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Meeting the Yeoman

Posted on Fri Aug 18th, 2023 @ 10:55am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Crewman Avery Hawthorne

725 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord

The morning has been jam packed with one meeting after another. Several of the meetings seemed to be for no other reason than a long winded Admiral wanted people to listen to them speak. However that was just part of being on Starfleet, most of those people had earned the right to wear the rank and have an audience to chat at.

The next two hours… the next two hours belonged to Tyler. He was going to eat a meal that wasn’t replicated, he figured it would be the last for a while and he was going to relax a little bit. Perhaps get a massage at one of the places on the starbase before yreturning to his ship. “Tyler Driskill for lunch” he said and checked in with the hostess.

Before long Tyler was enjoying his meal and a nice glass of wine. His view was a window view with the massive planet below the starbase.

"Captain Tyler?" a smiling and youthful looking yeoman came into view on the otherside of the Captain's table. Their longer blonde hair was loose seeing as they weren't officially on duty on the ship yet, and they wore a tailored jacket and trousers instead of a uniform.

Tyler blinked a few times, he wasn’t used to being called Captain Tyler. “Yes… I guess that’s me.”

"I thought so, I recognised you from your picture," Avery motioned to him with a gentle smile. In fact, he looked like he hadn't changed much. He looked like he worked out. A lot. Maybe there was just a touch more grey in his beard? "I'm Avery Hawthorne, your new Yeoman."

With a hint of surprise to his voice “my… my new Yeoman.” Tyler took a sip of his drink “ I wasn’t aware a Yeoman had been assigned.”

"Oh..." Avery's smile faded a little at the realisation and they cleared their throat. "Of course, sorry. They must have thought that the ship needed some admin support. I was also told that my ear for languages might come in handy now and then. I am."

“Well” a smile grew on the Captains face “I’m sure the brass thinks we can use all the help we can get where we are going. I’m glad we will have you aboard, Avery. Want to tell me a bit about yourself?”

Avery visibly relaxed a little more at the reassurance, nodding with a small smile as they tried to think on what might be useful. "So...Avery Hawthorne, they, them...I joined up to help the war effort, but this is my first posting," Avery admitted with a half shrug. "Organisation comes naturally to me so this seemed like the obvious choice. My instructors agree."

Tyler gave a nod “how are you at planning events” he asked with a smile. “A crew mixer with a chance for the brass to come give their inspiring speeches.”

Butterflies fluttered in Avery's stomach for a moment, but they nodded quickly with a smile. "All part of the job," Avery assured, for both of them. "It sounds like a nice idea...although, there were quite a lot of speeches at the Academy too..."

“Very good” Tyler smiled “I’ll get you the details.”

"Great," Avery straightened up, nodding with approval, pleased to be helping the Captain out. "Unless you want to know anything else, I can leave meal..." Avery's words slowed down at the realisation that they'd gate crashed what was clearly meant to be a nice, quiet meal out.

“Thank you crewman unless you are hungry and care to join me?” Tyler asked with a smile.

Avery watched him with surprise, taking a moment. Avery wasn't necessarily the best at judging social cues. It was confusing, because sometimes someone made an offer to be polite, but the done thing was to say no, not to impose. But how did you tell? " that a real offer?" they finally just asked to save the deliberation.

“A real offer” Tyler asked looking up at them. “Don’t feel obligated, crewman but if you are hungry” he gestured toward the chair across from him.

Avery nodded quickly, smiling warmly as they settled in the seat to join him, not wanting to squander the opportunity. "Then I would very much like that, Sir."


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