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Medical Check Up: Driskill

Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 5:03am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

698 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: USS Concord | Deck 12 | Sickbay

True to his word, Doctor Gaeta had booked in the Captain for a medical baseline check up. As much as he found the medical histories of the personnel helpful, he preferred getting a proper baseline. It would be needed. He sat back in his chair, reaching for the cup of jasmine tea to sip. He liked the taste and fragrance of it, a treat that made him feel far more civilised than he was. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck for a moment. Sickbay was impressive. And comfortable. Even the chair and desk were made for someone of his height. Good, he wanted to avoid back problems if he was going to spend a lot of time sitting down and taking notes.

Captain Driskill had given his word that he would be at his scheduled medical check up and he was a man that tried to keep his word. Sure there were times he had to miss a routine medical exam due to circumstances beyond his control but he was right on time. Tyler took a deep breath and stepped into the main area of sick bay, looking for the Chief Medical Officer he had met earlier in the week.

Roan looked up as he saw him come in, smiling as he stood. "Captain Driskill. Right on time," he said, clearly pleased at that. He took a deeper breath and walked over to the nearest biobed, patting it. "You know the drill. Any aches, pains, bothers or concerns?"

Tyler knew the drill and went and hopped up on the biobed. He thought for a second and nothing had been bothering him “other than the occasional headache I’m pretty healthy, Doc.” After a quick pause “I work out regularly and eat pretty decent” Tyler smiled “but I do enjoy caffeine@ it was probably his biggest vice.

"Caffeine I'm not too worried about," Roan admitted as he reached for the medical tricorder. "Computer, display vitals on biobed 4..." he looked at the results there. Heart rate, blood pressure, oxygenation. "Not with your resting heart rate either." He glanced at him, meeting his eyes. "Tell me about the headaches. When you get them, where you get them."

“Usually here” Tyler put his hand up to his temple and the front of his head. “They normally only show up when it’s been a particularly stressful day” the Captain admitted.

"Stress headaches," Roan said and grimaced, nodding as he watched him. "I suggest that in those situations, you...take a break. Away from screens, bright lights...hydrate and try and calm your body and mind. Of course, unless we're at red alert."

“I’ll keep that in mind” the Captain chuckled. “The hydrating I can probably stay on top of” he smiled “the breaks I can’t promise.”

"Yeah, yeah..." Roan said with a small smile, scanning him. "I hear that all the time. Turning your head away and looking to the stars for two minutes will do your eyes and mind a universe of good."

“Yes doctor” Tyler would make an attempt to do as he was instructed.

Roan's smile grew at hearing that. "Thanks. Makes my life easier," he said almost playfully. He looked at the results, taking them all in. "You're a very fit man, Captain Driskill. Heart and lungs are especially good."

“I make every effort to stay out of the med bay” the Captain chuckled.

"You and every other Starfleet officer I've ever met. You'd think we were executioners rather than healers," he said with a warm smile, checking the results. "You're all good. And I have the baseline I needed for you."

“Thank you” Tyler smiled “that mean I’m a free man” he asked jokingly.

" away, Captain," Roan said with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow at the other man. "Can't have the crew think you actually like it in sickbay, they might try and mutiny."

Tyler gave a chuckle “see you soon, doc” the Captain was odd the biobed and headed back to his duty. He expected everyone on his ship to comply with the standards and if they tried to skip out on their medical he’d visit them personally.


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