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Welcome home Lieutenant Carter

Posted on Sun Oct 29th, 2023 @ 2:02am by Captain Tyler Driskill & Lieutenant Kaelyn Carter
Edited on on Sun Oct 29th, 2023 @ 2:02am

698 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 1 | ready room | USS Concord

Captain Driskill sat in his ready room and reviewed the latest reports from different departments. Sipping on a cup of coffee he waited to meet his Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Carter.

Time, or perhaps the universe in general had been conspiring to constantly delay Kaelyn Carter’s arrival. From system malfunctions, a woman deciding now would be a good time to deliver her baby (it wasn’t) to a stubborn medic who seemed to have no interest in signing off on her return to duty until he was good and ready. While she knew her life should be a long one, she actually suspected she would spend most of it trapped in a waiting room listening to the Federation News Service on repeat.

Finally though, with a little time to spare, she found herself pressing the door chime and waiting to introduce herself to her new CO. She still had her kit bag, holding a few personal possessions, slung over her shoulder. Check in first, she had decided, then settle in.

“Come in” the Commanding Officer of the USS Concord called out, inviting the newest member of his senior staff in to meet him.

Taking the invitation, Carter stepped forward and the doors obligingly parted to let her enter the ready room. Her eyes swept the room before settling on the sole occupant seated behind the desk. “Lieutenant Kaelyn Carter, reporting for duty Captain,” she offered as she set aside her big before moving towards her new Commanding Officer. “Apologies for arriving a little later than expected.”

“You arrived before our scheduled launch tomorrow morning” Captain Driskill gestured toward the chair across from the desk he sat behind. “Welcome aboard” he smiled “long trip?”

Kaelyn gratefully sank into the offered seat, “thank you sir. And perhaps eventful is more apt than long. But I am here and looking forward to getting to work.”

Tyler gave a nod “well we have a long journey ahead of us” he figured as a Scientist Kaelyn was probably excited about their destination.

"Indeed," she added with a warm smile. "Once I drop off my bag I want to spend some time getting to know my department and my team better. I have a copy of the crew roster, seems a good mix of experience and new blood. A couple of civilian specialists but that isn't too unusual and I'm sure they will be great additions. But I guess, before all of that, I wanted to meet you and ask your thoughts? Any concerns on your side about the department, anything in particular you want us to be focused on in the build up to departure?"

“I have no concerns about your department, Lieutenant” Captain Driskill said with a note of confidence. “From what I’ve seen they seem like a fine group and as far as getting us mission ready” Tyler smiled “I’m sure this isn’t your first rodeo. When we launch of course I’d like you in the bridge keeping a close eye on the sensors.”

“Not a problem,” she assured him. “If you do think of anything, please, let me know.”

Tyler gave a nod and asked a question he thought was important “all caught up on what little we know about the Delta Quadrant?”

“I reviewed the information on the way here, as you say it isn’t a lot but as a scientist a part of me is quite excited about that. There is always danger in what we do but there is so much we don’t know and I have to admit I am more than a little curious to see what we find.”

“I agree” he smiled “how different will the Delta Quadrant be from the Alpha or will we find it not all that different” the Captain shrugged. “I guess we will find out sooner rather than later.”

“We absolutely will,” she enthused, “but if there is nothing else I’d like to stow my bag and make sure we are prepared before the real adventure starts tomorrow.

“Very well, Lieutenant” Tyler smiled “we launch at eight hundred hours” the following morning would be an adventure for them all.


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