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Inside the War Room

Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 8:37pm by Lieutenant Nixie Wilde & Lieutenant JG T'Lar

1,143 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Death is Only the Beginning
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Before receiving the distress signal


It was 0630 and T'lar walked into Security and straightened her tunic before she pressed the door chime on the Chief's door and waited. As she waited, she recited a Vulcan mantra to center her thoughts.

"Come in!" Nix called out from behind her desk. She wasn't sitting though, rather she stood, leaning down to look at her screen, as if she'd been distracted on her way to something else. Her dark red hair was tied simply back, and the sleeves of her jacket were rolled up to her elbows.

As she entered she nodded slightly. "Good day Lieutenant, you wanted to see me?"

"T'lar, yes, come in..." Nixie motioned her over before retaking her seat and indicating she should take the one opposite her. "I thought we should catch up properly, we haven't had the chance yet."

T'lar entered and inclined her head slightly. "Indeed, that does seem an appropriate course of action." She slipped into a seat opposite the Chief's.

Nixie offered her a smile as she kicked her feet up to rest on the desk, crossed at the ankles. "How are you doing, T'lar?" she asked before anything else. With so much going on, it was a lot to take in.

"As a Vulcan I do not experience emotions like many species, however I feel.. fine. lf you are referring to our current distance from the Federation; it would be illogical to be concerned with something that is beyond our control."

Nixie gave a weak, half smile at the way she put it. She supposed she could understand the logic, even if it seemed impossible in practice, in her own experience of it at least. "Beyond our control, yes...but it leaves us with a long way to go to get home."

"Indeed it does. It is fortunate that the Concord is well equipped for long term missions. The lessons learned from USS Voyager will no doubt be an invaluable asset " the Half Vulcan replied. Her logic was sound; however she did still struggle with understanding the proper social queues.

"I guess the theory and the practice are often different things," Nixie gave a half shrug, clearly having been giving it some thought. "Did you volunteer for this mission or were you assigned?" she knew there was a mixture amongst the crew, and it would be natural for that to play a part in how someone might be reacting.

"I was assigned. My previous posting put in for maintenance and crew rotation. I was given the opportunity to either take a temporary assignment aboard the starbase or accept an assignment aboard a ship. I chose the latter." T'lar replied, her keen eye watching the Lieutenant's manorisms as they spoke.

Nixie nodded, but wondered if T'lar still felt she had made the right decision. She didn't ask though, deciding it wasn't her business. "What are your specialities?"

"The majority of my previous assignments have been deep cover assignments with StarFleet Intelligence. I am also a master marksman and excelled in tactical scenarios. I've mastered several forms of martial arts; including Klingon and Breen."

"Have you seen active combat?" Nixie asked as she considered the list that had been presented to her. Undercover work was almost always about avoiding combat rather than running into it.

"It is generally considered a failure if an undercover mission has devolved into a fire fight or all out conflict; however I have found myself in situations where the reliance on a phaser and tactics have been beneficial." The Half Vulcan replied. "I might add that as a Vulcan, we are not probe to the expression of fear or distraction in combat."

"Sounds pretty useful," Nixie nodded with a chuckle, trying to imagine combat without the pang of adrenaline. "Well it sounds like you have a good range of experience to draw from here. Although I'm hoping we won't need to put up a fight, but...well, that never quite works out, right?"

"I believe it was one of your military leaders who had said 'No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.' No one is able to foresee every circumstance. Fortunately it appears that the Concord and her crew have a high degree of adaptability that will no doubt serve well in in this quadrant." The half vulcan replied. "Even we Vulcans find comfort in not knowing what the future may hold. If one could plan for all eventuality; logic would dictate that progress would wain. The unknown is what Starfleet does best. Hostile situations is why Starfleet still has a security division."

"I like that attitude," Nixie admitted with a soft smile, understanding where she came from all too well. There was a reason she'd spent most of her career in the Rangers, out on the frontier. "Is there anything you'd like to ask while you're here? I don't have a lot of the details on our current situation, but I can try."

" I have read the reports; the unclassified reports to be precise. Do you anticipate any specific security precautions ahead of encountering some of the more aggressive species in the delta quadrant?"

"I've started going back through the limited data we received from Voyager again. Just in case we can glean anything more from it," Nixie nodded, letting out a soft breath. She knew that when it came to defence systems, power was going to be prioritised on a day to day basis to their journey. "We'll run training exercises as a department, but I'm also going to request ship wide drills."

"Drills would seem the logical course of action given the circumstances." T'lar replied. "My experience with intelligence will also benefit the crew in analyzing potential areas of hostility and gaining a clearer picture of the political landscape of the quadrant."

"Absolutely," Nixie nodded firmly as she folded her arms with a sigh. "With so little to go on from Voyager, we're going to be playing most of this by ear. Intelligence analysis is going to be crucial. The problem is we're almost going to have too much to plough through alone. We'll need to set up a robust triage system."

"I would agree " the Vulcan nodded.

"Well, unless there's anything else, I won't keep you any longer," Nixie offered her a small, half smile. "Despite the situation, I look forward to doing business with you."

The Vulcan nodded. "I too look forward to working together Lieutenant. It was most agreeable to converse with you." She said and stood for a few brief moments before turning to leave the office.

Nixie watched her leave, taking a slight breath as she eased back in her chair. She'd never worked so closely with a Vulcan before. It would certainly add a unique dimension to the team dynamic.


Lieutenant Nixie Wilde
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant JG T'Lar
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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