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Posted on Wed Feb 19th, 2025 @ 5:51pm by Lieutenant Makai ("Kai") Nokamura & Lieutenant JG Kahlin & Ensign Valerie Sheldon & Warrant Officer Melina Slusarski & Crewman Vakra Kor & Gr'Thor

1,051 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 3 - Discord of the Mind
Location: Engineering

Vakra put a message scroll container on Gr'Thor's collar. Then he put flowers in his mouth. "Go find Lt Kahlin."

Gr'Thor trotted in like he owned the place, the same way he goes everywhere. He sniffed around the engineers and technicians. He passed Kai and Melina. Then he found Kahlin and sat down in front of her.

Khalin looked at the hound, eyes widening at the flower before she sighed. She leant down, speaking in Klingon. "Now what I am going to do with you," she said before she saw the scroll, holding it.

Ms. Melina Slusarski, a damage control specialist that had been assigned to project concord shortly before the starship's departure had noticed the large creature enter engineering. She glared at it, knowing it belonged to one of the crew, but why they had felt the need to let the beast roam the ship was beyond her.

"That thing had better not scratch anything or shed a hair" the warrant officer commented. "We have enough damage as it is, and the last wild thing they allowed in here actually held a rank" Slusarski added, referring to Lieutenant Chaika that had been Chief Engineer before Kai's promotion as it were.

"Kahaha," Kai, PADD in hand as ever, uttered as he stopped short. "Someone notify its owner and tell them to get down here right away. That should not be wandering around Engineering. Ever."

Melina grabbed a hyperspanner and waved it to grab Ensign Sheldon's attention, the ops officer had been down in engineering assisting with repairs. "Valerie," Melina called out. "I think the circuitry of this console is shot" added the engineer. "Got anything in that magical bag of yours? We may need to replace the whole circuit board."

“I may be able to come up with something” Valerie said with a smile and started working on ideas.

Work on the deflectors was proceeding. Dorsal, forward, and port shields were down and repair crews were systematically checking the emitters and field generators, swapping out parts as needed to get the shields up as quickly as possible. Kai, standing at the engineering console, was checking on repair progress. Teams would rotate at the end of their shifts while technicians would work on repairs the damaged parts. Out here in the Delta Quadrant, everything that could be needed to be saved. Repairs along the EPS Conduit were nearly complete and that was good news, Kai thought, he could add to the report he'd be sending up to the Bridge.

With everyone working around her, Khalin opened the scroll, frowning as she read it, her eyebrows drawing together.

The scroll said, "'SoHvaD parmaq vISIQ'. Once he had done his job, Gr'Thor got up and left.

Seeing Kahlin reading, Kai walked over and stood beside her, head cocked to one side. "So ...," he said quietly, "what's so urgent that it couldn't wait to be delivered to your quarters?"

Kahlin's nostrils flared for a moment and her jaw tightened. "Courtship," she finally said, blunt at it. "Why is beyond me, I am a human to him." She did not throw away the scroll though, that would be...dishonourable. Like a challenge, she would have to tell him face to face. "Not Klingon."

"I see," Kai said. "Klingon courtships can be ... scary ..." He laughed. "Alright, hopefully you can handle this without that beast showing up down here again. Not a place for animals. Even trained ones."

She looked at Kai before she raised an eyebrow. "I do not control the animal. He is not mine," she said and stood, sighing. Handle it. How did she handle it. "It'll keep. Where do you need me?"

"Follow me," Kai said as he walked over to the main engineering console. He took a look at the display and turned toward her. "There are still a couple of problem spots along the EPS Conduit." He pointed to two points. "Here and here. The power drop isn't large but it still needs to be addressed."

Kahlin looked at them before she nodded, reaching to tie her hair back. "I'll get on it. Can't have the EPS conduit decide it wants to die an honourable death on us after all," she said, lightly, before creaking her neck a little. She paused, looking at Kai for a moment. Clearly considering something before dismissing it, yet it was written on her face. She was considering whether to lie to her new suitor to say she already had a mate and had eyed Kai as a potential for the make-believe role.

Kai who had been nodding his agreement, stopped, taking in the expression of her face and the way she paused. "Something else on your mind," he asked.

She sighed and shook her head. "A stupid cowardly idea of pretending I was already in a courtship to throw him off the scent. But it could have been dangerous for the person pretending," she said and shook her head. "I'll deal with it myself. Even if it means fighting him."

"You shouldn't have to fight him. After all, this is Starfleet not the Klingon Empire," Kai said quietly. "The man needs to respect cultures other than his own and not force you into a violent confrontation because you are rebuffing his advances." He paused a moment. "I'll pretend to be your boyfriend if you want. Mostly, so I can set him straight."

She looked at him before she gave a small nod, embarrassed. "It may be...more the Starfleet way," she said, meaning it as she watched him. If she had to handle it herself, someone would physically be hurt. And she was certain it would not be her.

"Alright," Kai said, "though I'd like you to be there. What's his name?"

"Vakra Kor," she said after a moment, meeting his eyes. "The Klingon. You'll...have seen him around the ship I suspect." She sighed and shook her head, frowning as she rubbed her forehead. It was a rough gesture yet it wasn't to inflict pain. It was to clear her mind a little.

"Name the time and place and I'll be there," Kai said. "We'll get this straightened out."

"I will," she said, giving him a firm nod. "I am in debt to you, Lieutenant Nokamura. On my honour."


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