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A visit to engineering

Posted on Thu Aug 24th, 2023 @ 8:59am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Chaika

766 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 24 | Main Engineering | USS Concord

Captain Driskill was nervous about the assignment given to the USS Concord but he was confident in the people Starfleet chose for the mission. He was on his way to Engineering to meet one of those talented individuals. Stepping into the main area of Engineering he gave a slight smiled and looked around for the Lieutenant.

A short little female alien stepped out of the engineering work area. She had cat like ears on her head, a long tail and silvery hair tied up in pigtails. She looked like a teenager, but actually this was Lieutenant Chaika, the sjips Chief engineer.

She immediately spotted the red collate amongst the sea of gold. "Greetings," she said as she approached the larger Human. "You must be Captain Driskill? I heard you coming."

“That is correct” Tyler watched as a young man with the rank of Ensign zipped by him. “And you are Lieutenant Chiaka” he had been told she was instrumental in Project Concord he extended his right hand in greetings.

At first Chaika stared at the captain's hand. "Oh. Yeah!" She exclaimed as she gently held it, her tiny fingers dwarfed by the Humans. She was still learning about Human customs and the need for physical contact was one of them.

“I’d say welcome aboard” Tyler smiled “but you know the Concord better than most.” Looking around the engine room “so what’s the latest and will we be ready to launch on schedule” he had to take care of business first.

A mischeavous smile spread across the young looking woman's face. "I believe we shall be ready. The new transwarp drive has been performing well in simulations. Plus we've made a lot of changes to accommodate for the extra stress," she explained. "Is there something specific you desire to see?"

“No” Tyler admitted “just wanting to make sure we depart on schedule and make it to our destination in one piece.”

The small woman nodded. "I'm sure we should be fine," she replied giving him a smile.

“I’d like you to work with Lieutenant Gulati” the Captain paused “our other expert on the Borg and their technology. I’m sure the two of you will find each other’s knowledge quite beneficial.”

"Lieutenant Gulati. Yes, I shall endeavour to seek the Lieutenant out." She replied.

“In the mean time tell me about yourself” he smiled “I’ve haven’t had the opportunity to meet one of your people before.” The curiosity in Tyler was josh part of his human nature and as a member of Starfleet he was alllwed to explore that curiosity.

"You most likely will never meet any after me. There isn't many of us now. Our world was assimilated by the Borg. I was born on a fleeing ship twenty nine cycles ago," she told him. "So we're my six... what do you humans call them... children?" She paused for a moment. "They are back on our colony whilst I repay the debt we owe to your people for saving us."

“I don’t think anyone in the Federation would say you owe them anything” Captain Driskill explained “as you know by now that’s just kind of what we do.” He smiled “wow six children I bet you sure do miss them” he had no idea what it was like to have children.

"I do. However they all have their own lives and aspirations. They are part of our community. My oldest is currently sixteen cycles, she has already mated so I will have second children shortly. I believe you Humans call them 'grand-children'". Chaika explained. "My others are not far behind and will be mated soon, just like I was."

“Well congratulations Grandma” of course it was the Human term Tyler was using but he figured she would know he meant well.

"Grandma... interesting word," Chaika said in response.

“Sorry” Tyler said softly “it’s one term Humans use for mothers whose children have children” a soft smile on his face. He hoped that cleared things up for his Chief Engineer.

"I see," Chaika replied. "Humans have many names for many things."

With a chuckle Tyler said “that’s true.”

Chaika's tailed swished from left to right as she stood there. "Is there any other information you require?" She asked curiously cocking her head to one side.

“Not at this time” the Captain gave a nod and slight smile. “Glad to have you aboard, Lieutenant.”

The tiny engineer nodded. "I appreciate having the opportunity."

With the end of their conversation, Tyler left engineering with confidence.


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