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Medical emergency

Posted on Sun Apr 7th, 2024 @ 6:15am by Lieutenant JG Amanda Clark, MD & Lieutenant Chaika & Lieutenant Roan Gaeta

391 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Project Concord
Location: Deck 12 | Sickbay | USS Concord

Doctor Amanda Clark was trying to reassure her patient “we are almost there, Lieutenant” she was helping guide the stretcher and get Lieutenant Chaika to sickbay and to the more experienced Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Gaeta. As they pushed the stretcher into sickbay Amanda called out for additional staff “medical emergency” they were moving Chaika to the bio bed. Doctor Clark grabbed a tricorder and started taking initial scans.

“It’s going to be okay Lieutenant” Amanda hadn’t had the chance to meet the Chief Engineer but she knew this was Lieutenant Chaika, mostly because they told her when she came to engineering. Also Chaika was the first Asobi the Doctor had ever met or performed medical treatment on. She was scanning the Lieutenants brain since Chaika was unconscious she wanted to make sure she hadn’t suffered a head injury. “Lieutenant Chaika can you hear me?” Amanda asked seeing if she could get her patient to wake up with just verbal stimulation.

"What happened?" Roan walked over, frowning as he looked at the readings as well. Brain pattern looked good, so at least she wasn't braindead. Still unconscious, elevated heart rate. "

“From whah I understand a console exploded and the Lieutenant took the brunt of it” Amanda handed the Doctor the tricorder and let the Chief Medical Officer take over. She would assist if the Lieutenant needed her for anything.

He frowned at that, nodding as he reached for a hypo. "Okay," he said, accepting it and finding the explanation consistent with the injuries he was seeing. "I suggest we sedate her and start working on healing the injuries. Doctor Clarke, this is your patient, so you're in charge." He handed her back the medical tricorder, meeting her eyes. "I am happy to assist." It would be good to see her in action.

Amanda accepted the medical tool and took a deep breath in her nose and exhaled slowly. “Twenty five cc Merfadon should help with the pain.” According to the scans the Lieutenant’s blood pressure and pulse were slowly going down. “It’s going to be okay” the Doctor reached for the dermal regenerator and started taking care of some of the burns. “She seems to be in far less pain” Amanda looked down at the Bolian who was now asleep and then up at her colleague.


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