Bay, Auxiliary Deflector Control

Deck 8 - Saucer Section

CO's Quarters, XO's Quarters, Senior Officers' Quarters, VIP Quarters

Deck 9 - Saucer Section

Junior Officers' Quarters, Enlisted Crew Quarters, Stellar Cartography (Main Entrance), Officers' Mess Hall, Crew Mess Hall, Aft Docking Hatch, Nursery and Childcare Facilities, Classrooms

Deck 10 - Saucer Section

Ten Forward Lounge, Stellar Cartography (Lower Bay), Holodecks (Upper Bay), Fusion Reactors 1-4, Saucer Impulse Engines, Main Computer Core (Level 1), Saucer Docking Hatches

Deck 11 - Saucer Section

Holodecks 1-4 (Main Entrance), Holosuites, Gymnasium 1-2 (High Bay), Banquet Halls, Security Office, Brig, Main Computer Core (Level 2)

Deck 12 - Saucer Section

Sickbay, Counseling Offices, Sickbay Main Computer, Surgical Ward, Neo-natal Ward, Biohazard Ward, Critical Triage Ward, Primary ICU, Overflow ICU, Trauma Stasis Unit, Medical Sciences Ward, Main Computer Core (Level 3)

Deck 13 - Saucer Section

Cargo Bays 1-2, Residential Quarters, Primary IDF Generators

Deck 14 - Saucer Section

Cargo Bay 3-4, Residential Quarters, Cargo Loading Doors

Deck 15 - Saucer Section

Cargo Loading Doors, Maintenance Bay 1, Armory

Deck 16 - Saucer Section

Captain's Yacht Docking Port, Secondary Communications Array

Deck 17 - Stardrive Section

Crew Quarters, Upper Mess Decks, Tactical Sub-Systems Control

Deck 18 - Stardrive Section

Crew Quarters, Auxiliary IDF Generators, Sensor Maintenance

Deck 19 - Stardrive Section

Crew Quarters, Lateral Sensor Arrays, Secondary Computer Core (Upper Level)

Deck 20 - Stardrive Section

Crew Quarters, Lower Mess Decks, Sensor Sub-Systems Control, Secondary Computer Core (Lower Level)

Deck 21 - Stardrive Section

Holodecks 5-6 (Holosuites), Deuterium Storage, Main Probe Storage

Deck 22 - Stardrive Section

Structural Integrity Field Systems, Deuterium Storage, Matter Injectors, Forward Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Loading Mechanism, Torpedo Bay, Graviton Polarity Generator 1, Shuttlebay 2, Shuttle Maintenance

Deck 23 - Stardrive Section

Main Navigational Deflector Dish, Graviton Polarity Generators 2-4

Deck 24 - Stardrive Section

Main Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office, Storage Bays 1-6, Graviton Polarity Generator 5, Sensor Maintenance

Deck 25 - Stardrive Section

Science Labs 11-15, Engineering Labs 1-3, Maintenance Bay 2

Deck 26 - Stardrive Section

Aft Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Loading Mechanism, Torpedo Bay, Defensive Shield Systems, Primary Shield Network Generators, Secondary Probe Storage

Deck 27 - Stardrive Section

Environmental Support, Waste Management, Maintenance Bay 3, Maintenance Equipment

Deck 28 - Stardrive Section

Cargo Bays 5-9, Replicator Matter Tanks, Secondary Shield Network Generators, Forward Tractor Beam Emitter

Deck 29 - Stardrive Section

Antimatter Generator, Antimatter Storage Pods, Antimatter Supply Manifold, Machine Shops and Fabrication Centres, Auxiliary SIF Generators

Deck 30 - Stardrive Section

Aft Tractor Beam Emitter, Antimatter Generator, Antimatter Injectors, Antimatter Loading Hatch, Warp Engine Core Jettison Hatch